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Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can Win and Make History
  • New rule :

    If you are a political figure who Pied-Piper’d and subsequently lost to Trump, then…

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • Not just that... she's fucking dumpstered some MAJOR R figureheads in front of congress during her tenure as a senator in the late 2010s.

    Examples (shout out to the Majority Report for having these archived) :

    Harris leaves Kavanaugh speechless

    Jeff Sessions says to Harris her questions make him nervous

    Harris leaves Barr "Stupidly Silent" during congressional hearing

    The only thing that would put a hamper on her ability to do something similar to him is Trump's lack of care when it comes to perjuring himself on a debate stage. If this was a formal hearing with formal consequences, her ability to make him look bad is much bolstered. On a TV stage where he can just lie and say dumb juvenile things? Probably a little less impactful, but still will be fun to watch.

  • Concerned Ape (Stardew Valley): I swear on the honor of my family name, i will never charge money for a DLC or update for as long as I live. Screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath.
  • Such an incredible game and a great humble developer. Honestly, there’s nothing I can think of to do to improve the game from a gameplay mechanics standpoint, but there are a few technical back-end things I do wish it had :

    1. Cross-platform compatible cloud-based save support. I want to be able to play in my same game save regardless of what system I play on. I don’t even mind paying for the game multiple times, but I want to have a singular Stardew account that I can sync somehow between PlayStation, Steam Deck, iOS, etc.
    2. Cross-platform multiplayer. If I want to play on my Steam Deck and hop into my spouse’s farm on the Switch or whatever… or have them be able to do so on mine.
    3. Mixing local and online co-op. If my kid wants to play with my spouse split-screen and I want to play on my desktop, again - would love to just be able to do so more seamlessly.
    4. Dedicated server support.

    I know at this point doing those things would be very hard from a technical standpoint since they’d probably require a lot of deep work in a code base that was not built to do any multiplayer to begin with, but I still would love if they could somehow do so or fork the base game to allow it to be done by the community.

  • For sale: How much influence does $50,000 buy you at the Republican convention?
  • Adult Americans, while also preconditioned by a purposefully weak education system, could know better if they chose to seek out more perspectives.

    Ever heard of the term “manufacturing consent?”

    Additionally, thanks to - as you succinctly put - the lack of education - I’d argue even more specifically in regards to media literacy - it is quite hard for many folks to realize what is and is not true, as well as how to figure out how to tell which is which using critical thinking skills.

    True it’s not the same as North Korea, but the issue is similar. Cult-like thinking that should not be taken as “fake” or “under duress” necessarily… but as a result of generational propaganda effectively radicalizing a populace for what you’d otherwise call absolute lunacy.

    The Germans weren’t faking their love of ol’ Dolph… and the Italians didn’t fake their love of “el duce.”

    They genuinely worshipped them.

  • Alamo Drafthouse announces reopening plan for 5 closed North Texas theaters
  • Hell yeah. I really want to go again soon!

  • For sale: How much influence does $50,000 buy you at the Republican convention?
  • Dude, none of those people have to be told to like him. It’s a cult.

    It’s strange to believe because we like the think none of us are susceptible to it… but these people love him in the same way a significant number of people of North Korea love Kim Jong-un.

    Yes, he’s a dictator. Yes, he’s horrible to them…

    But watch that documentary about the eye surgeons who came in to North Korea to literally gave them a cure for hundreds of people who basically were blind… who then cry and thank a picture of KJU rather than the doctors.

    It’s bizarre.

  • It’s Genuinely Surprising That Nancy Pelosi Is Pushing This Hard to Boot Biden
  • She was in the Capitol when the Jan 6th insurectionists showed up ready to lynch her.

    She knows what will happen if his people win. They took to a hammer to her husband‘s head and Trump joked about it. She’s finally realizing that this whole capitulating to capital in order to stave off the left - resulting in economic stratification and consequent ripening of the populace for demagoguery might spell the death of the Republic, but possibly also her very life as well.

  • Biden administration cancels another $1.2B in student debt
  • It’s probably a grand bougie conspiracy.

    Sarcasm detected loud and clear... but uhh... I kinda think it's not really that grand a conspiracy to think many people in power are just fucking dragons wanting to sleep on piles of gold motivated purely by greed.

    There's no collaboration or grand plotting needed. Lobbyists just walk up and say "money to not do the thing."

    ...And then they say "ok" and take the money.

  • Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no
  • AI in Real Life: “Dave, I see you only have beer, soda, and cheese in your fridge. I am concerned for your health. I can write you a reminder to purchase better food choices.” Dave: “THESE AI ARE EVIL, I WILL NEVER SUBMIT TO YOUR POWER!”

    More like :

    "Dave, I see you have beer, soda, and cheese in your fridge. Have you thought about ordering PRIME energy drink? There's a sale."


    "36 count case of PRIME energy drink ordered!"

    I said no.

    "changed PRIME energy drink 36 count case shipping to next-day air for $150.79!"


  • Behind the Curtain: Top Dems now believe Biden will exit
  • It’s because Biden and the rest of the octogenarian neo-liberals have been used to hanging out with their political rivals and playing like it’s a game TV wrestling.

    I kept thinking Jan 6th almost resulting in their literal lynchings by that insurrectionist mob would have snapped the beltway folks into focusing immediately on what they need to be doing right now, but Biden and the rest still act like Mitt Romney, John McCain, and even Mitch McConnell are the overwhelming majority of Rs in power. I don’t think Biden and many of these other old fucks realize how many Marjorie Taylor Greene’s and Lauren Boebert’s and Matt Gates there are in positions of power now.

    They will literally end their political enemies’ lives if they get back in full control of all 3 branches this time.

  • Biden administration cancels another $1.2B in student debt
  • Dude, you are preaching to someone who gets what will happen if folks don’t vote for Biden. Please do vote for him for the love of all that is decent and stable and a chance at an actual future for democracy.

    I’m not here to point out how it’s great that human brains are like this… I’m just trying to paint reality for you.

    Dumb monkey brain. Immediate simple reward. No complex means-tested mazes of garbage to wade through.

    Cancel all student debt. Make college tuition-free. Cancel medical debt.

    Do it, even if the Rs scream it’s illegal. Do it. And when they stop it with their corrupt rich-asshole appointed Supreme Court, point at the Rs and yell “SEE?! THEY DON’T YOU TO HAVE GOOD THINGS! THEY HATE YOU!” And expand the court. And then you win elections.

  • Biden administration cancels another $1.2B in student debt
  • Some people here just don't seem to get it.

    The people passionate enough to post here ARE going to vote for Biden... but we're not the ones that need CONVINCING. It's the normies who are not terminally online like you and me and everyone else here constantly scrolling Lemmy.

    And NO... what the Ds are doing now isn't enough. FDR's GI bill was. The New Deal was. Passing Civil Rights legislation that let black people vote was. The Rural Electrification Act - which provided safe and reliable electricity to every single neighborhood in America no matter how rural for the first time in history for many people who'd never even seen light outside of a candle... that was enough.

    Let me give you a story to explain our dumb monkey brains and why it's on our REPRESENTATIVES to convince the masses to show up :

    Every year, Denny's - a shitty breakfast joint in the US that's been around all over the place for decades - does (or at least used to do - I haven't checked in a while) a "free breakfast day" where they allow anyone who gets in the door that day free breakfast until they run out of food.

    ...And people go fucking nuts for it.

    In every instance you search on Google for "Denny's free breakfast day crowd" you can see that people lined up for BLOCKS for a shitty Denny's breakfast.

    Simple, popular, and a good enough thing that people will stand for an hour outside a shitty food place for a $10 plate of lukewarm pancakes, dry powdered eggs, and soggy bacon.

    Now let's pretend that the Democratic Party now runs Denny's for some reason. First off they'd never do a "free breakfast." They'd have a "bring a coupon" or a "if you show your ID that proves you're below X% of the current median salary or X% of the current poverty level adjusted for inflation" or a "mail in your receipt and in 5 weeks we'll give you a tax write-off you can get to reduce your tax debt as long as you itemize" day. Also you'd only get to do it once per decade or some other bullshit.

    So no one would show up. Because all the bullshit instead of just "free breakfast."

    But they don't even do that. Let's pretend the abortion issue is Denny's free breakfast day. Democrats would be saying "IF you don't come wait in line outside the Denny's for 2 hours in high enough numbers, we're going to cancel the 'bring a coupon for free breakfast that day' event we do every year."

    ...And people don't show up for that as much... because we have dumb monkey brains that want a candy bar or pancake right now.

    Now do you see why it's not really helpful to tell voters THEY have a responsibility? If you do a good job by telling people what you are going to do and its simple and tangibly beneficial, and then you DO it... or at least LOUDLY proclaim every moment you're in front of the bully pulpit why you aren't able to do so by righteously pointing out when the Rs and even the Joe Manchin types blocking it at every moment, turns out people DO show up.


  • Saving the planet
  • Yes… overall regular people cause about 1/5th of it…

    …But like 57 companies do ALL the rest. Seems a lot more simple we just stop electing Rs and neo-libs, and get laws passed that stop the major contributors, rather than preach to people who - if asked to sacrifice more than they already do (and shouldn’t have to if we first just target the major contributors who can afford to sacrifice much more easily) - will be easier for reactionaries to preach to (for example, see what happened with the Carter administration asking for regular folks to “sacrifice” driving their cars then paving the way for Reagan to de-regulate further)

    So both strategically and more effectively, we should target those companies with legislative efforts rather than shitting on Bon Jovi for telling people “let’s save the environment” right before he belts out another rendition of “It’s my life.”

  • Why is the Texas grid in such bad shape? A lesson in free markets and the failure of our elected leaders
  • TL;DR - de-regulation.

    Basically companies don’t want to pay to make shit freeze-proof, or provide ample surplus to cover when emergency conditions spike demand… so they don’t.

    Their unchecked ability to do cost-cutting / profit-maxing with inadequate infrastructure minimums set by government oversight = consumers bearing the consequences.

  • Saving the planet
  • We can do both… but focusing on making fun of hypocritical celebrities preaching about environmental issues as a way to do nothing but market their brand image, rather than pressing the cause for making far more impactful change… is like saying “I really need to go find some meds to help with this pain in my shoulder…” when your arm has just been cut off.

    Yeah, the meds might help and we should focus on stopping pain as well… but it probably would be more prudent to focus first (or at least primarily) on immediately stopping yourself from bleeding out and dying from your arm just being cut off.

    Prioritize the biggest and most impactful targets, and if you can manage, do the minor stuff as well.

  • Saving the planet
  • Because it’s the “environment” flavor of this classic right-wing framing :

    Just swap out “society” with “environment.”

    The issue is the comic implies that a few celebrities who use private airplanes and busses contribute any significant percentage impact in the overall degree of pollution to the world writ-large…

    …which is as silly as thinking making people use crappy paper straws will significantly impact plastic waste (when in reality, it instead has basically a negligible positive impact and instead provides easy ammunition to right-wing grifters who preach then how “they want to take away your good things to give you demonstrably worse eCo-FrIeNdLy alternatives!”)

    In truth, the overwhelming majority percentage of pollution is caused by a handful of massive corporate actors… usually in pursuit of cheaper costs and exploiting labor… ie if a company makes a bunch of heavy stuff they have to send on a massive pollution spewing container ship across the Pacific because that company can pay a Chinese factory worker $0.02 a day, they will.

    …But if we had things like international universal labor protections to keep companies from being able to exploit folks in 3rd world countries just to then ship goods producible within the native countries across oceans or penalties or carbon tax for having to ship goods on these massive cargo ships, it would provide incentive or punishment to stop the ACTUAL polluters responsible for the overwhelming majority of waste, pollution, etc.

    So yeah… Facebook boomer💩.

  • 343 Industries Has Allegedly Been Downsized Considerably, Upcoming Halo Titles To Be Largely Outsourced
  • No they won’t. 😄 the shit that happened with Halo becoming bad is literally a result of the previous tier of “outsourcing” - where Don Mattrick at XBox decided Bungie was too expensive to keep on board pumping out gold with the Halo franchise and so they literally spun up a BRAND NEW studio filled with greenhorns to handle their fucking flagship IP.

    Outsourcing done to make dev costs cheaper NEVER results in a better game.

    This is just a worse version of what made Halo shitty post Bungie. Now we’ll get to look back longingly at the relatively less shitty 343 era by comparison to what will be developed.

  • Metal Gear Solid's E3 Reveal Had The Syphon Filter Team "Despairing" | Time Extension
  • In the long run Metal Gear certainly outshined them, but I think the Syphon Filter games were ultimately very different and so it wasn’t like one was just a better execution and you had to ignore the other.

    One of my favorite little bits of goofy trivia between both series though was the joke in the dialog of MGS 3 : Subsistence where Snake asks the Colonel why “Sam” (presumably Sam Fisher of the Splinter Cell series) or “Gabe” (presumably Syphon Filter’s protagonist) couldn’t do the Ape Escape side mission instead since Snake said it wasn’t really his “thing.”

  • Ocasio-Cortez Loses the Democratic Socialists’ Endorsement Over Israel
  • Woo infighting!

    Just like always. We are so cooked.

  • Google Maps tests new pop-up ads that give you an unnecessary detour
  • Is Vermont really aa amazing as I’ve imagined it being?

  • Nintendo Direct song

    Just in case you missed and needed a TL;DW summary jingle.
