As someone who lived through that era, let me tell you, the gameplay graphics were never a disappointment. In your mind they looked as good as graphics today. The only thing I can remember being disappointed about was the Nintendo Powerglove. Man, what a collosal, non-working, over hyped advertising lies, piece of shit that thing was!
Box art back then was more akin to book cover art: an artist’s interpretation of the content. It never disappointed me. I even miss it sometimes. I used to collect images of box art even without the games, because it really was art.
When I give a digital game as present I go to the shop to print out the cover art on photo paper and then put it in a card. It gives them something they can immediately look at, handle, and discuss.
Here are a few I've used recently, they are more literal than the cartridge era but they are still artworks in their own right:
The game in the example is Bad Street Brawler which is every bit as terrible as portrayed. I have it somewhere still. Could never get past like thr second level.
Back in the day, deep down you knew what you were really getting. I'm a little annoyed these days when indie games use marketing visuals that look like they could be in-game for a modern title and then it's all pixel art style. I get that you don't make a pixel art poster, but in that case, go all-in on an art cover don't let it be mistaken for game graphics.
The first game that always comes to my mind in that regard is Super Time Force Ultra. It kept showing on my steam page for weeks on end years ago, with a cartoony-looking cover and "minimalistic pixel" style for actual gameplay
Bro, that stupid game with the guys that shoot barrels to get more fighters/better weapons looked fun. The actual game is a shitty base builder with timed progression, of course you can pay to get past the time locks. Fuck that company and every "influencer" that takes their dirty money.
I mean, from the ad it could be any of 4123984716239 shitty games on the play store. The last one ad I remember using that was Evony, which I'm surprised still fucking exists. That piece of shit has been a meme since 2010
Back when XBLA got going there were so many games with anime character art that ended up being meh side-scrolling platformers with 8-bit pixel graphics. Looking at the Nintendo eShop... not much has changed. 😄
I remember renting Phalanx just because of the box. like "why's this old man playing the banjo?" then you look at the back and it's a friggin space shooter. I had to rent it.
yeah after posting this I read the story on Destructoid about it. It worked. it was a meh game but the only reason I wanted to play it was because of that box.
Even being prerendered, it was an intensely impressive game for 1993.
And it's not like they didn't have plenty of problems to solve.
Here's an interesting interview with founder Rand Miller about developing Myst and how they were barely able to make it work due to the limitations of CD drives.
Sure it was pre-rendered, but it was still impressive to see PCs do that at the time because of the sheer amount of storage it took. Myst basically required a CD-ROM drive because the game is basically made of pictures, PCM audio and video. There's an astonishing amount of video in that game from the early 90's. It was another symptom of CDs having an astonishing amount of capacity for their era. Myst couldn't exist on floppy disk.
It is pretty cool to see what they've recently done to Riven. They really brought it to life in Unreal Engine.
Speaking for myself but in 1995 or whatever I didn’t even know what the term rendered was. Game looked cool but I liked Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon for state of the art graphics lol
There was a bunch of games that had really detailed graphics in the screenshots. Then you'd play them and realize they're prerendered. A bunch of Saturn games were guilty of that.
I'm reading this game's wikipedia page and it sounds very fun. What a shame it's stuck on the game gear and the now nonexistant 3ds eshop. I hope Sega does another re-release. Not that it matters to me 🏴☠️.
I can't research it at the moment, but I want to say that was a common thing in the pre-NES days, and I think Nintendo required actual gameplay graphics to be shown on the box because of that.
Could be off on the specifics, but I do vaguely recall those kinds of non-representative box art having some controversy.
Nintendo of America often used pixel art for their own box art early on in the NES era. It was similar to the in game graphics, but usually more detailed. See Metroid’s original artwork. If there was a requirement for third parties, perhaps it could be met by simply including screenshots on the back.
I had Bad Street Brawler for the NES and it's so bad, it's funny. Even back in the day.... fighting midgets, dogs, and circus strongmen, trying to get to the dumpster at the end of the level, and with 2-player coop to boot
I somehow missed Bad Street Brawler and went for Bad Dudes because I played that one at the arcade. Wasn't nearly as good as the arcade version though.
I 💯 went through this disappointment. I used to also love looking at a game's concept art because they always looked so much cooler and atmospheric than the game. I remember the inflection point clearly. I was playing Mass Effect 3 and walking around the citadel wards/docks, with it's beautifully detailed textures, evocative colours, and painterly lightshafts, feeling absolutely enthralled, and thinking "Holy shit, they've finally done it, the gameplay looks better than the box/concept art."
Honestly graphics aren't really that important compared to the gameplay. Games such as those in the UFO 50 collection are a really good example of that. Also if you actually want a quality god vs satan game with old school graphics then I highly recommend Grimstone.
My games were all pirated. Covers had a handwritten list of all games on the cassette (and later CD). The first legit game I've ever seen was Mortal Kombat Trilogy and I remember being taken aback by the waste of using a full CD for a single game (iirc the game used just 30 MB of space on that CD).