Yesterday I came across my old Icewind Dale box. The manual is 130 pages with tiny print.
I had also put the Forgotten Realms Archive manual in there, which is 368 pages - but to be fair that’s for all 12 games.
Rabbits? Have you not seen Monty Python’s documentary about the beast of Aaaargh?
There is, but on iPhone at least it sucks. I love Vivaldi on desktop - every time I try something else I quickly give up. But on mobile I can’t endorse it at the moment.
Perhaps it’s better on Android though, I don’t know.
I have a prehistoric dildo, it still works perfectly.
What do you mean, “just a rock”?
Most painful upvote of my life.
That’s because nobody helped when their hair was on fire, and now they’re dead.
I’m right there with you. Also, it’s “it’s” and not “its”.
It’s called Xitter now, pronounced shitter.
I raise to think of 2000 as anything but the future where will all have flying cars.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve heard of it, but haven’t tried yet - but I will.
That comma in the title made me think they blame Iran for Trump.
I gave up on Google over a decade ago - maybe two decades by now. Way back when I was using Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, Astalavista, and others. When Google came, it somehow beat them all at finding exactly what I was looking for.
Later they stopped searching for the exact words you typed, but it was okay because adding a plus in front of terms, or quotes around phrases, still let you search exact things. The combination of both systems was very powerful.
And then plus and quotes stopped working. Boolean operators stopped working. Their documentation still says they work, but they don’t.
Now, it seems like your input is used only as a general guideline to pick whatever popular search is closest to what it thinks you meant. Exact words you typed are often nowhere in the page, not even in the source.
I only search Google maps now, and occasionally Google translate.
(b) will just lead to fewer up and down votes, i.e. less engagement. That in turn could lead to slowly bleeding out.
Exactly. LHC also didn’t find that breathing air is good for you. I’m still not going to stop.
Australians can’t attack Earth, they’d fall right up into the sky without some reverse-reverse-gravity system.
Yep it’s the stuff they throw at you without warning, or even trick you into viewing, that’ll scar you.