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wreckedcarzz wreckedcarzz

Hello! Some info about me is up on my website:

Posts 1
Comments 1.6K
Etymology is fun
  • objective complete

    mission failed


  • One foot in the grave
  • From selfhosting to foreskin, grapheneos to costco, chastity to theonion

    (not all from .world ofc but I maintain one account only for lemmy. I came from the reddit exodus last year.)

  • One foot in the grave
  • How it feels to be called a graymuzzle once you hit 30

  • me_irl
  • gargles your french fries

  • I didn't sign up for this!
  • 🤔 🤔 🔎

  • Now i gotta try it
  • Ur false. I'm false. This whole system is out of false!

  • a cool guide of the differences between equality and equity
  • go inside [the stadium]

    but that's further away

    drain bamaged

  • Cheers!
  • Macklemore: pissssssssssssssssss

  • Can't wait to see what happens next
  • Well you know what that means


  • don't touch me I'm sterile
  • I've had about 16 lifetimes then...

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • or you can't compete

    Nah nah fuck that noise. 'Jack of all trades but ace of none' or however the saying goes, is a shitty way to go about things. I don't have the biggest dick but I know my way around around the block, and I know I'm good at it. More specialized > the catch-all bitches.

    Let the fucks with their special engine requirements eat shit. Standardize or write a fucking proper program (miss me with that "app" bullshit) or fuck right off. "everyone is special... exactly like you" now fuck off web dev. Your shit doesn't get a permit.


    I may have some... disputes with the way the web is done nowadays.

  • Context
  • Well comparing the two...

  • Tight fit rule
  • Just gotta push it, push it real good

  • Hmmm
  • Me, who hasn't cut my hair in very close to a decade now: can boys be included too? 🥺👉👈

  • the election debate the good ending
  • Just grab em by the... oh my

  • ich⏲️iel
  • I don't speak German (just lurk and translate from /all), but I knew immediately what this was about, and I hung my head in frustration. 😫

  • WWAN unlocking on Spiral Linux

    (my first post on lemmy so I hope I'm doing this right)

    Distro: Spiral Linux (Debian, KDE spin), by recommendation

    System: Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 2 (Intel) (distro recommended as I am looking for Debian(-based), + btrfs, snapshots, and fde, included via the gui installer)

    I'm having issues getting ModemManager to unlock my X55 modem. This morning I wiped my drive to install Spiral (KDE), coming from Kubuntu 24.04. While the modem worked after running the proper fcc unlock script in Kubuntu, it is entirely missing in my Spiral install. While I assumed that it would not be that simple, I copied /etc/ModemManager from my Kubuntu live environment to Spiral, ran

    sudo ln -sft /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d /usr/share/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.available.d/105b:e0ab

    and restarted, but alas that's not enough, so I'm stuck. I have added the network profile + apn to ModemManager (the UI) but of course without the modem unlocked, I can't connect. I'm new to cellular modems in Linux (this was a windows machine until ~6 weeks ago) but I'm otherwise comfortable with the terminal and commands. The modem was working as expected last night in Kubuntu.

    I haven't got the system setup yet (trying this first before going further) so if I botch this, an install is no problem. I'm assuming it's either (or both?) a service, or a missing package that sets up what's needed, but I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

    I discussed this here this morning, though I think I got all the important details typed up above. But maybe it could be useful somehow.

    Any suggestions are welcomed :)
