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Comments 457 Tragedy Strikes After Malfunctioning Wind Turbine Spills Wind All Over Farmer’s Field

An environmental catastrophe devastated a local farmer’s field after a malfunctioning wind turbine caused a dangerous amount of wind to spill everywhere.

Tragedy Strikes After Malfunctioning Wind Turbine Spills Wind All Over Farmer’s Field
Former Marco Rubio Intern Indicted for Storming Capitol on January 6
  • She’ll get a slap on the wrist like every other one of these treasonous fucks have but she was an intern for a US Senator and absolutely knew better. She was there to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship. She should be facing life in prison without the possibility of parole at a minimum.

  • ‘New Territory’ for Americans: Deadly Heat in the Workplace | Deaths are rising sharply, and the Biden administration is trying to respond. Its plan faces big hurdles.
  • Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, both Republicans, signed legislation to prevent local governments from requiring heat protections

    Listen up conservatives, Republicans want your working conditions to return to the fucking hell they were before Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle.

    They’d rather you die of heat stroke at 30 than get a state or federally mandated water break but you’re too fucking stupid to realize this applies to you too and not just the minority groups you think you’re punishing every time you vote GOP. Wake the fuck up and stop voting for these vicious psychopaths. They are never going to do anything that ever helps you or serves your interests let alone those of society as a whole.

  • Trump Reflexively Asks Michael Cohen To Silence Michael Cohen
  • The Onion is just on fire lately. They’re figuring out how to do satire again in the worst timeline.

    It's actually because The Onion was sold to Jeff Lawson (founder of Twilio) at the end of April. He appointed Ben Collins, formerly a senior reporter at NBC News covering “disinformation, extremism and the internet” as the CEO. Here's what he had to say:

    “My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and shar[ing] the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.”

  • Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
  • Are you asking me or just deliberately being a dick about a spelling mistake? Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question.

  • Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
  • Nope, as far as I'm aware a motive hasn't been made public. But I'm willing to chalk it up to some people just being miserable jerks.

  • Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
  • TBH I never expected the perps to be black. It will quite interesting to unpack their motives and put it into some historical perspective regarding purposeful, inadvertent or ignorant destruction by European colonial invaders in, uh… everywhere else in the world.

    Wanna know how I know you only glanced at the picture?

  • Extreme heat will put millions more older adults at risk in the future

    By 2050, as many as an additional 246 million adults 69 and older could experience temperature extremes that exceed 37.5° Celsius.

    Extreme heat will put millions more older adults at risk in the future
    0 Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree

    Prosecutors in England say two men have been charged with cutting down the popular 150-year-old tree that toppled over on Hadrian’s Wall.

    Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
    9 Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree

    Prosecutors in England say two men have been charged with cutting down the popular 150-year-old tree that toppled over on Hadrian’s Wall.

    Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
    I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to "force" him to share...
  • Pfftt, amateur hour. You're not a real capitalist success story until you've hoarded enough wealth to afford hiring a poor person to do your fork-stabbing for you.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Yeah, I used to run into you in r/skeptic a lot, fighting the good fight lol. And we both know the mods of that sub let it be overrun with all types of deniers and insane conspiracy theorists... But at least those trolls put a little more effort into it than just scoffing at experts.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Apparently those brainiacs with their fancy book learnin' and expertise are useless. We must all sift through hundreds of thousands of pages of raw data before reaching any conclusions. The entire concept of career specialization is wrong! Throw it out!

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • "I'm not a climate change denier but why does anyone care what experts think?!" 🙄

  • How to Boycott a Company By Talking About How Bad It Is and That’s It

    Here is how you can look progressive on social media while doing nothing in real life.

    How to Boycott a Company By Talking About How Bad It Is and That’s It
    Block servers
  • To remove a user/community/instance from your blocklist go to Settings > Filters & Blocks then swipe left on the item and tap "unblock."

  • A new Lemmy instance for Voyager supporters!
  • Well, I've been meaning to kick some money toward Voyager for awhile now so this sounds like the perfect time to jump in. Just signed up via patreon.

  • Movies and TV Shows ZeroCool Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 Rape Conviction Overturned by New York Appeals Court

    Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction has been overturned by a New York appeals court.

    Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 Rape Conviction Overturned by New York Appeals Court
    Trump Respects Women, Most Men Say
  • Yeah, it takes a whole lot of misogyny for a man to look at this dude's actions and statements over decades in the public eye and still arrive at the opinion that Donald fucking Trump respects women.

  • Trump Respects Women, Most Men Say
  • Here's the first sentence to clear things up:

    This month, The New York Times/Siena College poll asked voters how much they think former President Trump respects women.

  • Advocacy groups say Texas inmates are 'being cooked to death' in state prisons without air conditioning
  • That's why I said they "weren't even pretending to believe" that.

  • Advocacy groups say Texas inmates are 'being cooked to death' in state prisons without air conditioning
  • I was skimming through a reddit thread about this yesterday and it was really depressing to see how many assholes there are out there who think prisons should exist to torture inmates. Half the comment section wasn't even pretending to believe the system is meant to rehabilitate people at all. They're just openly applauding inhumane living conditions and looking for blood regardless of the offense. These same people would be screeching to the heavens if they were treated half as poorly as they'd like others to be treated by the system.

  • Trump Respects Women, Most Men Say

    Women do not see it that way, and that could matter this fall.

    Trump Respects Women, Most Men Say
    Meadows, Giuliani and other Trump allies charged in Arizona 2020 election probe
  • George Terwilliger, a lawyer representing Meadows, said he had not yet seen the indictment.

    "If Mr. Meadows is named in this indictment, it is a blatantly political and politicized accusation and will be contested and defeated,” he said.

    Your client tried to overthrow the results of the election and install a fascist dictator, take this talk of "blatantly political/politicized accusations" and shove it.

  • Meadows, Giuliani and other Trump allies charged in Arizona 2020 election probe
  • Yeah but I gotta say, it's pretty funny that they attach a CC license notice to every inane comment they post.

  • 'We Support the Right to Freedom of Expression,' Says University Official Who’s Trying to Contact the National Guard

    In a developing story coming out of New York University, where more than 150 protestors were arrested last night for demanding that the university divest from companies that profit from Israeli apartheid, a spokesperson from NYU announced that the institution “supports individuals’ right to freedom

    'We Support the Right to Freedom of Expression,' Says University Official Who’s Trying to Contact the National Guard
    3 Columbia University Qualifies That Students Only Allowed to Stage Protest if It’s Quiet and Ineffective

    Following over 100 student arrests at Columbia University’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment, University President Minouche Shafik took the time to remind students that, yes, they are allowed to protest, but only if that protest is quiet and, more importantly, ineffective. “Students’ right to prot

    Columbia University Qualifies That Students Only Allowed to Stage Protest if It’s Quiet and Ineffective
    11 Boeing Expresses Condolences in Advance of Second Whistleblower's Suicide

    ARLINGTON, VA – The official Boeing Twitter account posted an announcement today expressing its condolences for the death of the second whistleblower in their lawsuit,…

    Boeing Expresses Condolences in Advance of Second Whistleblower's Suicide
    9 RFK Jr. candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden, NBC News poll finds

    The finding contrasts with a number of other national polls, and it comes amid concerted Democratic efforts to prevent Kennedy from harming Biden’s campaign.

    RFK Jr. candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden, NBC News poll finds
    58 This incredible millennial bought their first home just by making a packed lunch every day for a year and buying a winning lottery ticket

    28-year-old Poppy Williams has today spoken to the media about how she managed to buy her first home simply by making her own lunches to save money, and winning the lottery.

    This incredible millennial bought their first home just by making a packed lunch every day for a year and buying a winning lottery ticket
    12 Steve From “Blue's Clues” Touches Hearts of Millennials by Beating Dan Schneider to Death With His Bare Hands

    Millennials recently found themselves bawling with tears of joy after Steve Burns of “Blue’s Clues” fame once again touched their hearts by viciously beating Dan Schneider to death with his bare hands.

    Steve From “Blue's Clues” Touches Hearts of Millennials by Beating Dan Schneider to Death With His Bare Hands
    Movies and TV Shows ZeroCool
    Movies and TV Shows ZeroCool

    Dick Van Dyke becomes oldest Daytime Emmy nominee at 98 Dick Van Dyke becomes oldest Daytime Emmy nominee at 98: See full nominations list

    At 98, Dick Van Dyke becomes the oldest Daytime Emmy nominee: See the full list of nominations.

    Dick Van Dyke becomes oldest Daytime Emmy nominee at 98: See full nominations list
    16 US citizen who fought with pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine reported dead

    Russell Bentley, 64, reported killed in Moscow-occupied Donetsk by Russian state media and confirmed by his battalion

    US citizen who fought with pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine reported dead