Original image is from a DeviantArt mpreg artist at around 2016
177 0 ReplyWhy do you know that?
77 0 ReplyI tend to crawl down too many rabbit holes
108 0 ReplyYou mean you didn't notice the penis and testicles in the image?
12 0 Reply
Props to all OG artists. Sadly I can’t cite sources for any that I post. I only have a few homegrown memes.
38 0 ReplyReally? because it looks AI.
2 8 ReplyNot everything is AI!
10 0 Reply
There would certainly be less skepticism about evolution if everyone could see fetuses during development.
I ain't made no fish baby, I knew you cheated on me.
151 0 ReplyLook what they took from us. We could've been swimming in primordial soup but NOO
27 0 ReplyI wanna pet the salamander. It so cute!
2 0 ReplyAh yes, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. But it's been dismissed by biologists.
2 11 ReplyThat isn’t what OP is saying…
11 0 Reply
Ah yes, time to get Gregnant
123 0 ReplyYou mean pregnate
19 0 ReplyCan u get preganté?
17 0 Reply
Follow the link, it’s worth it, I swear.
10 0 Replyi prefer the jt sexkik version, this seems too high effort.
6 0 ReplyI never think it’s going to be worth it but I’ll often click just in case.
…and I watched the whole thing. Lol
1 0 ReplyWell that was certainly something lol
1 0 Reply
The amount of comments not pointing out the genitals is worrying. Both from an intelligence and horniness point of view.
113 2 ReplyOk look I will fully admit that I didn’t notice that, nor did I notice the fetus wired up to drop out of the anus, but I think you’re making some assumptions here about intelligence/horniness. I was distracted by the myriad questions that arose when considering the prospect of a glass belly to monitor pregnancy. What would it be shaped like? Would it just be a little TV screen like a Tellytubby? A porthole like the windows on SpongeBob’s house? Would it just be a big old solid Buddha belly but made of glass? Or maybe some space age tech that lets it flex like a foldable phone. Also, would people be born like that or would the glass belly form upon becoming pregnant? There’s just so many logistics to consider here..
24 2 ReplyWe already have the technology to do this:
Groundbreaking technique makes skin transparent
No idea whether it would be safe for pregnancy, but you could probably stencil it on in flower or heart patterns, bedazzle the outline, ya know, really jazz it up.
7 0 Reply
Thank you! I was starting to wonder if I was the one who missed a memo...
4 0 Reply
Does babby come out of man's pee hole or poop hole
78 0 ReplyFollowing the diagram it seems like the poop hole
87 0 ReplyYou gotta be shittin me.
72 0 ReplyIt's called bussy.
12 0 ReplyHaha rekt 'um
8 0 ReplyRocking that cloaca
5 0 ReplyI wonder if that would stimulate the prostate.
3 0 Reply
40 0 ReplyIs the kid an engineer or not
2 0 Reply
In countries where they want boys a lot more than girls, that glass belly would dramatically increase abortions instead.
49 0 Replyit probably wouldn't as you can't even recognize any form during the period of time abortion is usually allowed. it's basically just flakes of tissue. you'd have to take a sample and check the chromosomes to detect the sex, but I don't think that's easy. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11331955/Pictured-fetus-cell-tissue-nine-weeks-point-abortion-banned-14-states.html
1 0 ReplySounds pretty gay to me 😏
(yes, ees jok)
1 1 Reply
If pro-life conservative heads were glass no one would listen to them because you could see there is nothing inside
53 1 ReplyThey also wouldn't listen to them because they'd be running away screaming at the terrifying site of the glass-head men.
3 0 ReplyA glass head is actually a sign of manliness, like tanned balls
2 0 Reply
Why is nobody talking about the fucking double spine?
Or am I somehow stupid and interpreted that fucked up graphic wrong - if that even is possibly, because so much is wrong with that?
50 0 ReplyI was distracted by the penis - that baby is going to hurt coming out
65 0 ReplyIt's okay, if you follow the path, the baby is gonna get shit out.
31 0 Reply
That's anatomically correct. These are the spinous processes cut in half.
21 0 ReplyIt's weird that the baby isn't cut in half too.
9 0 ReplyI'm actually not sure if I'm falling for a joke here, but that's how I remember that a spine looks like
Even if it's a section view, there shouldn't be 2 of them... Or maybe I just don't see it correctly...
Edit: ah, now I somehow see it. But still, it doesn't really look correct with the spinal cord like splitting it. Although given that this would be a bit hard to visualise in a 2D slice...
I'm still not convinced that this is actually correct ;-)6 0 Reply
It's the reflection in the glass 👍
10 0 Reply
Why isn't the baby cut in half too?
50 0 ReplyWho let Solomon in here?
19 0 Replyrolled high on his dex save, obv.
8 0 ReplySick fuck
8 0 ReplyMaybe they are twins
3 0 Reply
You'd have to be staring at the woman's belly pretty closely to see the 6mm embryo and, if you did, you'd realize that it certainly has no consciousness yet.
48 2 ReplyBut it would serve as an effective distraction from the penis.
37 0 Reply
45 2 ReplyImpending mommy giving off some real Omega vibes here.
3 0 ReplyThank you for not posting the reversed version.
3 0 Reply
Giving birth through your ass would be horrible tho, so in this case I'd pick the abortion.
35 2 ReplyAh, so you're a "outta my dickhole or nohole" kinda fella
17 0 ReplyC section all the time!
3 0 Reply
I'd imagine it to be comparable in pain level to giving birth through a vagina. Though the smaller pelvis would definitely be a problem...
14 0 ReplyIdk, I've never seen an ass stretched out the size of a melon.
And no, I don't want to see it, thank you!
4 0 Reply
Tell me you take small dumps without telling me you take small dumps
3 0 Reply
Isn't this the plot of one of Arnold's movies.
32 0 ReplyThis made me think of my mosquito fish. They give live birth, and you can see their babies/ organs because they're clear. No cock and balls, though.
25 0 ReplyThat human cloaca is really bugging me.
23 0 ReplyIf I'm seeing this right, dude's got a cloaca? A cloaca doesn't have to be for eggs?
21 0 ReplyEven if we could see the embryo implanted in a place that's going to kill both the fetus and the mother? Or where we can see the body growing with only half a head? Or their organs outside their body?
16 0 ReplyYeah I'm actually 100% for transparent baby windows. The only abortion that people are calling for are not even close to human looking or visibly in distress
9 0 Reply
Having seen the illustrations of fetuses for the first several months, I think we might have even more. They definitely don't look like a baby at first.
16 0 ReplyThis is how the remains of an abortion look like: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11331955/Pictured-fetus-cell-tissue-nine-weeks-point-abortion-banned-14-states.html
I don't think seeing this changes anything.
6 0 Reply
How is babby formed? How girl get pragnent?
16 0 ReplyThey need to do way instain mother> who kill their babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
10 0 ReplyIt was on the news this mroing
4 0 Reply
The Omegaverse and its consequences.
15 0 Reply13 0 Reply8 0 Reply
What’s wrong with the vagina?
13 0 ReplyIt's turned inside out and the ovaries have turned into testicle.
28 0 ReplyJust one?
4 0 Reply
9 0 ReplyThere is no vagina, only perfect gender equality, where everyone is a true hermaphrodite, and people are giving birth through their butts.
1 0 Reply
Looks pretty Omegaverse-y to me.
7 0 Replymassive hyena pseudophallus
7 0 ReplyOkay but why can't they make our cock and balls bigger and functional? I just need a couple more inches and a little girth. Why cant they do that?
5 1 Replystraw-meme
3 0 ReplyAlso, pretty sure babies don’t pop out of the anüs.
2 0 ReplyYou have to be pretty stupid to think this way. We’re all disgusting inside.
1 0 ReplyAI did a thing here.
3 7 ReplyNope this image is older than llms and modern gen AI. Source, I saw it years ago
8 0 ReplyAlso source: tineye First found on Jun 22, 2016 https://tineye.com/search/803c6ca6ee7b06b185334b6e38cc73963782dfb5?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1
3 0 Reply