You own your brain in the same sense that you own modern devices, you own it but also can't really modify it and there is some closed source shit that really control it
Make our brains FOSS! Why can't I just tell my brain that now is sleeping time and it will just sleep?!
Patch Notes: Fixed a memory leak. But that caused the sleep Guage to overflow back to 0 constantly. Waiting for the next software upgrade in 10,000 years to fix it.
You actually can modify your "software", though there's limits. Can't really swap the kernel at all, and the OS is a bitch to alter, but the DE is totally doable. We even have bug fixers, called therapists.
Now, deleting old programs is hard, but there are tricks to reset your clock, assuming the hardware is both functional and running a standard configuration. Some folks are just wired different, so playing with the clock results in blue screens at inopportune moments.
When I did my 4 years of attachment therapy, and I gave it everything I had, I could literally feel the structure of my brain changing.
Not thought patterns changing (which they did) I'm talking about the actual physical structure of my brain. New pathways were forged and old ones closed forever. It very much reminded me of how I could feel my brain developing when I was teaching myself to program at the age of 13-16... and thinking so hard that my brain felt like it was literally overheating.
It's a crazy experience to have as a human - to literally not be able to construct old thought, or emotion frameworks, because the physical structure required for them doesn't exist anymore. To have memories reduced to "that happened" while no longer being able to recall any relevant details.
This except the "software" you're patching is actually hardware.
Oddly enough, a not insubstantial amount of our runtime is done in the peripherals.
Meanwhile we have many subroutines running in each cell with dedicated hardware and compute, and even these can be edited to some degree through psychological means as well as nutrition and exercise.
You gotta take it all at once. Your brain nearly immediately develops short term immunity to mushrooms and acid. It's one reason why people can't really become addicted to them.
Note- please do not take enough acid to trip for two days
Your conciousness is literally a process of the brain’s proprietary code.
It's a likely hypothesis but we don't know that for sure. There's zero evidence of consciousness outside of your subjective experience of it. We don't know what it is and how it emerges.
Well, kinda. The brain is the hardware "the mind" is the software. If we could separate the mind from the brain we could upload ourselves somewhere to live forever. So IMO my brain is just where I keep "me".
Don't just do it without serious research on the evidence for it and high confidence that your source knows what they're doing. There are many types of mushrooms that are very poisonous, and collecting wild mushrooms isn't something to play games with without appropriate education. And to make it better, there are a real number of AI slop books/resources muddying the water.
Psilocybin is basically an antidepressant, and anti-anxiety drug. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in keeping it illegal bcz they can't make money off it. You can literally find psilocybin on cow poo.
There are as many "explanations" for the efficacy of psilocybin as there are models of consciousness. The one I like is that the drug causes an increase in neuroplasticity and that allows your brain to reroute its network more easily. I find it does great for helping me decontextualize experiences and strip them of the heavy negative emotional baggage some experiences have.
I don't know, I've heard it works well alongside therapy and having sessions to help integrate the experience. I usually just microdose and meditate with an intention a few timesin the week before a legit trip and let the drugs do their thing. Sometimes it's unpleasant in the moment but I always start a timer when I dose so I have seen over the years that the unpleasant parts are only like 15 minutes to an hour of the 6ish hour experience. Those 15 minutes can feel like forever because it messes with one's perception of time but even that gets less weird with practice.
They are powerful little guys though. I went to church after my most recent trip because it felt really right. That was odd since I'm not a practicing Christian anymore although I don't hate religion by any means I've just never gotten a lot out of it.
Others have said it more eloquently that I can but tl;dr:
You know how you have an id and an ego in your thinking meat? A correct dose of one of the "right' hallucinogens will just melt that pesky ego motherfucker. One doesn't need to achieve ego death to receive benefits.
There's a JTAG port in the base of the cortex for pushing firmware updates. Problem is, we lost the signing keys back in the neolithic. Thag got crushed by a mammoth before we had a chance to invent written language and write documentation.
What does it even mean to say "I own my brain"? What is this "I" that's doing the owning?
From my point of view it just seems like brain exists and that brain is having a subjective experience. The sense of self is just one of those experiences. It's not real - there's no self located within the brain. Atleast not that we know of.
If you think about it our consciousness is essentially has non-root access to the body. If we had root access we would be able to stop our hearts or stop parts of our body.
I own my brain because I'm human. Other animal brains, (whale, deer, cow, grasshopper, bird) are not owned by themselves, perhaps animals are simply incapable of comprehending our level of organization. That's why we can make their decisions for them.
Sorry it's just absolutely bizarre to me to think of a part of your body having different ownership than the other parts. Too atomistic.
Are we renting out the space in our heads? If so, shouldn't that be mitigated to prevent unnecessary damage?
You absolutely can. What really helps is to stop using any kind of digital devices about 2h before you intend to sleep, then workout for a bit, and chase that down with some meditation. Focused breathing exercises are enough, no need to go full guru.
Afterwards take a shower, go go bed, and read a book. You'll have to force yourself to make it through the current chapter, guaranteed.
Meditation is one way of getting control of your brain.
Yoga and Tai Chi is a way of control your brain by focusing on your body.
Recite a mantra is another way.
Daily routines is also an auto-pilot way of getting control of your brain. (This one is good if you have trouble getting asleep(
You can train those methods consciously and understand the mechanics of how the controls work. Once understood and footpaths set (meditation, daily routines), you can switch between these controls if needed. Or force a thought reset (mantra)
It’s not a secret and known since ages. It’s just that people are too lazy to train. And may be prefer the comfortable auto-pilot way of living.
Meditation only helps me be more aware of what the brain is doing / making me do. I can't control it and I'd argue that neither can anyone else. Free will in the common sense is an illusion.