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SuiXi3D SuiXi3D
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Comments 335
What things would you standardize globally if you were the Supreme Leader? All violations punishable by death.
  • Anyone, regardless of status, race, wealth, sexuality, religion, etc. that violates anyone's fundamental human rights would be put to death. Period. Tolerance of intolerance breeds intolerance.

  • In Texas, violating campaign ethics laws rarely yields repercussions. The attorney general’s office is to blame.
  • You mean to tell me that Ken Paxton, known crook, is a crook?! Say it isn’t so!

  • *I want to be forever young*
  • Huh. The more you know.

  • *I want to be forever young*
  • I was told, at 36, that I’m ‘still young’ by my doctor. Lady, I’m literally halfway through life if you assume the average American lifespan of 72. That’s not young. I’m LITERALLY middle-aged.

  • Bacon tho
  • Maybe the one I had was just bad or something. I didn’t enjoy it.

  • Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event | Wilmington, DE.
  • Do the words ‘well regulated militia’ mean nothing to you people?

  • Bacon tho
  • 🙋‍♂️

    Parents owned a hog and chicken farm. Pro tip: never eat a rooster. Awful meat.

    I also used to go fishing and hunting with my parents all the time. I love me a good catfish.

  • What would a 3 hour work day be like?
  • It’d look like an 8 hour day with more overtime paid out.

  • Harris, endorsed by Biden, could become first woman, second Black person to be president
  • She’s a cop. ACAB. Didn’t like her when I voted for Biden the first time, don’t like her now.

    But she isn’t Trump, and that’s enough for now.

  • me_irl
  • Right up until the money runs out and you get evicted because nobody will hire you.

  • Strongbad Email #58 - Dragon (Trogdor the Burninator)
  • …with that big beefy arm, stickin’ outta the back of his neck there…

  • behold: dog
  • Try two-handing, but hole.

  • Compost
  • Diggy diggy hole...

  • 32 percent of Americans believe a military regime or authoritarian leader would be a good way of governing the country.
  • I remember reading long ago that the best form of government is actually a benevolent dictatorship. The problem is that dictatorships never stay that way and doing anything about it becomes extremely difficult, if impossible.

    So basically, leaving it all up to one person is a bad idea.

  • elon is a lame poser
  • The man wouldn’t last an hour working on an actual ranch.