You know you can just take the diploma and not show up? My college wanted like $200 for the official cap and gown. I said fuck that and moved out graduation weekend.
They mail out the real diploma anyway.
"Oh well you didn't get that memory!" Of what? Being fleeced by the corporation that just fleeced me for four years, so I can be hot for 3 hours sitting nowhere near anyone I've met before? No thanks, I went to dinner with my GF (now wife) and had more fun than anyone who went.
The moment they canceled the Valedictorian speech, I would have simply failed to show up to the commencement. And I would have done my best to surprise USC of it. And I'd have organized or at least hoped other people would do the same thing.
I don’t think it’s the protesting, but rather the target of the protests. For some reason Israel seems to be held in higher regard than any American interest. We can protest and shit talk our own terrible politicians all day long and nobody really bats an eye. But ask that we stop murdering innocent brown children in Gaza? Threaten economic consequences for Israel if they don’t stop the murder? For some reason that is a grave offense worthy of trampling on our first amendment rights.
Think about how wild that is - speaking out against the atrocities a foreign government is committing is worthy of taking away your freedom in the US.
The joy of a country run by religious loons that believe Israel will kickstart the Second Coming for them.
Remember, everyone: they want Israel to start a serious war in the Middle East. Because that’s the first step in all the Jews dying and those old rich white Christians being raptured up to heaven.
If anything, the only reason they don’t want it to start now is because they haven’t convinced all the Jews to go back to Israel yet.
I think it is just as simple as "oh no the youths" reminder when Reagan was governor of California he cracked down on a small protest over some benign shit, it wasnt even violent until Reagan stepped in the students and administrators were in talks about the whole situation.
Old people have a suicide death grip on this country and they would rather die and be buried under the rubble of their own hubris than let the people that have an actual stake in the future change anything.
Eventually every mishandled conflict becomes about the response to the conflict instead of the issue that started it. I still remember the end of OWS when no one was talking about the bailouts anymore instead talking about the difference between camping and protesting I also remember the daily reminders that some anti-war protestor in 2003 threw acid at a cop.
People have the right to make their voice heard. Governments should understand that, establish areas where they can make it heard, and do nothing to make it turn violent. Likewise protestors should make sure that they focus on the issue they care about an expel ones that start shit.
They are afraid of being labeled anti-semitic. That is what is driving this. Allowing the protests to exist gets the uni/president labeled anti-semitic, and that is unacceptable for the universities. The universities are then asking the police to break them up by force, because violent against students is more acceptable than being labeled anti-Semitic.
This is why freedom of speech is important and why it's important to argue specifics instead of generalities.
It's easy to say something is "antisemitic" and get an emotional response from useful idiots. It's a lot harder to explain why something is antisemitic and get the same response if it's not actually antisemitic.
Why is everyone afraid of college students protesting?
Its not fear, its a show of force. This is an opportunity to unleash pent up rage and inflict callous brutality on a group of people that mass media have flogged and hated on for decades. College students are poor, weak, and exceptionally vulnerable. Teachers are poor and overworked and increasingly precarious in their employment. College campuses are hotbeds of Marxism according to your average Boomer or news hour talking head.
So this is where municipal and state officials can drop the hammer unimpeded. This is where they can really indulge in their fascist impulses. This is where they know nobody will try and stop them.
I mean this police state response goes back to before Kent State and Tianemen square no doubt.
If Tienanmen Square happened in DC today, the guy standing in front of the tank would be labeled at Tankie by the NYT Op-Ed section.
Watching the American democracy go down and the Palestinian people with it. So many young people losing hope and the alt right will elect a man even more opposed to the Palestinian cause than the current government of the United States. What a time so be alive.
Unfortunately, revolutions don't happen in a peaceful way. The ones in charge of this country would not simply give that power up without a fight. They won't even let college students protest US support of Israel, peacefully.
the alt right will elect a man even more opposed to the Palestinian cause than the current government of the United States
It always gets me when we've got a government in which both parties rubber stamp another $4B genocide re-armerment bill, and you've still got some chucklefucks logging on to say "We need to support Biden if we want to help Palestinians".
Like, fucking fine. He's marginally better on Net Neutrality and maternity leave and green energy and student debt relief.
But maybe lets not drag 40,000 Palestinian corpses into the room and say "They want you to vote for Joe Biden, too".
I don't want to vote for anyone, because I am not a US citizen, but if I were, yes, I would say vote for Biden regardless. Why? Because even as a non US citizen I know enough about Project 2025 and this is not the future I want to see for this world. One good thing about Biden is that he will leave office when he loses. Last time Trump lost you nearly got a coup d'etat. But yeah, my comment wasn't exactly about Biden vs Trump but more about the hopelessness of the current situation where it seems to get worse irrelevant of the direction you go.
Protests like these are often what politicians' lives are built on. These students will be seen on the right side of history, and to have the conviction to be jailed for it? That would get my vote.
The hippies were a tiny minority. They were called the counter culture for that reason. They never had a chance to make an effective larger change, because there just weren't enough of them
If student unions can organize with worker unions for protests/strikes that seems like a possible way we'll get enough momentum going to think about a general strike for some long overdue reforms
I thought we'd have mass uprisings when we saw all the videos of police over-reach / violence in 2020. That it didn't happen then sort of quelled my expectation that it could ever happen, but who knows? This conflict is sustained in a way that has really touched a nerve with young people.
Most of them in this article, all but one, were arrested for trespassing. The one was arrested for suspected assault with a deadly weapon.
As has been the practice with these protests. The campuses have suspended the protesting students, which allows them to be trespassed.
The reason is they are protesting for the “wrong” side in the eyes of the media machine.
As lethargic as I have become to the world and all the bullshit. For some reason this is the last straw for me. If people can’t see how the media works to sway us in certain ways and will just gas light us then I don’t know what to say, but I will be becoming more radical from this point on.
Because fuck this nearly century-old ethno-religious blood feud.
If peace-loving people on both sides got together and decided to institute a single government that upholds the rights of all, this would end tomorrow. But they don't. Because the reality is both sides would prefer to wallow in their anger and hate than actually solve the problem.
I'm not gonna waste my time protesting for Israelis to unilaterally impose their way on Palestinians, and I'm not gonna protest for Palestinians to unilaterally impose their way on Israelis. And no one is asking me to protest anything else. So there's no solution, it's all just a big waste of everyone's time.
Like I said, I'm not asking for your reasons why you don't want to. That's on you. The rest of us should go and turn this protest into a movement. Why stop at Isreal? We have plenty of grievances. Let's go.
I know several Jewish people who voted for Trump in 2016. People are willing to do all kinds of terrible, short-sighted things for flimsy justifications.
The really funny part is, it's not like Biden or the Democrats have even been supporting the protests (outside of a small handful like The Squad and Bernie, the latter of whom isn't even really a Democrat).
At first, I thought this might be the University of South Carolina, and I was impressed as hell. For Southern California, though, I’m surprised that protesting isn't a graduation requirement.
Edit: Do people think I’m insulting student protesters? I’m not. They’re important, and it’s okay to make fun of friends.
The protests are not in support of Hamas. They are protesting against a continuing genocide taking place with the support of their own government. I, personally, believe that genocide is bad, no matter who commits it.
If that worked it would still cost a million dollars for the machete and my insurance could only cover the first 96 cents.....after I yelled at them on the phone for three hours