Honestly, one of the big reasons multiplayer sucks now is because of cheaters. You wanna cheat in a single-player game? I couldn't give less of a shit. But giving yourself an unfair advantage while playing against other people is pathetic and ruins the game for everyone...
Yup. For me it is Lethal Company. While we run from tbe monsters in fear for our lives they have god mode, etc. Which simply ruins the cooperative aspect and just the entire game for everyone involved. Why even play? I guess they enjoy seeing people reaxt to their hacks but I dont give them anything, simply quit immediately as soon as I find out.
I agree so much, that I’m always upset when I see comments on a post about anti-cheat software that only focus on the downsides of needing it. They never acknowledge the need.
Trolls & Cheaters & Just downright punk behaviour is something I don't tolerate in MultiPlayer
Which is why I opt for more Role-playing games like Space station 13 & Barotrauma
(Not saying that there's no crappy behaviour there, it's just that those games are high-ceiling & there are less instances)
If I'm playing by myself I'll use cheats if I feel like it, like messing around, or if I wanna get that ONE unlock that I've been trying at for months now and I just wanna be done with it....
But in an online game lad? There's no glory in ruining other people's fun.
It’s really rampant, especially in games that have aim assist and controllers/controller support on PC. It’s so insanely obvious when someone is using an aim assist device…i.e. no bullet spread on a small automatic gun and hitting like a laser beam at 60 meters vs someone without has a ton of missed shots at that range. Their KDR is magnitudes of order different. They ruin a match. Unfortunately looking to get them banned doesn’t do anything, seeing as using game features buil-in by the devs is a big gray area. It’s not an aimbot or ESP, it’s using and abusing the provided aim assist.
I mainly just have Cheat Engine in order to reduce save scumming in Monster Rancher and keep monsters I like alive longer. I specifically avoid doing anything with the online because I know it's not fair to everyone else. Though some use mods and cheats for the same game just to make it harder.
If he says he’s top 20 player and it turns out he bought that account then what does that mean for the credibility of his other supposed achievements? Oops.
These people cheat at every aspects of life, society rewards narcissism, rewards people willing to forgo morals. We have systematised this were we can look at hi school bullies and have a vague idea where they will end up.
These people aren't worthy of our respect, and we need to make it known.
This goes against the TOS for both games. If you play either, I highly recommend flooding them with reports on that. It would be great to see him banned. He'll probably just set up a new account and start again, but it'll cost him and you know he'll keep cheating so you can just rinse and repeat.
You're talking about a guy that could pay 100 million dollars for a new account and not even notice. He obviously wouldn't pay anywhere near that much for something like this. There is no financial cost you can force on him that will change his behavior.
I don't recall saying anything about even attempting to change his behaviour, anyone with half a brain knows that's a lost cause. The point is being a thorn in his side. He clearly cares or he wouldn't invest the time and money into these games.
I'm sure if there was actual worthy news this wouldn't be reported on however there is obviously nothing else happening so clearly we need to talk about this instead.
She said something about Diablo that I didn't understand as someone who doesn't play that game but apparently confirming that, at one time, he was very skilled. Which is absolutely meaningless in a context where he pays people to play for him and then pretends that he did it.
Diablo IV gives scaled advantage for having very good equipment, and you can spend tons of time getting that equipment optimized. If someone else got him max rolled equipment and all he did was pilot it, it might look to someone who is a non-gamer that he is amazing at the game. You'd have to get the honest opinion of other top tier gamers if he is actually skillful.
Some builds all you have to do is keep spamming one or two attack buttons to wipe out all enemies.
To me the reality of it is so damn stupid, If this were back to lying about quake, that's one thing. He's claiming on games with continual progression however. Of which even if you have amazing skill, it's meaningless without time. IE it would be well understood that if someone is in those leaderboards legitimately, they've been living the NEET lifestyle (IE spending almost all waking hours playing the game), not say... on a nation tour following around a presidential candidate, while also forming a new government consulting group, spending considerable time on twitter as a user... and being a micromanaging incompetent CEO at 4+ companies.
And more importantly It reveals his character in a way that some of his die hard supporters might actually care about.
He’s been shedding fans for a long time now, but way slower than he’s been going off the rails, because the things he’s done have rarely been directly contradictory to the image his fans have of him. Sure taken as a whole they are, but individual actions can be written off as haters using cult logic.
This though, this is… just so pathetic… so blatantly approval seeking and manipulative tendencies.
My initial reaction mirrored yours; who even gives a shit? But seeing how people have been responding, apparently quite a few. And I'm left here, just utterly blown away that it's this that is making people angry. This? Not all the Nazi shit? Inciting riots? All the molest-y allegations? Lying about a goddamn video game?
Please, asteroid, hurry the fuck up already. C'mon monkey pox, do your stuff.
N n nope. Doomerism will not due. The masses without a voice do not deserve to be flushed away just for the sake of being written off along with the outsized vocal minority of status quo warrior right wing authoritarians (and liberal sympathizers of such)
He didn't say "account boosting", he said they share accounts. I don't play PoE, much less competitively, so I don't know if that's true, but let's assume it is. Just disclose it. Like, disclose it publicly before you play the game. Don't deny it after being called out on it and then retaliate against the person calling you out on your platform like a petty manchild, then disclose it in private. If anything, people will respect you more for being someone who doesn't play video games all day every day like it's their job.
Account sharing is against GGG's ToS, so Elon should be banned. He probably RMTed it though (still against ToS). He would be fucked during a race though.
In PoE 1: racers stream their entire race. Once a league Zizaran hosts the Gauntlet (HC/SSF) race event, streaming on Twitch (often with a 4-panel split screen). They sub out different races to highlight boss fights and whatnot. You have to provide proof of any "bounty" you won. There are some cash money prizes, so this is all very strict.
During these races, players often have a timer showing how long they've been going, and it's not unusual to see 37 hours of straight streaming the first day. GGG hosts World Firsts events after XPac stuff, and is mindful of exploits.
That is all PoE 1. PoE 2 is in early access; it's the same people, so it should be the same integrity. I know a lot of Diablo folks came over for it, so I can't speak for them.
I"m just glad he had the balls to drop the act, I've known Twitch Streamers who get caught blatantly cheating who are defiant to the end and demand to sue the company
Edit: Dear downvoters, I"m not saying Elon cheating is a good thing nor am I praising him, I"m just saying I'm glad that he came out and admitted it instead of "Naw bro, I'm totally playing fair and am an expert on Diablo of Exiles or whatever it's called.", this is more of a "The bar is so low that I'm glad you shat your pants instead of peeing in my face." than a real compliment.
No one is arguing that it isn't dishonest. NO ONE.
I'm just arguing that cheating is a different thing than boosting/account sharing. I'm not even arguing which is worse.
I sometimes wonder if people can even read. I just corrected the terminology and BAM 14 dislikes. SO dumb.
Yes, you are trying to be pedantic by pointing out that account boosting is not cheating. But it is cheating so not only are you being pedantic, you are wrong .