Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
Other countries, if you're out there - follow suit. This flappy gum flexing shit we're doing has got to stop. It's gonna hurt, I'm sure. But until we're neck deep into the "find out" phase, nothing is going to happen.
In that case, the rest of the sane 1st World should sanction the shit out of the USA until Orange Krasnov and his crew of Russian assets are out of office.
Plenty of Europe, if not all, it's still buying Russian gas, even Spain which has Algerian gas still buys from Russia (a few billions of €), enough for Russia to say Spain is one of the most reliable partners they have.
Feels almost unbelievable to hear that there still are people and companies standing up for their values and principles even in the face of losing profits or comfort. I thought that true western values had finally died and we were collapsing but this give a tiny sliver of hope at least.
norway doesn't really count. they have too much independent wealth to need to play by rules set through bullying and abuse. and a natural solidarity because they don't need to concern themselves with economical risks or worries.
Murican here. More of this please. We've swan-dived into some record setting 'fuck around', and desperately need a 'find out' that hurts enough to teach a lasting lesson.
You all need to swan dive the fuck out of it if you want this to stop.
The world cannot save you from yourselves. We will isolate you, abandon you, treat you as the untrustworthy former friend that you are. But none of that will matter if you don't fix your shit.
A united Europe and an isolated America? Perhaps the latter part sure, but people who think what went down at the oval office is what Putin wanted I think are imagining too much. That was off-script, that messes up everyones plans, especially if Trump and/or Vance are indeed Russian assets. Russia very much intended on a terrible deal with Ukraine to be signed with Europe cheerily in step, now there is no deal so the fighting continues and Europe is united with Ukraine as though the war just started. And while I think China will do the smart thing and remain neutral, they could steal the spot of the number one global superpower if they united with Europe against Russia and USA (fat chance but just saying.)
Wonderful, it's time people got the memo, America are not the good guys.
I'm saying this as an American. I would love to see a world where America's Government was viewed with suspicion when acting in international affairs instead of Europe looking up to them like the adult in the room. Europe, YOU, are the adult in the room.
The world safer? THE WORLD???? Jesus Christ dude, millions of people being killed so you drive your v18 Mustang with 1mpg for cheaper. Honestly coming from Europe, American collapse is much needed and a solid humbling of Europe. Europe was never the adult and America the sole bully. The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.
America has always been tolerated for political reasons. But noone in Europe has ever really looked up to the USA. You were useful to keep good relations with, (good in a fight). But you've always been regarded as loud, uncultured, and disturbingly patriotic. And honestly, if you look back at Europe's history, we're not exactly afraid of a fight.
Stay the fuck out of Greenland and Canada, and come talk to us when you elect a grownup.
I tried, but honestly until we get rid of Gerrymandering, Republicans will have a foothold no matter how blatantly unpopular and universally reviled they are
I doubt anyone really wants that, other than possibly the USA and Israel. I hope the rest of the world will curb our worst impulses, since we're clearly refusing to do it, ourselves.
This move is very emotional and plays into Russia's hands - it drives the wedge between US and Europe even deeper, increasing separation. Is this really a reason to celebrate, either by US or Europe?
Oh no. Now that the abusive step-dad is beating his kids in public, the social services are taking the kids away, driving a wedge between the family. Is this really a reason to celebrate?
The US has always used Europe after WW2 as an extension for its own interests. The alliance was never as mutual as shown to the outside. It is urgent time that the EU and other European countries emancipate themselves from the US and band together to hold against Russia and other global players. This should have been the top priority, when Trump first came to office, but lazyness and naivity prevailed, so that much of the last 8 years went to waste.
The Trump administration does not understand softness. The US has threatened to invade territories under control of an EU country and they have passed sanctions against international courts, that are located in the EU and have been one of the core projects of a rules based international order. An order that the US always defied, mocked and attacked.
Either the EU and other European countries get a grip and emancipate themselves, or they will continue to get beaten up by the abusive power drunk step-dad that is the USA.