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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 33
Comments 768
What do you think of the need for food to be traditional ?
  • Eat what you enjoy eating.

    Ferinstance, I add green onions, thai green chiles and lemon juice to my pesto. It's greener and zingier and steers away from that fusty-old-deli direction that it can otherwise go in. It's not even remotely trying to be authtentic or traditional, but it sure is tasty.

  • Assuming we don't have free will, why do we have the illusion that we do?
  • Confabulation.

    Look at split-brain patients: divide the corpus callosum down the middle, and you effectively have two separate brains that don't communicate. Tell the half without the speech centre to perform some random task, then ask the other one why they did that - and they will flat-out make up some plausible sounding reason.

    And the thing is, they haven't the slightest idea that it isn't true. To them, it feels exactly like freely choosing to do it, for those made up reasons.

    Bits of our brains make us do stuff for their own reasons, and we just make shit up to explain it after the fact. We invent the memory of choosing, about a quarter of a second after we've primed our muscles to carry out the choice.

    I think a chunk of this comes down to our need to model the thoughts of others (incredibly useful for social animals) - we make everyone out to be these monolithic executive units so that we can predict their actions, and we make ourselves out to be the same so we can slot ourselves into that same reasoning.

    Also it would be a bit fucking terrifying to just constantly get surprised by your own actions, blown around like a leaf on the wind without a clue what's going on, so I think another chunk of it is just larping this "I" person who has a coherent narrative behind it all, to protect your own sanity.

  • It's Saturday, are you doing anything at night?
  • I have some sensory issues around crowd noise; she is very much not the hike-in-the-mountains type. Rather than one or other of us having to be miserable, we each do our own thing when they'd otherwise conflict. Easy fix :)

  • It's Saturday, are you doing anything at night?
  • My wife's having a loud house party until 6am, which is pretty much my idea of hell.

    So I went hiking and am staying overnight in a freezing country town. Right now I'm having dinner; further plans involve electric blankets and Netflix

  • Can someone explain this old one-panel comic to me?
  • The artist is just playing with foreground vs background; his body carries on from the open space under the chair, and the 3d nose becomes a curled wire when removed from its normal context.

    There's no 'joke' to get, except for your brain getting confused.

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?

    City boy checking in.

    So, this one time out on a hike in a semi-rural area, the trail opened out on a grassy riverbank kind of place, and there were a dozen or so cows between me and the path onwards.

    Now, I mostly grasp which end of a cow the grass goes in, but that's about my limit; I have no real idea how they operate IRL.

    I ended up carefully edging my way past them and gave them as much space as I possibly could, and got extremely stared at by all of them, who probably thought I was nuts.

    Just out of curiosity - how careful did I need to be? Can you just like walk through the middle of them, or would that be asking for trouble?


    How does affective empathy work with anger?

    As I understand it there's two main kinds of empathy: cognitive and affective.

    Cognitive empathy is the ability to perceive and understand the emotional states of others, and affective empathy is actually sharing those emotions yourself.

    I do the former, but the latter doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    Like, if I see someone being sad, it's possible that I'll be sad or angry that they're in that situation, but those will be my feelings about what's going on, not theirs.

    But for those of you who inherently feel-what-you-see, how does this work with, say, anger?

    If you see someone being terribly angry, do you feel angry yourself? If so, who do you feel angry at? If you see a fight going on, do you hate both participants?

    If someone is angry at you, are you also angry at you?

    I guess this applies to any targeted emotion, but anger is a good example.


    Scratch an E inside your glasses: it's not tinnitus, just really intense reading. Chaotic stoicism ftw.


    What is that sound effect in the House M.D theme music?

    Yes it's old, I know.

    In this opening theme, that deeply unsettling fuzzy vibrato tone.

    I'm sure it's copying some kind of hospital sound effect, like an old-tech intercom tone or a warning buzzer, but I just cannot fucking place it. I know I know this sound.

    It's driving me nuts. Can someone please tell me what it is? Bonus points if you can link to a recording.


    Left the GODDAMN hammer in the FREAKING camp.

    while picking up some paperwork. AAARGH.


    Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating.

    M49, I tend to go a bit long between haircuts which is on me, but I seem to have a really hard time explaining that I want short hair, like 20mm / 3/4"

    I usually ask for a #2 clipper on the back and sides, (which works fine), then take as much as they off the top so I can still brush it straight up, preferably too short to grab onto.

    Basically a cigar butt with eyes, shut up it works for me.

    Even indicating with thumb and finger, this somehow gets interpreted as just barely trimming the tips off and painstakingly shaping the surface, barely affecting the overall quantity of hair.

    How's that for length?

    What no, get in there with fire and the sword, wreak devastation, I want all of this gone.

    :carefully trims another quarter inch off:

    It's not just one guy, not just one place, so I am obviously using wrong and misleading words.

    How do I ask for the thing I want?


    Could a bird propel a skateboard by flapping its wings?

    That is to say, could they get enough forward thrust to push themselves along, without taking off? Maybe with like a little perch to hang onto...


    Roleplaying evil characters

    So, I almost never play evil characters in most CRPGs - despite the potential fun to be had - and recently I've been thinking about why.

    I mean, lawful good is the most boring alignment, evil NPCs can be an absolute hoot (exhibit A: Astarion), stealth murdering villagers for lulz can be entertaining, so why am I always such a freaking goody-two-shoes when it comes to actual plot decisions?

    I think a lot of it comes down to lame and crudely-drawn motivations for the evil option in each case.

    Your options in most games always seem to boil down to callous, greedy or spiteful: haha no / fuck you pay me / I just blinded your child lol.

    And those just aren't satisfying. Especially when you're starting out and forming your character's persona and network, you're pretty much powerless, dumped in a situation where you're casting around for allies and can't afford to burn your bridges.

    Running around just randomly being mean to folk like some poster child for Troubled Youth and the need to be Tough On Crime is just... stupid. There's some crude sadism there, and there's some crude avarice, it gets you minor short term benefits but no long-term ones, it gets you hated but not feared, without any real sense of control. Everyone dies or gets led off in chains with big sad eyes, and there's always the strong implication that you failed.

    It just feels like a heavy-handed morality lesson where all the bad people are thugs, arseholes and/or developmentally challenged. Apart from being not much fun to play, it's kind of erasing the harm presented by smarter, more insidious kinds of evil.

    Being a good guy gets you willing allies, is about personal validation, and feels like success. It gets you the generosity of the people you help, but that's a bonus on top the fundamental win of making the world a shinier better place.

    By the same token, being an evil bastard should get you unwilling allies, it should be about power, and it should feel like winning. It gets you benefits you did not earn, but that should be a bonus on top of the fundamental win of tightening the screws on people. That's the actual payoff, but it seems to be the one they always miss.

    I think evil playthroughs could be a lot more fun if you had better ways to be evil: blackmail, extortion, sneaky betrayal and brutal revenge. Not ODD, in other words, but NPD. Control, leverage, perfidy. Locking your victims down so they have no choice but to help you, or deceiving them into working against their own interests. Either keep a tight rein on your PR - or let them hate, so long as they also fear.

    And another BG3 example: I think the nature of the shadow curse was a misstep, what with the all the grotesque madness and putrid corruption that surrounded it. I think it would have been far more effective as psychological horror, morally corrupt but reeking of purity, so shadowheart would have had believable reasons for wanting to join the gothstapo, and the player could plausibly be sold on it despite everything. But instead the lesson seemed to be that evil is yucky and broken and ew don't get it on you, and that just feels like a missed opportunity to me.

    What say you?

    Am I an outlier in this? Do the typical offerings feel satisfying to you? Are there games that do relatable, enjoyable evil especially well?


    Advantage. Reason: Astarion

    dear god I love this game


    Any actually good extreme-panning / "8D audio" songs?

    I'm going to assume you've heard the stereo-panning version of the record player song that did the rounds.

    However, searching for more like this, I can only seems to find shitty low-effort remixes of songs with someone swiping the entire audio track back and forth, without timing it to the actual notes of the song or putting distinct elements in their own space or any of the actually cool counterpointy stuff you could do with this.

    Has anyone found any that don't suck?


    Create a race to the bottom in the rental market

    Not sure if this counts as politics or not; let me know.

    One major brick in the toilet tank of the rental market is apparently investors just 'parking their money' in properties and leaving them vacant longterm, with an eye to selling them later at an inflated price - with rental income being not worth the hassle.

    Some people have suggested a tax on vacant properties to give more incentive to rent them out.

    Good idea, but I say we go one better.

    1. Put a hefty tax on all properties that aren't owner-occupied.
    2. Give a rebate for renting them out, proportional to the percentage above or below the average rental for comparable properties.

    If you charge above-average rent, you get a small rebate.

    If you charge average rent, you get a medium rebate.

    If you charge below-average rent, you get a large rebate. This could even exceed 100%, using the funding from the other categories.

    People chasing the large rebate will drive the average down over time, ate viola, we have a race to the bottom and the consumers reap the benefits.

    There's probably a dozen reasons why this wouldn't work, but I like it anyway.


    The weather today keeps going back and forth between raining and sunny...

    It must be a tsunderestorm

    Books TheBananaKing

    Recs please: cosy-but-stabby SF/F

    tl;dr: something with the murderbot / hexarchate / locked-tomb kind of vibe

    I'm after something sweet but astringent to bite down on; this is the general tone I'm almost always looking for, and I've mined out most of the obvious seams of the stuff.

    I don't mind whether it's fantasy or SF, I just want a chunk of emotional intelligence mixed with harsh conflict - with a modern, progressive take if possible.

    LGBTQ-themed stuff tends to be good at this in my experience, but I'm not fussed either way. I'm not after romance/smut for its own sake, but it's fine as part of a bigger picture.



    What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia)

    As per title. I very, very rarely drink, and I generally just want to buy a single of something for a rare treat, however most beers/ciders/etc are sold in multipacks.

    The pricing on the shelf is usually per-pack only, yet sometimes I see random products with single cans/bottles missing, and sometimes random products will have a little section of unpackaged singles, despite not having a separate price showing.

    Is it generally OK to split an unopened 4- or 6-pack, or is that as weird and inappropriate as doing the equivalent in a supermarket? What even are the rules around this?


    What's the simplest thing humans are too dumb to grasp?

    You ever see a dog that's got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it's never going to make the connection.

    Obviously some dog breeds are smarter than others, ditto individual dogs - but you get the concept.

    Is there an equivalent for humans? What ridiculously simple concept would have aliens facetentacling as they see us stumble around and utterly fail to reason about it?


    What is the most terryifying siren noise?

    There's an emergency at the Facility down the road, and everyone in a six-mile radius is very likely fucked.

    What is the sound that announces your fate?



    • dyOOT! ... dyOOT! ... dyOOT!

    • Something else? (please spell)


    Why don't nice plain chocolate biscuits exist?

    Not counting Choc Ripple, which are horrible.

    You can get any number of chocolate-coated biscuits, but dammit I just want a simple chocolate shortbread or near offer. Hell, I'd settle for a giant Tiny Teddy, though those too are a bit industrial.

    Just give me a pack of bourbons without the cream in, that'd do fine.

    Is this some terribly rare niche interest all of a sudden? Am I really the only person in this country who would buy such a thing?

    Yes I know I can make my own, it's just tedious - and the lack of demand for anything like it confuses and enrages me.


    Humans are notoriously bad at absorbing iron from plant sources, while herbivores seem to do fine. What's up with that?

    ... or do they just make up for it with sheer unrelieved quantity of greenery, perhaps?


    Noise issues, overload and... breakcore?

    Okay, so this is weird.

    I seriously don't do loud environments. My speech discrimination goes to shit with a bunch of background noise, and if I get into overly-spiky crowd noise (eg. loud bars / parties, with everyone yelling over each other and echoing off the walls), I rapidly overload and need to GTFO before I break down.

    So why in the purple fuck is frantic glitchy breakcore the most soothing thing in the universe?

    I've been listening to stuff like femtanyl recently, and the more IYTGKIUFUYGLICGXJYUGJTYUFLIHFUYGKJKHJGHYTFTJGHFDYGFDJHCHTRF it gets, the more it feels like my brain is sinking into a warm bath. It's like brown noise, but moreso.

    Tha heck is going on?

    Anyone relate?


    Can someone explain the boundaries around 'people pleasing'?

    So, I had an incredibly fucked-up childhood in a toxic abusive environment and never really learned how to people.

    When I was younger I was... abrasive, let's say. Or possibly just an insufferable prick. I would argue with people on the internet a lot and generate a lot of conflict - not from a desire to troll (as many assumed), I was just raised in a test-to-destruction environment where loud table-slapping debate was just how you learned things - kind of cage-match debugging sessions kind of thing.

    This didn't make me many friends, understandably.

    Anyway, decades passed and I learned to mellow out a bit, to go along to get along, and to develop some soft skills like y'know, tact, and... compassion for people's emotional investment in their intellectual position, if that has a name.

    Well and good, the people I talk to don't generally want to strangle me, chalk it up as a win.

    But increasingly of late I've been hearing disparaging talk of 'people pleasers', which as best I can tell seems to refer to people who do all the things I was yelled for not doing half my life: going along to get along, valuing other people's needs and emotional sore spots, taking a cooperative, defensive-driving kind of approach to social ineraction - and I am confuse.

    I lack a proper framework to parse this all intuitively; I had to build my social skillset manually by trial and error, and things obvious to others remain somewhat mysterious to me.

    I'm not actually ASD (just ADHD), but my lack-of-intuitive-grasp on certain things presents a similar profile. Can someone give me a longhand explanation of the border between not-an-asshole and people-pleasing?
