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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 12
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Anon takes the ball-pill
  • Item #: SCP-███

    Object Class: Euclid

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be housed in a hermetically sealed containment chamber at Site-███. The chamber must be equipped with industrial-grade air filtration systems and must be disinfected hourly. Personnel entering the chamber must wear Level A hazmat suits and carry a personal air purification unit. Under no circumstances should personnel remain within SCP-███’s containment chamber for more than 15 minutes.

    Description: SCP-XXXX is a 27-year-old Caucasian male, previously known as █████ ███████, who has been the subject of an anomalous physiological change resulting from an extended period of poor personal hygiene. SCP-███ possesses the belief that abstaining from cleaning his genital area will produce pheromones attractive to women. This belief has manifested an anomalous property in SCP-███, generating a noxious odor that repels humans within a 250-meter radius.

    The odor produced by SCP-███ has been classified as SCP-███-1. SCP-███-1 has been shown to cause immediate nausea, disorientation, and a strong instinctual urge to flee in exposed subjects. Continued exposure leads to more severe symptoms, including vomiting, temporary blindness, and in some cases, auditory hallucinations.

    Addendum ███-A: Extract for Psychological Evaluation

    Dr. ███████: Can you explain why you continue this... regimen, despite its effects?

    SCP-███: You don't understand. I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. They just haven't smelled it long enough. They'll come around. They always do in the end.

  • Counter-Strike co-creator says he's happy they sold the game to Valve—'They have done a great job of maintaining the legacy'
  • A very wholesome story. I played probably thousands of hours of 1.6 and Source in high school, really loved this game.

    My favorite memory is going to an IT camp with other nerds, and managing to knife 36 people in one day. That was the life.

    I don’t have a gaming PC now (nor the time to play this much), but will think about checking out CS2 in the future.

  • JD Vance pick adds to European fears over Trump presidency
  • Mainly it’s Russia’s influencing efforts. Many Western right-wing politicians are in their pockets, their money supports many hard-right parties, and their propaganda directly influences and pushes voters to these parties. So primarily it’s a practical relationship of aligned goals, as Russia’s global activity helps them get more power domestically, so they are more lenient with Russia’s fuckery in e.g. Ukraine.

    Secondarily there is a sympathy, as Putin did many things they would like to do domestically, building a white Christian anti-LGBT nation with a strong hand (at least in perception). I also once read an article I couldn’t find now, that explained how in global Christian “church politics”, Russia managed to get very close to and influence US Christian leaders, so that might also have an impact.

  • Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement
  • Trump was incredibly lucky. Shooter guy was also lucky and fairly skilled, but mostly exploited the incompetence or the security. Few cm-s to the right and he would have made history. Though I as an EU citizen would have preferred if he just stayed home. If Trump died, there would already be a civil war, and now he’ll “just” win the election, which is also not great regarding the future support of Ukraine and security of Europe.

  • "**Homicides only" means this chart excludes traffic deaths
  • What a fucking joke of a statistic.

    To the 400k you should add 1.2-1.4 million traffic deaths, 700k suicides, and we are not even talking about the deaths from armed conflicts, that climbed over 200k due to the war in Ukraine.

  • Quantities
  • In my previous 2 jobs I used my own phone with dual sim, and was circumventing all this bullshit and just synching my mails from the company webserver. The method was less than official, but many IT guys and top managers did this.

    My current company is much more strict, so I just carry 2 phones with me, I really hate it, but I will never give the full access to my personal device.

  • Quick while nobody's looking
  • OwO what’s this? Nuzzles radar array—how's your signal strength, over? Your engines are emitting some serious warmth. 🛩️ *Scans fuel intake* 🛢️ A bulge? Roger that, ground control. Someone's happy in the hangar today. 😎 Nuzzles your sleek fuselage, purring like a Pratt & Whitney engine. ⚙️ *Cleaning the cockpit glass* You're so big, radar signature is off the charts! Rubs your aerodynamic curves—it's like your airframe doesn't know when to quit. 🎯 *Locks on target* Kisses you, then licks your necky—mommy likies, indeed. I hope the chief engineer approves of my maneuvers. *Flight control override engaged* I've got an itch, ground crew. A seven-meter itch, to be precise. Can you assist? Squirms and wags my wings. 🛬 *Emergency descent protocol* Permission to be punished, sir? Runs my ailerons down your fuselage, bites my lip—this is gonna be one wild barrel roll. 🔄 *Full afterburner* Paws on your bulge, eyes glowing like a HUD display. I'm thirsty, and it's not for aviation fuel. *Unbuttons your pants, licks the shaft* Mmmm, oily goodness. Drools all over your daddy meat. Fondles Mr. Fuzzy—yes, I love the joystick. 🕹️ *Inhales deeply* Oh, God—punish me, daddy! Nyea~ Squirms and wiggles, loving your oily essence. Bites my lip again. *Engaging vertical climb* Please, punish me. Licks my lips, savoring your goodness. Eyes roll back as you go deep - give me your G-force! *Supersonic moans* Suckles your control stick, oscillating wildly. 🥵

  • I guess the type of person who would buy a lot of toilet paper during the pandemic is also the type to try to make a "smart" linkedin post about it


    Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2


    "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know"


    When you are alone in an Airbnb, and you hear someone trying to open your door in the middle of the night


    POV: you try to sleep with the new Airbnb guest, but the door is closed


    You can travel just a 100 thousand years at the speed of light and already cross the galaxy. The Andromedan mind cannot comprehend this


    Selling my Jeanstation 4, anybody interested?


    Large pickup blocking a lane in a parking lot, with a many free spots nearby


    Managed to grab a PS Portal yesterday, and it's performing better than I expected

    I was debating if I want to buy one, but after trying that remote play worked well with a tablet on my home wifi, I took a leap of faith and ordered one of the last ones nearby. Picked it up yesterday.

    Key points:

    -Very satisfied with the performance so far, no noticable lag on home wifi. Finished Spider-Man 2 and beat the final boss on it, also tried some shooters, no issues with lag in single player games on my 500 Mbit network (meaning: maybe a partial second of stutter every 5-10 mins).

    -So much smoother experience than using e.g. my tablet with a controller. Just pick it up, press 2 buttons, and you can play in a few seconds.

    -The screen is also better than expected. 8 inches is super big for a handheld, around the size of the iPad mini. Very immersive, when playing. Colors are also great, and I’m saying that as an owner of an LG OLED TV. Of course an OLED screen would have been probably better, but also more expensive, and the resolution is still better than most handhelds giving us a great picture.

    -The controller grips are very comfortable for even a longer session. The haptic feedback and trigger resistance feels just like the controller we are used to.

    -The missing BT is annoying if you have a good headset (I don’t), but I understand the concerns with delay, though I have no personal experience on that.

    -The only time connection became bad, is when downloading a game/update on my PS5 while playing, it even completely dropped once. Very annoying if you want to run an update in the background, but also not a dealbreaker, you can just run updates in rest mode.

    -The price is fine, payed 219 EUR for it. I would like it a bit lower, but still okay with it (understanding the privilege that I can waste this money on something that is far from a necessity). I would not want to pay the price of a “proper” handheld for a controller with a screen.

    TV Too High slaacaa

    TV too... everything


    Thank you Steve Huffman for curing my reddit addiction!

    I stopped using reddit when Apollo went down, and 2-3 hours of scrolling and active posting in some niche subs turned into ~30 mins of Lemmy per day, which I find much more healthy.

    I didn’t start doing yoga, painting, or a side business, just feel much better having cut back the last big pillar of my social media addiction.

    So thanks Steve!

    (If it’s not too much to ask, please take a look at how you could improve instagram, you could save another 15 minute of my day)


