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dabu ThyTTY
Posts 3
Comments 193
A cool guide for men’s wear
  • I did the same but judging by the fact I was also downvoted suggest me that some people think I agree with it just because I've provided a source

  • A cool guide for men’s wear
  • I don't think so, it's at least 8 years old.

  • A cool guide for men’s wear
  • This is just a small part of the full guide. Here's the original article

  • [DSK] Fear of Missing Out
  • The FOMO in Magic is getting out of hand

  • [DSC] Archenemy cards
  • What are these exactly?

  • Avacyn, Angel of Hope by Howard Lyon
  • My favorite version of Avacyn. Absolutely gorgeous

  • [ACR] Shay Cormac
  • I don't like this effect. What's next? Hexproofer that can't be taken away? Not a fan

  • CachyOS June 2024 release brings T2 Macbook support ,555 driver and much more
  • Blazingly fast? Is it made in Rust or what?

  • Is it Worth It To Buy A Modern Horizons 3 Commander Deck?
  • Stores have been price gauging for a while now. They go full scalper mode sometimes.

  • How does one create an app?
  • IntelliJ has source available here under Apache-2 license. AFAIK only Pro edition is proprietary.

    Android Studio has no source but there is one for Android IntelliJ plugin here.

    Maybe I'm missing something but to me these cases are pretty different.

  • The Thing: Remastered Is the Next Revival From Nightdive Studios
  • I liked the original. It's been a while since I've had a single thought about the game so I'll check it out. It starts as a horror but turns into a classic shooter later on. I remember it being good anyway.

  • How does one create an app?
  • You can use IntelliJ Community to develop Android apps with an Android plugin.

  • It's time to stop thinking plastic phones can't be premium
  • It's time to stop thinking a phone should be premium

  • Is it Worth It To Buy A Modern Horizons 3 Commander Deck?
  • The land one at MSRP, I'd say yes. Rest of them? I would say no

  • Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview
  • MS has been using Linux on their servers for years

  • Storm the Seedcore by Jason Rainville
  • The art itself is beautiful but these weapons... They look like laser spears from Marvel. Not a fan

  • Path to Exile by Rebecca Guay
  • Absolute classic

  • Any good abandoned apps that miabehave on new versions of Android?

    Looking for something to contribute to and if it doesn't work properly now I will have a good starting point. Other recommendations are also fine.

    ThinkPad ThyTTY

    Do I need an OLED 3k screen?

    Sorry for a dumb title. I'm considering two versions of Thinkpad Z13 - one with 3k OLED and another with FHD IPS panel. The first one has obviously a better display quality and gamut range but version with IPS will provide more battery life.

    What do you think about panels like that on a 13" laptop? Are they noticeably more pleasant to interact with?

    I like to have good battery life but if OLED is to blow me away maybe I should pick one.

    I will be using Linux btw.

    Edit: I know the only one to answer this question is me but I would like to hear your input and maybe learn about things to consider.


    What exactly is a Lemmy account?

    I've just created an account on and am able to subscribe for communities in Can I use it there? Can I use same credentials for all lemmy instances? Does it make a difference where I create one?
