How the fuck did democrats go from the party that hates misinformation to the party that believes implausible posts on a platform known to be full nonsense because it fits a cute narrative?
The fact that this guy posts this on X with a paid-for blue checkmark tells you everything about why Trump won and why he'll keep winning. The left has made almost no effort to win the information space. They just lose and then celebrate when some of the harm falls back on MAGA.
How about his for a change: Win. Try to win. Stop kowtowing to right wing information propaganda spaces that stifle the left like X, Fox News, and Rogan. Fight them like the right fights the left in the information space. True, you won't get to celebrate when your neighbor suffers from Trump, but it'll be because he didn't vote Trump in the first place.
I saw the
"Dems are the Uvalde cops Magas are the shooters."
And goddamn it salpped ever since. You guys need to get a real 3rd party that is real grassroots socialist.
You expect a "both sides" maga to know that? Seeing all these "it's the dem's fault for not telling us how shit trump would treat us" folks is crazy. Everyone want to blame the dems for the lepords.
everyone in the country should be liberal. but it seems most just ignore the term and definition behind it though and just assume only left/democrats want to have freedom
good lord, its always the dems fault! 'why oh why didn't we run a racist rapist who promises to ban an entire religion! someone who has bankrupted casinos! someone who cant run a charity for cancer kids!? a fraud university!? clearly its the dems fault ! they didn't excite me enough! i demand perfection!'
two different standards and yet americans are still blaming democrats.
No, it's (1) proximity to massive online psyop campaigns put forth by BRICS (BIGGEST FACTOR) (2) profound loneliness and social isolation and (3) low information/bad internet hygiene
Please remember it is important to not gloat or "I told you so". This person, for a reason of which does not matter, has decided to exit the cult. This person needs support and praise for their bravery. I don't care if it is for a selfish reason.... ultimately they made it out, their mind is free! That is cause for celebration.
Sure, you're right that it fits. I thought it was worth mentioning for when people encounter these types when offline. I too enjoy the schadenfreude, its why I am here.
Is there any evidence they decided to exit the cult? People will paint the walls beige when selling a house, and that doesn't mean they don't still like whatever red and green Christmas themed house they had to start with. Pulling down a flag while selling the house you can't afford doesn't actually mean you wouldn't still vote for him.
Heres the problem. We kept the gloating and "I told you so" to a minimum after Trump round 1 and the Civil war.
Hammer it home. They need to know Every. Fucking. Minute. Of every. Fucking. Day. That the choices they made got them fired, took their job, and ruined their country. Almost everyone knew it was going to happen and warned them, and they just dug deeper with their knee-jerk "nuh-uh" fake news 3rd grade playground bully logic. They need to know beyond a doubt that they are stupid, short-sighted, easily manipulated bigots. Why? Because the only way they can change it and do better is if they fucking know it, believe it, and see that they need to change it.
A not-insignificant portion of Trump's base will be in this boat, if they aren't already. We should be ready with messaging to pull them out of the cult, so that they don't fall back in.
No, MAGAts revel in the misery they cause .. thay love "owning the libs" and literally want nothing else in life. Nothing. They are fueled by an insane level of hatred and cruelty. It is all they understand. When you point and laugh at them for the "face eating" ... they actually get it. MAGAts do not leave their cult, they just get displaced until the next cult that let's them be hateful racists comes around.
All my Trump neighbors are rental tenants so they get shuffled in and out every year by their landlords. A few MAGA banner fliers as well as a few families with small kids all got kicked out my neighborhood this last year for Sale signs to go up.
They were tricked by a propaganda machine. They may have been willing participants but had they known everything they never would have voted against their own interests. Yet every country in the western hemisphere, South America, Africa, Asia, and well everywhere doesn't have anti propaganda laws. If you're rich you can buy influence in any neo liberal country. Why is that?
How do you construct anti-propaganda laws that can't be used by bad actors to silence dissent? Genuine question if you have an answer but I don't think anyone actually does. The only actual counter to propaganda is quality education, which is where the US has been failing dramatically.
Consider this. Your asshole detestable uncle loses his house. On the one hand you can text him and say you deserve what you get you piece of shit.
Or invite him over to watch a baseball game. Avoid politics. Quietly remind him not everyone is a piece of shit.
Which do you think will more likely change his mind? Or which one will he double down on, write it off as an accident, and go deeper down the hole. I took one for the team.
Crisises like this is the opening to recruit the hitherto reactionary proletariat. Opinions are most often fickle anyways amongst the poorly educated. But damn its hard to not to feel gleeful for the suffering of hatefull fools.
Schadenfreude for the wicked is something we all indulge in, but prolonging pain rather than soothing it breeds hatred. Some kind of fuel for the onlookers, but what happens when you unchain the dog you've been beating? Someone's going to win. Perhaps your team because the ire is high. But sacrifices have to be made. Your kin may die. Is that an acceptable result? That's up to you to decide.
Trump crap was taken down on any neighbor’s homes (and there weren’t many) except one (and they have it kinda hidden) after 2020. Anyone supporting Trump at this point is an idiot, cruel, or both.
Agent Krasnov is, by ALL objective measures, the most prolific Traitor in American history. In fact, he has probably caused more damage than ALL other American traitors COMBINED.
At this point, anyone who still supports HitlerPig is as much an authentic traitor as he is. I only wish the very worst outcomes for them. Losing their jobs and homes is the mildest punishment they deserve.
I operate a business, and I havent had to hire anyone lately. But if I were, I would absolutely ask them who they supported for president in 2020 and 2024, which is perfectly legal. Anyone who voted for HitlerPig would be immediately, and rudely, be rejected. I won't employ anyone with such obviously poor Critical Thinking Skills.
Trump support has been on full display in my area without interruption. "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump" are the ones I'm keeping my eyes on the most, waiting for them to disappear.
The trump sign probably only came down so they could put it back up at whatever trailer park they move into. They’ll gladly vote for the next trump-aligned fascist. These people are incapable of learning.
Trump promised to cut federal spending (which includes federal jobs), and federal workers still voted for him anyway.
Why would I feel bad for someone who got exactly what they asked for?
Want to know what's actually disgusting? The fact that that a 3rd of the country voted for the fat little orange rapist Nazi. You should be more upset over that.
We really need a Herman Cain Award for Trumpers who have lost their livelihoods. I used to love the old compilations of dozens of posts only to have the inevitable "COVID ain't no joke".
Doesn’t seem likely unless he was renting. Even if you miss one mortgage payment, your bank can’t take your house that fast. If he was renting, he might have been threatened with eviction and chose to leave.
Doesn’t seem likely unless he was renting. Even if you miss one mortgage payment, your bank can’t take your house that fast.
If it was posted for sale it likely wasn't a foreclosure that fast. Perhaps the owner did the math and saw very quickly that they wouldn't be able to keep up with the mortgage, or no longer had any reason to live in that city because they were there only for the job. With the job gone, the need of the house in that city goes with it. I'm just speculating.
Man, that's tragic. I was poor most of my early life, and when I finally started to make enough money to be comfortable, I knew that the thing I couldn't do was fall into the lifestyle trap. Living well below my means saved me so much hardship when things weren't going well. I know that many don't ever get to the point of comfortable, though, and there's a bit of luck and effort, to that.
And on top of that for most government workers their paychecks have been remarkably stable. Assuming you'll always be employed plus easy credit and bad financial habits are a bad combination
If their whole financial system is built on getting the next paycheck or else, this is quite to be expected. He might even be smart (for a magahead) putting it on the market as early as possible instead of clinging to it.
If this were a normal, fairly subjective disagreement, I'd feel the same way.
If this were a medium level disagreement and they were objectively wrong, I'd also feel the same way.
Supporting Trump is stunningly, objectively wrong, and in doing so they're basically doing the opposite of this. They're supporting lots of people losing a lot more than their homes.
The sad part about it is that they're probably blaming the democrats or the illegal immigrants or Zelensky or some other ridiculous bullshit, instead of facing reality...
This person was happy to screw other people over and voted for it. The fact that they're reaping the results of the hate they sewed makes me happy and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.
In every rational situation, I would fully agree. But this man elected someone who told them, to their face, that they would be downsizing the government. The WORKED for the government. I want to call it stupidity, but it was maliciousness that backfired, so yeah. Fuck em.
I think the only reason people ever say things like this make them 'happy' is in the absence of a more accurate label.
In a country devoid of legal justice, we've basically just been confronted by a thug who, while attempting to mug us at gunpoint, shot his own dick off when he was attempting to pull the firearm from his pants.
So for the victim, there's a degree of relief that the threat from that specific thug is now over (unfortunately we're being simultaneously mugged by thousands of other identical thugs...), a complete lack of empathy for the thug from the victim (if you put my life in danger, I suddenly don't give a single fuck about the quality or preservation of yours); and a recognition of the comical irony of the thug's own weapon being the thing that disabled him.
Against the contrast we've grown accustomed to of getting mugged and watching our assailants face zero consequences, the above stands out as uniquely positive, albeit morbid.
Another angle: if you've persisted on dirty, sewage contaminated water your entire life; then get the opportunity to drink a glass of pure, clean water, you might call it sweet even if it isn't literally so; it just seems that way relative to the vile biohazard you're used to.
So, happiness? No. The closest we'll be able to get to happiness? Yeah, probably.
I think the only reason people ever say things like this make them ‘happy’ is in the absence of a more accurate label.
Schadenfreude? Commonly translated to English as "joy at seeing other's misfortune." I hope in most cases it is more associated with seeing someone in the wrong receiving their comeuppance. The joy of watching your enemy suffer a setback or even defeat.
I get that we want to gloat. Because we were right. But what happens with this person? Does he see how wrong he was? Does he attempt to change his ways, and influence others who thought the same? Does this bring about any kind of positive change? Or does he just go live in his pickup truck with a camper shell and blame Obama and Biden because he’s poor now?
I'm simply happy that they're seeing what they wanted for other people. They voted for the man who openly said he would make life harder and kick people out of their homes, and they gleefully enjoyed it thinking it was only people they disliked.
I'm all for people learning lessons the hard way when they refused to see reason. Especially when the reason was to be kind and empathetic in the first place.
He's not losing his home, it's the bank's home, being passed along to a new owner. He literally voted for what's happening right now, you reap what you sow.