This woman took the bus for a one mile hike while she was in college? Like, in her twenties she looked at the prospect of walking for just over a kilometer and a half, a distance you can apparently cover by bike faster than by bus, and she went "nah, I need mechanical help for that".
Do you take the escalator, or do you walk up the stairs ?
What a weakling you are for choosing the escalator.
Edit :
It seems that the irony got lost : most people just take the escalator for a mere 50 steps, just as most people would just take the bus if it's convenient. So all people in this thread shaming her are quite ridiculous.
As for me, I take the stairs instead of the elevator daily (5th floor) and wouldn't get on the bus because I have strong social anxiety.
Or, if it's so busy that you can't comfortably do that I take the stairs.
I also take the stairs instead of the elevator at home because it's only a handful of floors and man, I am already old, decaying and extremely out of shape. My knees would fuse solid otherwise.
Walk because its clear and I can get up it faster than waiting for the morons on the escalator that don't know how to use steps. Also I often have a bike with me and its easier to just lift that and walk up the stairs.
Escalators really aren't that common where I live. The architecture is mainly regular stairs and then there's a lift somewhere nearby for disabled people.
A few malls built in the late 90's/early 00's tried emulating the American escalator mall look but it didn't really take off.
Fwiw as far as the reasonableness of taking a bus 1 mile, that's 16 minutes at a brisk walk. Less at a very fast walk. Depending on traffic, number of stops, etc., a bus could take about 10 minutes to go the same distance, probably less. So you're definitely saving time, even if it's not a huge amount. You're also saving effort and sweat, depending on how fast you go and the weather.
When I was in uni, I would regularly walk the 1.2 km to campus. But I would catch a bus the 1.8 km (remembering that a mile is 1.6) to the shops. Because it's a hot unshaded route with a significant uphill. Plus I had to carry the shopping. Whereas the walk to uni was flat, shady, and I rarely had to carry more than just a laptop. And also there literally wasn't a bus that could take me.
So yeah, depending on how all the specifics fit together, I don't see anything wrong with taking a bus 1.6 km.
I went to college in Breda (HIO at Hogeschool Breda, later known as Avans Hogeschool).
If I were to take the bus from the train station to the school building, I'd have been late to class too often.
I walked to class, those 2km from the station to the school at the Lovendijkstraat. Only when it rained did I take the bus and accepted the fact I'd be marked tardy.
It could be cold, windy, or really hot out. Or she doesn't want to walk a mile with all her school stuff, or she doesn't have great mobility. Also there are plenty of 30+ people going to college
It could also just be made up, maybe stop looking to get outraged
American infrastructure is so heavily skewed against pedestrians in pretty much every city that isn't NYC. While large college campuses tend to be more pedestrian friendly, it still isn't great. And since most Americans aren't walking a mile everyday, when you then couple that with a backpack with materials needed for two different college classes like textbooks, laptop and charger, or notebooks and pens, it can be difficult for some ti walk that distance for whatever reason.
I don't know why people are still surprised that the country designed to punish people who are too poor to afford a car has so little pedestrian and cycling.
Lots of universities have free busses that you can just walk on, no pass or anything needed that loop around campus. They're so frequent and convenient that using them is often just the routine, even if it's not literally faster. It's easy to get into the habit of waiting for the bus on cold days, and you keep it in the summer.
I beat it consistently on my 10 mile commute. In fact, on a crappy weather day (lots of snow), I barely missed the bus, so I caught up and rode it the rest of the way.
Buses aren't fast, but they are warm and dry. It takes ~20 min to get from the stop near my house and the transfer I'd take to work, which was ~6 miles (~10 km). That's ~18mph (~30km/h), which is doable on a bike. My whole commute took about 40min, 30 on a good wind day. Taking the bus with a transfer took about 45 min.
I don't know why everyone's going on about weather. 1 mile is a 20 minute walk. A bus can do it in 5. That's huge time savings regardless of the weather.
I could take the bus which went 1 mile in 5 min which stopped outside my student apt complex.
Or I could walk for 45min along sidewalks around a couple city blocks and effectively walk like 4 miles to go one mile because there was no direct walking path through the residential neighborhood between my apartment and my college.
Not really. I used to take a bus every day to get to the metro station for a distance of only 1.5 km (0.93 mi). But to be fair it's because I was always on a tight schedule.
When I was 330 lbs. (150kg) it would take me 30 minutes to walk a mile, and I would be post-exercise dumb for at least 30 more. You don't want to the post-exercise dumb for class (taking or teaching).
Now (225 lbs. [~102kg]), it would still take me about 15 minutes to walk it, tho at that pace my HR wouldn't significantly increase, and I might decide to take the bus instead, if there's any sort of weather.
For everyone, I'd like to point out that the bones on this man were the same size, carrying 150kg vs carrying 100kg. They would continue to be the same size at 70 or 60kg.
Imagine, the next time you wonder how fat people have poor health outcomes: the same 10 square centimeters of bone in the legs could be carrying 40, 50, or a full 100 kg of weight. Or worse, the cross section of cartilage between the bones. Or worse. More weight than that.
Pfft. When I was young, I had to walk to TWO schools while carrying TWO heavy backpacks. The bus wasn't free because buses were still feral vehicles that tried to kill us on our way to school.
Wtf kind of school are you going to if you have a heavy packback? Unless you are taking welding equipment to school or something you really don't need much at all. School backpacks are usually pretty small.
I mean depends on the weather and how much time you have. I have a shop I go to regularly about 5-10 minutes walking distance away. Some days I just don't feel like walking and take the bus. If she had to go there more than once per week I can completely understand some days just not feeling like it.
Chilly snowy winter campuses, especially in the frozen North where it gets chilly and snowy, will often be nigh impassable after they close down the underground tunnels -- which they invariably do permanently as soon as there's any report of crime down there - and then it's either walking in your moon boots across the couldn't-afford-to-clear snowy campus pathways in 2ft of snow, or take a bus from one collection point to another and cut down on the trudging.
I dunno how OOP rode his bike, though, unless it wasn't snowy and kids are used to the shuttle service (me, I'd speed-walk across campus a few times a day. I was in great shape!) .
Just, small bus routes can be crazy-valuable if they avoid risk. That's all.
I war of the worlds’d my partner once. It’s the sort of thing you do once, realize just how fucked up your actions were, and learn never to do it again, or a yearly tradition if you’re with precisely the right person.
Created like 2 years of emotional dependence from that. Really stagnated our personal evolutions. Truly a terrible joke. I regret it weekly.
It’s replicable and I know one of you will consider trying it despite the flashing warning signs. I’d rather not instigate others into betraying the trust of those closest to them. When I said that I regret it weekly, I was entirely sincere.
I assume it's in reference to the 1938 radio adaptation of the novel The War of the Worlds, which was framed as though it were a legitimate news broadcast being periodically interrupted by reports of an alien invasion. What we might consider "found footage"-style nowadays if there had been, you know, actual footage. Story goes that a non-zero number of people didn't get the memo that it was a radio play and thought Martians were actually invading.
Op should tell her asap. Op caused this and if op truly cares about the situation they should take responsibility and the blame.
Worser cases reality 1: The panic attack was unrelated and Op is a stone cold bastard for not asking/showing empathy about it.
Worser cases reality 2: Gf thinks there was someone else and she had cheated with on accident, these panic attacks keep occurring as its settles as a deep trust issues complex.
Best case reality: Op tells her straight to the point and offers a sincere apology. Gf forgives op, and the relationship is strengthened in the long term.
Mixed reality: Gf is furious and dumps Op on the spot. They both dodged a red flag and were simply not compatible in finding eachothers boundaries. You don't pull jokes like that on a single whim, it’s clearly part of their nature.
Are you the kind of person who thinks pranks are inappropriate too? I would not apologize for this and I would not respect someone who apologizes for this. It's funny, it's over, it makes a good story, and it builds character.
As someone who has experienced psychotic episodes in the past, this "prank" would really fuck me up in a really unfunny way.
We don't know much about the gf, but we know that she supposedly had a panic attack over it, and that's not funny.
I'd find it funny only if I was told within a couple minutes (before having a panic attack, contacting my psychiatrist, and making arrangements for a potential inpatient stay), and I would absolutely dump a partner who'd refuse to apologize for this.
You honestly wouldn't apologize to your partner after your 'prank' gave them a panic attack?
Not at all, i just respect that people have personal boundaries and its ok to not be compatible with everyone.
Personally i would love this prank. But i also dis experience one where my headphones disappeared and reappeared in my
Locker where i would never put them. I am autistic and mentally just spiraled till my best friend came clear.
Sounds like really good boyfriend material, as usual. Instead of being grateful that someone found their wretched existence worthy of love (or whatever that was).