Counterpoint - I dry my legs and feet first as those are the first to cause water to get on the floor. Then I get a bathrobe and finally work on the hair.
When I see a comment I like or a comment that makes me smile or a comment that I perceive as advancing the conversation - even if it doesn't match the other two requirements - I upvote.
It's pretty rare that I see a comment that gets a physical or vocal reaction out of me. This is only the second one I can remember on lemmy. Your comment made me literally guffaw. My opinion isn't anything special, but it's all I have to offer and I want to make sure you know you had an impact on me. Thank you.
I start with grit 60, working up to 120, then a 600 for the smoothest finish, then a once over with a buffing pad for a shine that really glows. Always top to bottom.
I use the side of my hand to squegee it all down, then just have to towel off a little dampness. Learned that technique as a kid when I went to camp and only had a hand towel size for 2 weeks because of poor packing.
Top to bottom-ish. But I consistently use one side of the towel for my face, and the other side for my junk. I know it doesn't matter as I have cleaned up everywhere anyway, but I like to keep it separated anyway.
I dry from head to toe. I use two towel, one just for my hair because I have long-ass hair and by the time I'm done drying it, the towel is usually pretty damp so I have another for my body.
Surprised we haven't heard from the germophobes that they use a gantry of hot air blowers, like you sometimes find at the end of an automated car wash.
A,B,C,D,E, and F. I use the tag of the towel to determined the use of my towel. Tag always goes bottom right and that means my feet always go there to dry. Divide my towel to 4-5 sections and always use the same spot of the towel for the same parts.
Start at the top and move down. Any areas such as crotch, ass, and feet are dried with the end of the towel while the face is dried with the middle of the towel.
That sounds unhinged to me. Are you perhaps bald? My hair is really thick and not very porous so it holds water rediculously well. If I did that it'd take 30 minutes
Neck to crotch on the front then a good rough polish cycle to try and dry off my back - all with a nice thin towel that knocks the moisture off rather than absorbing it. Once my body is done I have a separate fluffy towel for my long hair, face, and beard.
I put on my hooded terry cloth bathrobe that simultaneously dries hair, head, neck, torso and legs above the knees. Wipe face, lower legs and feet. Remove robe and dry genitals and butt crack.
I had dry hands to the point of skin breaking open and bleeding until I realised that properly drying them after washing hands improved things. I think the water evaporating drys the skin or something
B, A, using one whole side of the towel. Then fold it in half with the dry side out. Shoulders/begin C3, C4, C1, finish C3/C2, D2, D1, E1, E2, F, all with one side of the towel. Then flip it and use the dry outer side to do a quick pass in the same order.
I'm not fucking with these letter but it's:
Face, head/hair, torso front, torso back, armpits, head again (long hair), arms if still wet, legs if still wet, feet if still wet.
Anybody not starting with the face is a borderline psychopath imo
I use a terrycloth robe as my towel. I dry my hair with the back, then put it on and head to my bedroom to get dressed. I'm dry when I get to the dresser.
I always start with my hair first, dry my back and upper body, then my legs. But then I keep a second towel for intimate areas, because why would you want to wipe your face with the same towel you wipe your ass with?