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wreckedcarzz wreckedcarzz

Hello! Some info about me is up on my website:

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ISPs seeking government handouts try to avoid offering low-cost broadband
  • not top of the line

    1 gig symmetrical

    Mf I'm over here with 100/10 dsl in a suburban market, and you're like 'meh could be better' to what I am like 'I would literally kill for that'

    A competing company offers faster speeds but last time I checked, it was around $300 a month for better speeds while retaining 'small business' service (to sidestep data caps). My isp has gig fiber... 4 miles away... and isn't expanding it. Kill me.

  • Top Russian economist dies after falling out of window
  • Maybe they should try switching to Macs


  • I take it there’s no Lemmy app?
  • We're no strangers to love...

  • I take it there’s no Lemmy app?
  • It loves to freeze up randomly while scrolling and take fucking forever to become responsive again (usually I just kill it), but ignoring that, it's a pretty solid app.

    No way to reply to direct messages, though. Gotta pull up the instance site. So other than that...

  • Yogurt rules
  • 🥺

  • Gen Alpha will elect MrBeast president and there's nothing you can do to stop it
  • I thought you meant the GTA3 protagonist. Now that is a guy I'd vote for. No bullshit, just results.

  • Our tax dollars so this mf can try to arrest librarians
  • Well they've never read one so...

  • Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way
  • FX File Explorer + local servers = check and mate. If I need access to it immediately from a machine, put it on my /home/drive/desktop folder and it will sync to my computers in a few seconds, via synology drive. This also works over the internet, so I can move the files at home, leave, and power up my laptop to see them available, seamlessly.

    I have a second server running Debian that does the first half, but not the syncing part. It's more for docker stuff, not personal files.

    I'm disabled too, so the less I have to physically move around, the better. Having a server to just dump stuff on and access from anywhere is amazing.

  • Anon hates fast food
  • "sorry, I'm not into vore"

  • This is not stonks
  • The Them

  • Could Microsoft destroy Linux gaming by using the windows store
  • Yeah, I was like 'uh, no'. I had to reinstall FH3 well over a dozen times because their updates would break shit and there was no file integrity check system. The store is garbage, no doubt, but let's keep it to facts yeah.

  • This is not stonks
  • But she's a girl?

    meme with a dude and lots of ????

  • A concerned mother
  • It bothers me that "Mom >" is centered and not "Mom" centered with the > jutting out a bit. It's off center from the M above it.

  • You like causing nuclear accidents don't you?
  • Brb going to the home maintenance store to buy some bricks

  • WWAN unlocking on Spiral Linux

    (my first post on lemmy so I hope I'm doing this right)

    Distro: Spiral Linux (Debian, KDE spin), by recommendation

    System: Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 2 (Intel) (distro recommended as I am looking for Debian(-based), + btrfs, snapshots, and fde, included via the gui installer)

    I'm having issues getting ModemManager to unlock my X55 modem. This morning I wiped my drive to install Spiral (KDE), coming from Kubuntu 24.04. While the modem worked after running the proper fcc unlock script in Kubuntu, it is entirely missing in my Spiral install. While I assumed that it would not be that simple, I copied /etc/ModemManager from my Kubuntu live environment to Spiral, ran

    sudo ln -sft /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d /usr/share/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.available.d/105b:e0ab

    and restarted, but alas that's not enough, so I'm stuck. I have added the network profile + apn to ModemManager (the UI) but of course without the modem unlocked, I can't connect. I'm new to cellular modems in Linux (this was a windows machine until ~6 weeks ago) but I'm otherwise comfortable with the terminal and commands. The modem was working as expected last night in Kubuntu.

    I haven't got the system setup yet (trying this first before going further) so if I botch this, an install is no problem. I'm assuming it's either (or both?) a service, or a missing package that sets up what's needed, but I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

    I discussed this here this morning, though I think I got all the important details typed up above. But maybe it could be useful somehow.

    Any suggestions are welcomed :)
