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mycodesucks mycodesucks

When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I'm too old for this stuff.

Posts 21
Comments 164
Obsidian can't handle several thousand of notes
  • Nothing is wrong with computers. Something is wrong with developers.

    "You WILL accept our defined use cases for you. We aren't interested in writing robust software. We're interested in writing it badly in 2 days so we can spend the rest of the money on marketing."

  • Gen Alpha will elect MrBeast president and there's nothing you can do to stop it
  • Always someone taking their fandom too seriously I guess.

    Also Trump is still an actual candidate and people are rightfully terrified. That does things to people's sarcasm detectors.

    Then there are the people who recognize it's a joke/sarcasm and just think it's too serious to joke about, and they're entitled to their opinion. It IS serious, but I will never allow that to get in the way of a joke.

  • Gen Alpha will elect MrBeast president and there's nothing you can do to stop it
  • Is it too late to elect Trump and end democracy?

  • ⬇️ push

    Why would you assume I agree with something just because I said it?

    Anyone who says Trek isn’t horny, hasn’t watched enough Trek.
  • Who has ever said Star Trek isn't horny?

  • Political Memes mycodesucks

    You all remember that, right? Right?

    Smugly satisfied pundit face

    Two lifelong Republicans leave the GOP in support of trans grandchild
  • It’s why you’ll sooner donate to support the hospital stay of a person in your hometown than you would to a earthquake in zimbabwe.

    This, right here? Is making an assumption that doesn't necessarily hold true. I've made donations to DOZENS of world-wide charities and never once even thought of donating to a person in my hometown. It's not because I'm callous... it's because my hometown has a system in place to help people with medical needs.

    It's not about helping who you know or have a personal connection to... it's about helping people who NEED the help. It's one of the reasons I find this "pay it forward" crap at restaurants so egregious. You know who doesn't need their coffee paid for? The person who's already in line to buy a coffee at Starbucks. If they couldn't afford that coffee they wouldn't be there. If you're itching to spend money on someone else, put it in the tip jar.

    So yes, it's completely fair to judge people for this. If you are completely unable to conceptualize people's needs or suffering until it's shoved in your face in a way you can't avoid, that's not human nature - that's a character flaw.

    This change of heart is laudable, but do they still carry the other abhorrent views of the GOP in their hearts? Do they want the wall and deadly force on immigrants until one of their grandchildren marries an immigrant? How many personal connections does it take to finally become a good person?

  • Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns
  • Why do people need that so desperately? Is it really so much of a burden to wait a few minutes for the platforms those journalists work for to vet and publish the news on their own platforms? Is your personal and immediate input and reaction so important? It's important to be fast rather than correct!

    If these "trustworthy journalists" are posting information so quickly and spur of the moment that they aren't checking things and ensuring their accuracy, they're not as "trustworthy" as you think anyway.

  • I wish I could screenshot my dreams
  • I already have plenty of pictures of Shrek.

  • Astronomers discover technique to spot AI fakes using galaxy-measurement tools
  • This might be one case where I'd be okay with keeping the methods these tools use as a trade secret for at least a little while so as to slow the arms race. The longer we're able to detect fake images the the better.

  • Trump's social media suggests a campaign scrambling from Biden leaving 2024 race - ABC News
  • It didn't used to be this way... I still remember when John McCain shut down a woman spouting lies about Obama, and defended him as a good man. This obstructionism and negativity originated in Congress. It's easy to point fingers at presidential negativity, because Trump is leading the charge now, but it was Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell and Co that opened the door for him.

  • Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show
  • Words can mean more than one thing, and people assume you're intelligent enough to be able to put them in context and figure out which one you mean. If I say "The general gave an order", you assume I don't mean at Burger King. If you want hard definitions with one meaning only, perhaps I can recommend this?

  • Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson calls for open convention: 'We will win'
  • One of these two will have power in November. That is reality. The democrats are the lesser of two evils. People living in reality don't have the luxury of choosing non-existent options, and have to pick from what is possible.

  • Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson calls for open convention: 'We will win'
  • That's not what I said, and don't put words in my mouth.

    It's not what he says he'll do, it's what he says he is. He is a petty dictator who can't stomach dissent or disagreement who will happily use anyone to further his own ends, and will happily take whatever interpretation of reality puts him on top, even if it means intentionally misreading and misinterpreting things.

    But I don't have to tell you that. You seem to be quite well-versed in that technique yourself.

  • Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson calls for open convention: 'We will win'
  • Democrats didn't paint that image. Trump did.

    When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

  • Bethesda Officially Becomes the First Microsoft Game Studio to Fully Unionize - IGN
  • Next year? I expect an announcement before the end of summer.

  • That's just last week again

    Sorry... the cold must be getting to me.


    171 years ago today...


    20534 memes are taking up space

    I'll post a complaint about this in 5 minutes when my phone's UI is responsive again.

    DnD Memes mycodesucks

    DoD: The Department of Dice

    You know you're unlucky when federal agencies get involved.


    A match made in the Delta Quadrant


    Not since Apple Vs. Epic...


    My best prank and I won't even be around to see it


    Challenge and fighting

    Homestar Runner is now canon to the Metroid universe


    Hard hitting news from CNN

    News that matters.


    "I don't get it... why isn't our Dyson Sphere producing any energy?"

    It's a much better idea to build it around the moon, which is light all night, rather than the sun, which only shines in the day.


    Images from the S.H.R.K.


    Sad morphin' noises

    Has it always been so hard to afford electricity?


    PSA: Release Notes for the upcoming "It's Chewsday, innit?" meme release

    As of the July release, future memes will use "It's Chewsday, systemd?"


    Video posts are torture

    If this is where the internet is headed, count me out.

    Political Memes mycodesucks

    I don't consent.

    I didn't know that was an option... has that been an option this whole time?


    It's a story for the ages

    Political Memes mycodesucks

    The press protecting jurors' identities

    "Juror number 3 is quite an illustrious director."


    Low Effort Meme

    I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground.
