It was white and gold when I opened the post. I use dark mode in Lemmy. Then I opened Wikipedia and read about it for a few minutes in light mode. When I came back, the dress was black and blue suddenly.
I can't usually switch it on command, but it does switch for me.
And as of posting this and looking at Lemmy in dark mode, it's white and gold again.....
ive seen it as both. it depends on several factors (brightness of screen, environment, eyes). basically how your eye adapts with the picture.
the picture was taken with the perfect conditions in order for the problem to be a real problem (lit dress with an overly blown out background light) to cause eye adaption to trigger for some and not others.
It's weird, back when this was trending, I always saw it as white and gold, but, looking at the picture above on my phone, it does kinda look blue and black
I just forced myself to. Kinda turned my phone away at an angle and tried covering the right side of the pic and forced myself to see it as blue and black. Then I couldn't stop seeing it unless I did a mental reset.
Augh, not this again! It was clearly white and gold when I opened this thread. Scrolled through comments, and now I can only see it as blue and black. Damn it, messing with my mind man!!!
There is no consensus on why the dress elicits such discordant perceptions.[31] The neuroscientists Bevil Conway and Jay Neitz believe they are a result of how the human brain perceives colour and chromatic adaptation.
The interesting thing for me is how badly I want one side to be wrong and one to be right. It's weird that that feeling is there and so strong... for something seemingly insignificant
The dress can make you feel crazy if you’re talking to someone who sees the other colors, but this diagram from the wiki page makes me feel like i’m having a goddamn stroke just by looking at it.
they’re clearly not the same co- HOW ARE THEY THE SAME COLOR
What i dont get is that there is clearly no dim blue light where the picture was taken. By the background you can see everything is lit up plain as day. White-gold people are absolutely zonked for thinking that.
i had this ex, one time she was driving and we were stopped at a light. she asks me “did you see that car?” and i hadn’t, so i said as much. she continued “there was no one driving it.”
now the way my brain works is, even though i didn’t even see the car, i know there had to be a driver. she died on the hill that there couldn’t have been a driver because she didn’t see one.
coincidentally a few years later she was also a white/gold person.
If you look at the very top of the dress in the middle, and use a color picker from your favorite image editing tool, the color of those pixels are a brownish gold.
That is part of the reason why some of us see it as white and gold.
Alternately, if you take a color picker to the sleeve part of the dress, the color of those pixels are a light blue.
It's been done; it's a grayish blue and a dark goldish brown. The lighting really messes with the coloring. Iirc the actually dress was discovered to be blue and black at some point.
For me it was always light blue and brownish gold. Which is a shame, because that's a much less nice-looking color combination than either of the other two.
They almost certainly changed the picture to the one that was using a filter to make it more blue. I'm fairly confident the earlier photo was easier to distinguish
I'm being downvoted, but either this thread or another thread did literally use a different picture similar to this before.