Watch porn and maybe sleep after
Nothing. This guy is just feels so high and mighty that needs to grace my existence with his help
Majority of y'all "doctors" are here just to piss me off and feeling better about yourselves. I didn't asked for help, because you won't tell me anything useful.
You need to get off from me dude.
Dude, give up
You're not helping me and I don't want help from you
Nothing. Nothing I've done counts, I'm in my mid 30s, and still living with my family, I can't drive and only have temporary jobs, I don't have education or desire to learn. I'll never get companionship or kids. And most likely die alone without leaving anything. Never had sex or being loved or desired by the opposite sex so even that can't be reached.
Nothing and I don't want to do it.
Car is a necessity. I don't want it to get laid and no, a bike isn't a solution
I don't have a car
I no longer play older games either
I don't like indie games
I try to be invisible. I'm only able to do low income jobs and hate them. I do the minimal expected and go back to my room and sleep. Repeat.
I don't like that class of games
Yeah but I don't like any of those games. Forcing myself isn't a solution, if anything makes thing worse
Tomorrow is my birthday and I couldn't care less fucks about it... I'm already dreading this year
I'm going to be 35 and nothing changes my life has been a boring slow downward spiral. Sometimes I welcome death to take me but unless it's a heart attack I don't see that happening anytime soon. And I don't feel like ending myself.
Still sexless, loveless with literary no friends and with a temp job that I dislike. I just drift in this world, I guess I could be worse, living under a bridge, but I still live with my mother and uncle, sleeping in a minuscule room shared with my uncle (he's another "loser" like me in his late 40s non married living with his sister, my mom). I'm sure y'all heard this before, life is unfair, and it's true, and I'm sure some other people out there are doing worse than me and are better "fighters" in life. But I'm not them, I'll never be them, it's not in me being that type of person.
Btw I'm not saying this just to get a response from you and I don't need a "happy birthday" reply... If anything that would piss me off more due being insincere, you are not my family and you don't care about me in the slightest (and rightfully so). But I just needed to say this to ease my pain.
Now maybe you can understand why I welcome the reaper, maybe you can tell me if you're in a similar situation.
What HATED or highly disliked movie you ACTUALLY really enjoyed?
The reverse of that post I've made a week ago...
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn't take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG... These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this
At work, sometimes I take a bathroom break just to escape. Don't use the bathroom, I just wanna stop looking people I don't care about around me and the noise. I'm not physically tired, since the job isn't demanding that way, but mentally I can't stand it. That's the main problem, it's a warehouse so it's inevitable. In a perfect world I would be almost completely alone and the job would be a 15 minutes from my home at walking speed...
Both of it aren't a reality.
Last day of the year... How are you going though this night?
AKA how are you surviving it?
Mom and her partner are going to a reunion with some neighbours, get drunk and whatever and invited me but i won't go. I know how those parties are and I hate being surrounded by alcoholic ignorant people and people I don't know... My little bro (16 yrs old) goes out with his friends. My other bro that is 5 years younger than me (he's 29 years old) Will pass the NYE with her fiance and her family in their families restaurant.
So I'll stay in my room alone again. There's no reason to go outside. The stupid fireworks won't let me sleep anyways so I'll play Xbox and watch some p*rn maybe. I know it can be seen as pathetic for some, but that's my reality and I can't do anything about it.
What successful or popular movie that many loved you just HATE?
Rules: explain why
Ready player one.
That has to be one of the cringiest movies I've seen, is tries so hard, too hard with it's "WE LOVE YOU NERD, YOU'RE SO COOL FOR PLAYING GAMES AND GETTING THIS 80S REFERENCE" message and the whole "corporation bad, the people good" narrative seems written for toddlers... The fan service feels cheap and adds nothing to the story.
Finally, they trying to make the people believe that very attractive girl with a barely visible red tint spot on her face is "ugly"... Like wtf?
Yet it received decent reviews plus being one of the most successful movies of that year.
These 3 day off from work ended fast
I didn't went anywhere and stood in my room 24, 25 and 26 as usual... Why can't I just never wake up... I don't wanna go to work, I hate the people there but I need money and I most likely get fired at January
Fuck life. Honestly
A popular YouTuber with 250k told me to kill myself
The fact there's nothing I can't do to hurt him or his reputation in any way pisses me off.
While my family is in the kitchen preparing the Xmas dinner I'm my room replaying this
Click to view this content.
I already bought some presents, I rather stay in my room... There's nothing really to celebrate for me, I just want this to get over.
To the lonely people here... How do you survive these holidays?
Xmas, new year, valentine's... Seems like the festivities are there just to remind me how much I failed as an adult man incapable of getting company. It's been over a decade since I've felt this way and nothing changes.
Alcohol and porn has lost its charm over the years.
Decided to give myself something for Xmas...
I have a Samsung watch 6. But I dunno... I'm feeling like I wanna worry less about charging devices recently. And this Casio F 105 W looks great and was cheap.
To the few hackers, crackers or whatever pc experts here... Once you managed to get "inside the system/problem" you say to yourself or to someone there with you "I'm in"?
Bonus question... Have you ever said "yeah, that fits" once you got a password?
Does Christmas mean anything to you?
Kind of a follow up from my question from a few days ago, for me just depresses me and usually I'm working or worried about stuff anyways so I don't know how to enjoy festivities, plus being eternally alone without a partner makes things even sadder. Xmas is more of a post it of how much my life has failed.
What object that you recently had bought really love?
I don't have much, but I REALLY love my bomber jacket that I bought a year ago, looks good and makes me look good, I think.
Edit: after 2 edits that title still needs adjustments...
Just me or Xmas (and new years eve) makes you even more depressed?
I'm at a point of my life that I would rather erase those festivities, they make me fall into a sad mood, especially new years, another reminder that yet another year has ended and that my life still unremarkable dull, lonely, without love and poor.
Bit of sadness is getting me again
The temporary job I have currently is depressing but I don't have any other options, I don't have studies or preparation of any kind and I'm not a kid anymore, anti social and poor to getting out of this...
I was trying to get my driving license but I was thinking on giving up on that, the teacher is kind of an asshole and I dread the lessons, after so many I don't see progress... I'm only still going because starting from zero means hundreds of euro wasted, starting from 0 means another investment. I wish I wouldn't had started them, but I was being pressured by my family due being unemployed.
I have to go to work again tonight in an hour, night shift... I almost wanna get fired.
I apologise if my post is a downer, but this is basically the state of my life.
Despite our differences in social upbringing, nationality, language, religion, etc... We all agree in 1 thing, that Die Hard is a Christmas Movie, right?
Yippee Kay Yay... (The only movie that doesn't depresses me in Xmas)
Do you laugh at your own jokes?
Maybe it's the flu I'm having but I had a funny "YouTube comment" on a Harry potter video, on my head and when I came up with it I giggle for a good 30 seconds, my torax started hurting (again due the flu)... Ouch
What's the greatest videogame of all time?
Rules: just pick 1 and explain why.
I've been playing since the NES and despite being from a low income family I had the luck of being able to play and own many consoles over the 3 decades of my life, plus some pc.
If you ask me right now? Resident Evil 4 (2005).
A before and after in gaming, to this day still extremely fun to play even for casuals but 20 years ago it was THE masterpiece. And everyone took notice of it, everyone played it, even players that didn't cared about resident evil. The gameplay was so good that it got photocopied by everyone right after in the action genre.
Arguably the last big innovator in videogames minus Minecraft and... PUBG (Fortnite did it better I know).
Try to NOT pick your favourite game, that's a different thing.