Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn't scare me since I don't see the real point of my life, what scares me is if my agony would be slow and painful.
But then what? I just stop existing and it's like I fell asleep? Do I see light? Darkness? Nothing? What is nothing?
Our soul is weighed against a feather by the holy mother. Not like Mary or whatever, the real all powerful 5th dimension all is one in time and space holy mother.
If our soul tips the scale against one's favor then you are reincarnated... you're reincarnated into tge sane family however the dynamics keeps changing each time you're born. You're sister might be your brother next time and you're a wife in one life then maybe a fatherless uncle in the next. Anyway once we achieve enlightenment, we are given a choice, stop the cycle or keep going
When you die you simply wake up in the nearest universe where you didn’t die.
Death is an objective event. It never happens subjectively.
In everyone else’s experience, you die. Your body becomes a corpse and you are no longer there.
In your own experience, you don’t die. The gun doesn’t fire. The car crash never happens. You somehow walk away from the train derailment. Your cancer clears up.
Death exists for other people, never for the self.
Eventually, you become the only living human. You are eternal.
After millions of years, you accumulate enough power to create new people. You do this so you don’t have to be alone. You are now God.
I don't know what - if anything- comes after. But I do like the Buddhist analogy of death being like a wave falling back into the sea. The wave is gone but the matter and energy that constituted it survives and are eventually repurposed for the formation of another wave. Or a bird, or a tree, or some other part of the natural world.
Nothing. Was in the hospital for a heart attack last year, my heart stopped for 8 seconds. I was 100% completely unaware. Was told later what had happened.
Over 4 minutes for me. Can confirm, no concept of time. I slowly became aware of a noise that turned out to be my own breath from chest compressions. Then I became present again.
Nothing. However, I don't think most people quite grasp the meaning of that. Kind of how they think that before the big bang there was just empty space. No, empty space is not nothing. There's no empty space, there's no time, there's nothing. By definition it cannot be experienced. Experience simply ends. It's as if nothing ever happened. The universe could just as well have never existed.
The more optimistic theory is that consciousness is in a way immortal. You can only experience being, not not-being. It's kind of how when you go under general anesthesia and then wake up it's quite unlike sleeping. When you've slept you have the sense of time having passed in between. With general anesthesia this is not the case. One moment you feel sleepy and then you wake up in another room. From your subjective experience you never lost consciousness to begin with. Whose to say that something similar doesn't happen with death. Instead of experience ending it just moves elsewhere. It's a pretty difficult concept to explain but it's somewhat similar to the idea of quantum immortality.
There will persumably be a funeral, my remaining family and friends will grieve and divide my up my things, several of which I doubt they will ever really use.
When you die, your brain dumps dopamine and you enter a euphoric state in the brief moments before you’re technically dead.
Time is relative for every entity, according to the theory of general relativity. I posit that as you die, your personal timeline extends to infinity. The state of euphoria is therefore permanent to you, the experiencer. It’s not heaven, but for you it might feel like it.
Additionally, every neuron fires as your brain gives out, so during that personal eternity your life is "flashing before your eyes". If this reflection on your life fills you with contentment, that is heaven. If it fills you with shame and regret, that is hell.
I have an opinion on this, but it saps all the fun out of the discussion when the question is asked by someone who gets no enjoyment out of their life. I'd rather you get professional mental health than have a bunch of people on the Internet assure you that death will be the end of your suffering.
I think there will be some sort of re-incarnation. Like not religiously, but like as property of science that we still have yet to discover.
Like I do not believe in dieties, and I don't have any religions, but I think there are some "energy" that makes up "you" and when you die, that "energy" kinda just float around like the many cosmic particles that goes around the universe randomly. Since there's gravity on Earth, this "energy" likely aren't gonna go outside of the Earth. So that "energy" will randomly find it's way into a living being when its bring conceived, very likely somewhere nearby the location of your death.
Like think about it.
Are you really only gonna exist once.
Dead for billions of years --> Alive Now --> Dead for the rest of eternity?
Dead --> Alive --> Dead again --> Alive again --> ... (repeating forever)
I mean, you won't remember anything, its like you are a camera that is recording (aka: experiencing existence), but you lose the SD card (memories) at every re-incarnation.
Okay I know I sound like I'm inventing another religion 😅, but like scientists didn't even know about atoms and the electron confugurations until like the last few hundred years, who knows... maybe eventually we'll find the secret "energy" of life 🤷♂️
So TLDR: I believe you get get "re-incarnated" as a random living being near where you died.
(I mean... it's a great way to deal with death anxiety. So maybe I just re-invented religion again 🙃)
Edit: So I guess, if you are gonna believe my theory, your goal in life should be to pass on as much knowledge you can gather. Write an autobiography, document your entire life. Archive every news story, and media, movie, TV shows, games, anything you enjoyed or anything you think other people should know. Imagine you are attempting to pass this knowledge on to a future re-incarnation of yourself.
I have two sets of beliefs here. There's what I rationally believe based on what I know, and there's the story I'll be telling myself for comfort if I know the end is soon (and I think benefits me in day to day life too)
The experience of death and if anything comes after is inherently kind of unknowable and if there was a truth to know I don't think human minds could comprehend it. Even if the answer is nothing, I can't comprehend experiencing nothing. When consciousness lapses we only have what we experience before and after to contrast it to. So I have to live life with the understanding that I will die and I can't know what that will be like until it happens.
That being said, we really don't know anything about how consciousness is connected to our physical forms, and we don't know that experience ends after death, either. Especially when you consider time may not be linear in the way we perceive it. The closest thing I have to a belief would be some form of reincarnation, where consciousness would resume in another life in another time. Maybe every life is the same consciousness reborn an uncountable number of times. I can't say I believe this per se, more that it's just as possible as any other theory, and it'd be a comfortable delusion to pass on with. it helps me feel closer to others too.
I guess my main point is go play Outer Wilds (and its DLC) if you haven't gotten to it yet. It helped me grapple with a lot of this and even if I'm still scared of the end, I no longer find it overwhelmingly distressing.
If my partner is still alive, then she would be very sad. Likewise my older siblings. God, I hope my parents aren't alive to see it - that would suck for them. My best bud would also be pretty torn up (we've lived within a few blocks of each other for most of the last three decades, and get together at least once a week). There's also an old ex who if they're still around, I can count on a great eulogy from them. Makes me wish I could stick around just to see that.
Unless it's a particularly horrible death, I don't think anyone would be dangerously sad. I'm insured to the hilt, so there should be enough to go around to cover expenses, including my partner's current level of comfort.
From my perspective, it's likely to be a big nothing (I would be very surprised otherwise). But I've never really put much stock in individual consciousness: sure I may be stuck to this one perspective because of how brains work, so it's the only consciousness I can truly know, but it's not the only one. The others (like other other people) will keep going after this one ends. The biggest changes are going to be in the social and legal dimensions of my former life.
But then what? I just stop existing and it’s like I fell asleep?
If you're asking about your cognitive state, it's like a process or event that ends. Like if you roll a ball down a hill and the ball stops bc it's at the bottom of the hill. The ball's still there but the process of the ball rolling is over.
what scares me is if my agony would be slow and painful.
To some people it's helpful if they read up on things like palliative care and hospice care. To other people it makes things worse to think about it, but personally I found it comforting to know that there are options and procedures to handle that.
I think i'll just stop existing at some point. Maybe there'll be some pseudo visual sensations ('light') as I die but other than that I don't expect any kind of 'after life'.
Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn't scare me since I don't see the real point of my life
I think we shouldn't be scared of death but still try to enjoy our limited lifetime as much as we can. If you feel depressed continously, I can only advise you to seek help. Life shouldn't be like that. If you have friends or family that you trust, tell them how you feel. In case you don't, that's okay. You may reach out to professional organisations or helplines instead. :)
I believe it's very similar to falling asleep, and you may even tap into a dreamlike state of consciousness depending on your circumstances. Eventually, your self awareness stops and fades into nothingness. What you see if anything at all, and what your perception of time is or how self aware of the situation you are will depend a lot on the circumstances of the death and your individual make up, the same way not everyone dreams the same way or even remembers dreaming at all.
I think this is probably a dream. Who knows what's on the other side. Animals are really good at experiencing severe pain and forgetting about it. I wouldn't worry about that. Life is a joke, so laugh at it.
If you believe your self, your awareness, your consciousness are manifestations of neurons firing in a brain, then as soon as those stop, you cease to be.
I believe that those neurons are a sort of radio signal, and that the self as I know it is a kind of wave transmitted from some time/place. When the body dies and the brain dies with it, I believe that connection is gone, and that signal is lost, but that the time/place from which the signal originated still exists. This doesn't indicate that I, the self, still am somehow alive or exist in some other way, the specific manifestation of myself as who I an is gone in this case, but I do take some solace in the fact that the signal that propagated the awareness of my own being still goes on.
I think its like being anesthesized or a high dose of nitrous, consciousness slowly fades away, its a bit trippy, can be scary, and then youre gone.
Depends on the circumstances though, some deaths are probably a lot quicker than others and you wouldnt feel a thing.
We'll be resurrected and face judgement before God, all who have sinned will be found guilty and cast away to hell, except those who have repented and came to Jesus for forgiveness of sins - in which Jesus will have already paid the punishment for.