Even being prerendered, it was an intensely impressive game for 1993.
And it's not like they didn't have plenty of problems to solve.
Here's an interesting interview with founder Rand Miller about developing Myst and how they were barely able to make it work due to the limitations of CD drives.
The characters and environments in Fallout and JA2 are basically still frames (sprites) of 3D models at specific angles. They were rendered once on a powerful development machine, and converted to sprites for our lowly Pentiums and Voodoos.
It wouldn't really. Hand-drawn sprites are pretty standard even today - whether they're hand-pixelled (Stardew Valley) or frame-by-frame animation (Spiritfarer).
Sure it was pre-rendered, but it was still impressive to see PCs do that at the time because of the sheer amount of storage it took. Myst basically required a CD-ROM drive because the game is basically made of pictures, PCM audio and video. There's an astonishing amount of video in that game from the early 90's. It was another symptom of CDs having an astonishing amount of capacity for their era. Myst couldn't exist on floppy disk.
It is pretty cool to see what they've recently done to Riven. They really brought it to life in Unreal Engine.
Speaking for myself but in 1995 or whatever I didn’t even know what the term rendered was. Game looked cool but I liked Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon for state of the art graphics lol
There was a bunch of games that had really detailed graphics in the screenshots. Then you'd play them and realize they're prerendered. A bunch of Saturn games were guilty of that.