The sales people almost always end up doing well in companies. And then when they get high up in the company they only value others ability to make sales and work for bonuses. As time goes on a company's e-suite gets more and more saturated with charismatic dummies who will do anything for a buck, leaving less room for good administrators and engineers.
Back on the old site on one of those text based subreddits there was a question posted:
Would you rather have free WiFi wherever you go, or any apple product you wish at any time.
My (then unrotted) brain was like: mmh WiFi everywhere is good, but apple cake, apple pie, apple sauce, apple spritz, apple cider, apple strudel, dried apples...
Yeah I'm going with apple products
Also bought his way up the organ donor list even after he took so long ignoring it, passing over a bunch of people who should have had claim to it and some who died instead, all just so he could die anyway because he took too long to get treatment. Failed so hard multiple people died.
He did get a transplant, in TN. Not in CA where he lived. He used his wealth to add himself to a areas with more donors and fewer on the wait list because he could hop on a jet unlike normal plebians.
You can literally just look on Wikipedia. Tim cook offered part of his, jobs said "nah I want a whole one from some poor person" and the rest is history.
Being rich makes you so divorced from consequences that you start to believe that what is in your brain is what is real. Money isn't what we think it is.
Money is like radioactive material. Having a little bit in your house probably is fine but having a mountain of it will make you hole up in a Las Vegas hotel with tissue boxes for shoes
I highly doubt the consequences of Dennis Richie not existing. Yes, his work was foundational, but he didn't do it on his own, and if he wasn't around, someone else would've filled in.
The same is true for Steve Jobs. In fact, most of his contribution was being a jerk to people so his ideas won. He had a clear vision, but his internal implementation was... iffy.
Fact of the matter is way more people know who Steve Jobs is compared to Dennis Ritchie, so it’s no wonder his death garnered way more attention too. But the sentiment still stands IMO
Only fanboys. The same kind that worship Musk or any other fellated-by-the-press CEO as some kind of hero. They softball any criticisms and turn them into positives - “He murdered a bunch of kids, but the creativity he got from the blood splatter and time spent in court-ordered community service got us this addictive device we’re all fawning over…let’s justify the ridiculous price and wait in line for one!” Something about objectively shitty people heading up organizations seems to attract sycophants and bootlickers.
Oh I wish. It’s more like 2/3 of American society, and I’m sure plenty of others around the world. But if you wanted to cast a wide net and call them fanboys of the rich, I guess that’s fair.
If you are worth billions, and even moreso if you are a business leader and therefore “earned” those billions, then “worship” is the right word. They are not just good people, but the greatest among us who should be put in charge of everything. (Enter our new emperor)
I mean, fucking up is a common thing people do and is an integral part of the human condition. What should be emphasized about Jobs case is that he fucked up his own liver, learned the cause and treatments, used his wealth to cut in the waiting line to get a liver transplant, and then fucked his second liver just the same way. This is the definition of terminally stupid, and no UX focus will ever change that.
I remember reading a story a while back about the documentary they were making on him. He had his special diet of juices and supplements and whatnot, which he claimed helped him while his liver was failing. The actor who portrayed him started following the same diet to better get in character. Only then he collapsed on set with liver problems. They did a full medical work up and basically told him whatever you're doing stop doing it because it's killing you. He went back to his normal diet and he was fine.
Raising the serious question, did Steve Jobs outsmart himself to death? If he had given up all the diets and supplements and whatnot might he have lived?
If "outsmart" is ignore people who know things because you believe you know everything....yes
A better description would be that he treated his body the way he treated his employees. Or he let himself believe his own reality distortion field. "Outsmart" is not the word I'd choose for a narcissistic asshole who thinks he knows better but in fact does not.
If he had pursued modern medical treatments rather than a sugar filled diet he might have lived. He would have to have stepped down though and he did not want to do that.
He would also have to admit he was completely wrong about his diet and that he absolutely did not want to do as it was tied to some dumbass "philosophy" he followed.
There is a distinct type of person, very good at one thing, that is unable to understand that doesn’t translate to the rest of their life. Easiest to describe them as a high int, low wis character.
I used to work as a court clerk and judges are like this. You cannot tell them anything because if they get it into their heads that they know better than you then they will completely ignore reality in favor of their own, largely arbitrary, fictional universe.
The best incentive ever not to commit a crime is to find out how utterly dysfunctional the legal system is.
The Alito brain is the end stage of this mentality.
"'Any' limitation?? Have you considered fish and birds aren't mammals? The principal wouldn't be happy! Checkmate EPA, now you can't enforce water quality standards." -SCOTUS last week.
Doctors failed to communicate the situation in a way he would grasp that his choices were death or chemo. Maybe a, "that's your choice? OK, before you go, how world you like us to handle your corpse? So you want a full autopsy to confirm the cancer diagnosis, or would you prefer we didn't? Is there a particular burial home you have plans with? "
But in all likelihood there's nothing anyone could have said to him to make him see reason.
There is a real systemic problem with healthcare. I dunno if it would have applied to Jobs, but with normal patients, the quick get-in get-out assembly line–like approach to healthcare means patients don't feel well taken care of, which is a stark contrast to pseudoscientific woo-woo like chiropracty, reiki, naturopathy, and other "alternative medicine", where the practitioners take their time and make the patients feel listened to. Is it any wonder that some people, especially those of minorities that have historically tended to be treated even worse by actual medical professionals (women's "hysteria", black people "feel pain less", fat people "just need to lose weight", etc ), are becoming more likely to embrace the thing that makes them feel good, rather than the thing that actually works?
IMO alternative medicine practitioners who discourage their customers from going to real doctors should be imprisoned. But the big problem is a lack of funding to real doctors to allow them to spend more time providing more personal care to patients.
People say he was good at marketing but really he was only okay at marketing. He got fined because everyone hated him. Then they completely mismanaged the company and had no choice but to bring him back, which of course just reinforced his ego.
The truth was they could have got any moderately competent CEO and they would have brought Apple back from the brink, just as much as Steve Jobs did. Look at Tim Cook, he's not doing an obviously worse job than Jobs did, but because he doesn't have the formers aura, people rightfully call him out every time he does something stupid.
The behind the bastards episode will teach you a lot about this piece of shit. Wozniak is the genius, this is just another predatory businessman. Good riddance.
Sure Wozniak invented the Apple I and II. But if he never met Jobs his inventions would have stayed a hobby and Apple would have never existed. Woz also didn’t push for an OS with a GUI (which was revolutionary back then) that was Jobs’ idea. Not to mention that Woz had nothing to do with Apple’s comeback. He has been an honorary employee since Jobs was fired. Woz is a genius but people give him way too much credit just like they do with Jobs.
Yknow, while I 90% agree with you there seems to be some element between the technical genius (Wozniak) and the idiot businessman that is Tim Apple.
Jobs may have been a piece of shit but there’s something to be said for the uncompromising non-technical focus on UX that allowed Jobs to make the iPhone a success.
If you like that they're all pretty solid, but I recommend you check out the MKULTRA episodes. I thought I knew about it, I didn't know the half of it. I didn't even know about the one way mirror masturbatorium.
Still remeber an interview to Buffet in his time when he used to hang with Bill Gates.
It surprised me he considered Gates a talented investor, like he shouldn't supposed to be. I mean Warren, Bill is an investor as much as you are. Even Buffet was confused from the "tech nerd" aura of Bill.
Same with Jobs, Musk and so on. They're just good investors (and usually despicable persons).
It's unfortunate because his leadership / sense of taste is what made Apple a powerhouse. Under Tim Apple, the software has languished. They're great at hardware and the software is far from great. What a shame.
He was a dick, but he had a good mind for products. He wasn't infallible, but he had a sense of taste that was useful in driving others who had greater skills than he.
Yeah computers were doubling in speed every 18 months back then. And there were competing products oftentimes years before Apple put out their version. Apple primarily put a lot of polish onto the technological innovations that were happening at the time.
Don't get me wrong polish is really important. Apple didn't invent the MP3 player or the smartphone. But the MP3 players before the iPod were really fiddley and janky. BlackBerries had a downright primitive look and feel next to an iPhone.
Also marketing... a lot of people didn't know MP3 players existed until they saw advertisements for the iPod.
He didn't create new products. He conducted the people who were creating new products and steered them. He wasn't a genius. He was good at guiding people who were.
"Sometimes, late at night, when I can't sleep, and it's just me, alone with my thoughts... I just... I can't help but feel... I should've called it Pear."
So they went ahead and picked the least habitable planet in our entire solar system to harbor a civilization? They should have said Europa, at least then it would have been moderately believable.
Fruit is really good for you! I try to eat a lot every day. It could help prevent illness. Won't cure it though!
Seriously kiwis are so good and two big ones are only 100 calories. An entire pint of blueberries is only around 170, and they are both fantastic nutritionally. Eat other stuff too though, for sure.
let me refer you to my good friend Valiant Thor (yes that's his name) who is a real bona-fide Venusian alien who is definitely a great person to give you health advice.
I'd be far more interested in learning more about the other folks on the Macintosh team. They're an amazing group of people who put a lot of care into something they believed in, Steve Jobs notwithstanding. What they did with what they had was amazing, and the fact that they got lost in Jobs' spotlight is tragic.
Dying elevates any career. It happens in sports all the time, a dead player is praised above better, still living players from their era. Senna and Prost come to mind
It's kind of an effort post. It's also just a "imagine if this other concept took off, because it didn't happen I can imagine an alternative history where it did take off" except the post doesn't exactly imagine the outcome, just seems to say "like we should have done this thing in the 60s and we didn't and look how bad capitalism is at making good things happen which is true but not an argument actually for anything.
Quora was at one point fine, it's just like all such sites.
being smart at something doesn't mean youre smart at everything. not that im saying that jobs was smart, but its not a given. e.g how there are scientists who are anti-vax
It's possible to be an asshole, selfish, insufferable, cruel, devient or do extraordinarily dumb shit while also being exceptionally intelligent and/or talented .
But Jobs was only the first half. Woz was the intelligent one, he just wasn't a greedy narcissist who stole from his friends (that was also Jobs if that's not clear).