"Those who mimic the Nazi salute, even as a joke or an attempt to troll their opponents, trivialize the horror of the Holocaust," said the Anglican Catholic Church.
Awww, people are realizing a Nazi salute has consequences. Good for him!
Like all billionaires, Elon can (unfortunately) do whatever the fuck he wants and he will be okay. If your boss isn't fasscy then you're gonna get wrecked.
Ah yes. Elon's salute. The famous salute. Sounds OK to me if it's just a salute. Is there some simple way to describe this salute, to give the reader an idea if it's a good or a bad salute? I wonder if there would be a precise description for this salute, my dear journos?
Ah yes it's a nazi salute, of course. Easy to forget this adjective, since it's completely harmless and very mundane.
Oh yes, some people did recognise that the arm gesture in question may have been used by the Romans. Very neutral, we all know the Romans were around a long time ago, so..
Yeah, stop giving Elon a perpetual boner by calling this an "Elon" salute. Give credit where credit is due. Like you could say, I just took a giant Elon and everyone would indeed know what you meant, but you really should just say you took a big shit.
I do find it crazy that pcgamer is reporting this, because the rest of the news media has just faceplanted on journalism. Reminds me of the Bush Admin, when Rolling Stone Magazine was one of the only reliable sources of news thanks to the extreme corruption within the major publications.
Kinda crazy when they subvert expectations like that sometimes and actually prove themselves as a journalist.
You'd think a journalist for Teen Vogue or Cosmopolitan would be a hack and then all of a sudden they drop some in-depth, well written op-ed that makes you go "what? How?.."
Like I said elsewhere, I've actually got a couple copies of Rolling Stone from the opening weeks/months of the Iraq Invasion (their somewhere in my personal library) and the comparison to issues from before the war is staggering. Their journalists were actually really good and when they weren't being told to write a bunch of gobbledygook about a has-been one hit wonder, they were really capable journalists.
Over in the UK, this got picked up by the mainstream papers. Maybe he is more well known over here. He is the type to often gets headlines for his outrageous comments.
Need more of this. More pointing out the consequences which exist for anyone but the super rich. More pointing out how we are gaslighted to believe "it's not a Nazi salute".
It is very funny that there are so many examples of people basically saying, "It wasn't a Nazi salute, watch I'll show you," and then immediately ruining their lives by doing it.
I'm sure most of them just believed they could get away with it and then abruptly realized they did not have the same power and influence as the richest man on Earth.
Nah, at the "leadership" level Religion is just another kind of scam.
It's only the riff-raff who are genuinely believers in that stuff and even those pick and chose the parts of it they follow (you will notice that, for example, almost none of the "believers" in Abrahamic religions care about God's Commandment against Greed or the lesson of Jesus kicking out the Money Lenders from the Temple).
"While we cannot say what was in Mr. Robinson's heart when he did this, his action appears to have been an attempt to curry favor with certain elements of the American political right by provoking its opposition," reads a statement posted by the Anglican Catholic Church on Wednesday. "Mr. Robinson had been warned that online trolling and other such actions (whether in service of the left or right) are incompatible with a priestly vocation and was told to desist. Clearly, he has not, and as such, his license in this Church has been revoked. He is no longer serving as a priest in the ACC."
Probably being filmed.
It's rare that filming will want the same feed as is going to a PA. Sometimes they have to due to logistics, but they will moan about it
Nazi Sympathizer Does Nazi Salute. Watch It Now On X!
I’d say you can’t write shit like this… but here we are, reading an article about a Nazi that links to video of the repugnant act- hosted on a Nazi-run social media platform.
I mean church in the loosest sense of the word since it was literally only created in 1997 as an offshoot because they didn't like women becoming ordained.
The church part of the name isn't what really gets me. How can a schisim(from the episcopalians) of an offshoot(from the church of England) of a schisim(from the Catholic Church) proclaim itself katholikos (universal).
Meanings of words evolve. They're refering to the belief system rather than to the original meaning and ethymology. But when you know it does sound funny.
He literally wasn't ordained by the Anglican Church because of his "anti woke" views. He joined a knock off church which wasn't desperately to be part of the catholic church (but, and I can't stress this enough, isn't at all). He's cosplaying being a vicar for clout while being a fucking worse bigot than two of the largest organised denominations.
Interesting. I only heard about him yesterday so I was going off reports I came across, all of which seem to treat him as having been an Anglican priest and one of which added he almost wasn't ordained, but later was. Are you from the area? I know it's certainly easy for one media outlet to make an error that is then echoed by almost every other one.
Isn't he like, part black, or of ethnic descent at least? Should be more aware of dog whistles like that damned Nazi salute. It ain't callin in the Border Collie's for dinner...
The church Henry the 8th started when the Pope wouldn't let him get divorced. It and Catholicism have traded places as the UKs official state religion a few times over the years, causing absolutely no problems whatsoever.
Anglican and Catholic are two of the largest distinct and separate branches of Christianity. You can't just mash them together, it doesn't work like that.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me