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Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Well, yeah. Sinking down to their level makes us no better really. Not that I don’t enjoy thinking about that

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • You are absolutely correct that it is a First amendment, federal law, being violated and that the executive branch has a role enforcing it.

    As I said however, we are a land of precedent and it’s up to the judicial interpretations of the First amendment. Historically, this is how these matters have always been handled..

    As far as what could Biden do.. well I’m not sure if it would make much difference.

    1. Set guidelines with the Dept of Education. Doubtful that this would have any impact. There’s probably already something there regarding this
    2. Funding. They could do what the executive branch did with alcohol laws and withhold funding from things like roads until compliance is met. I would say you could withhold money from schools but obviously that’s not really fair to the kids and the republicans probably want that anyway
    3. They could bring lawsuits through the DoJ. Likely the best course of action but there’s already lawsuits filed that are gonna end up being kicked up to the SC I bet

    Probably some other things that I’m not thinking of right now since I’m drinking beer but you get the idea

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Good question. It’s a judicial issue not an executive one. It’s also a state issue and not a federal one. There are no King’s in the USA.

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • A tale as old as time (or Biden)

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • What does teaching the Bible in schools have to do with Biden or the dems?

    I completely understand your frustrations, trust me. This is a state issue which I have no doubt will get kicked up to the SC.

    Even if you had the next greatest democratic nominee, that wouldn’t affect the situation regarding this post.

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Then what’s to stop the next incumbent from doing that until we have 1,000 justices? The US is a nation that loves to establish precedent so I can see why no one wants to mess with the issue.

    There does need to be reform but that has to come from Congress. They have been a bit busy sharing pictures of hunter bidens penis lately to give a shit about things that matter to their constituents.

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Schools have tried this bullshit in the past and have been beat at the Supreme Court level. The only thing that can stop this is once again the Supreme Court - which has nothing to do with the dems.

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Someone started drinking early today

  • Got a Point
  • Canada is like this too

  • Got a Point
  • Yeah and you can keep a consistent pace. Love/hate stair master or going on a large incline walk before or after lifting weights

  • Got a Point
  • I’m sorry but did you say the gym is a lazy form of workout? Did that make sense in your head when you wrote that out?

  • Appeciating simple pleasures
  • I do the same but that’s because I hate backing out of high traffic areas or having people sit there and wait for me to back out. Back of the lot is the stress free lifestyle

  • Hockey
  • We use American football fields here in the USA.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I have no idea what you’re talking about, like at all.

    I don’t even use Spotify.

  • Obelisk, the royal murder horse
  • Some horses just want to watch the world burn

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Yes in the USA there are laws that require CC on programs being televised, but not all. Interestingly enough, one of the TV exemptions is programs that are mostly musical.

    After doing a bit of research now I can see your point and I agree with you that this could set up a legal situation like it did back in the 90s. I wouldn’t mind if they revisited the 1996 Telecommunications Act so they could break up the radio monopoly here, but I digress.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Legally speaking, the ADA promotes accessibility in public accommodations, but it does not require music streaming services to provide lyrics. There is no legal precedent requiring these services.

    Additionally, the service in question is free. Do any music streaming services provide both lyrics and music for free? While I don't particularly favor Spotify, this argument doesn't relate to any legal obligation on their part.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Should my free local newspaper also include everything in braille?

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • You’re comparing something that actually affects someone’s ability to move around with someone not enjoying free music as much without lyrics