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VP Harris tells teachers union she’s ‘fighting for the future,’ blasts Project 2025 • Oklahoma Voice
  • It feels so hopeless sometimes. Like, nothing will change until we can get some voting reform, but I have no idea how that's going to happen.

  • The Thomas Crooks Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Going Anywhere
  • I mean, I definitely believe that Trump would stage an assassination for political points. In fact, I bet he's goons could pull it off. I just don't see any evidence to make that seem more likely than "it was just some kid, and the secret service was slacking that day".

  • 25 July 2024
  • Oh I'm so curious too.

  • Brat summer is dead RIP
  • The Ukraine comparison was a little gross. But, the US is staring down the barrel of an out right, hitler-worshiping, fascist regime. Lives and rights have already been lost, and I for one don't want to be here when they start putting people in camps.

    Definitely not the same as having Russia invade your country and murder your family, but don't act like a lot of lives (in and outside of the US) aren't hanging in the balance here.

  • Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • 4 years is crazy long. That means they start campaigning as soon as they enter office.

  • Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • They're going to do everything they can to paint Kamala as an illegitimate candidate, and spin his refusal to debate her as simply refusing to legitimize her.

    Trump's base doesn't know shit about fuck, so if their god emperor says she's illegitimate they won't even think about it further.

  • I can whistle at the speed of sound
  • The laser and the laser pointer are both traveling away from each other at the speed of light, so from the pointer's perspective the laser is traveling at twice the speed of light.

  • Title
  • Anyone simping for a fascist isn't a leftist. At most they're a "leftist".

  • Title
  • I don't know what you're talking about. I mostly see people clapping back to tankies blatantly trying to convince leftists not to vote.

  • Title
  • Welcome to the two party system. If you want to change it's gonna take a whole lot more than just voting, but if the left can't even do that then we're fucking doomed.

  • Anon hates fast food
  • Eh, it depends. If you've only ever had customer service interactions with them don't. But if you've actually have a human dynamic it's very different.

    I have no end of creeps hitting on me at work. But there was this one customer who I would just chat with every time they came in. Nothing really flirty, but it was a really welcome distraction from work. Eventually they asked for my number, and it wasn't weird at all. We even have a date planned tonight.

  • "Mental Illness" are not just "Mental"
  • Ok, like I know you're not trying to make the arguythay addiction is a symptom rather than an illness, but what you said would support the idea.

    Why are you even here? This is a discussion forum, and you're just staunchly refusing to engage with discussion? I'm not telling you to leave or anything. I'm just confused on what you're even getting out of this experience.

  • Title
  • Voting alone obviously isn't enough. It's the absolute bare minimum.

  • Title
  • I just don't want the Sunny d orangutan to put me into a fucking concentration camp. If that makes me blue maga, so be it I guess.

    You act like voting is mutually exclusive with all other forms of resistance. Like yeah, obviously voting alone isn't going to do very much. But just because there's work to be done outside of the voting booth doesn't mean we should hand the oval office over to the actual facility on a silver platter.

  • Title
  • I'll be sure to thank them for their unbending morals when I get put in a concentration camp.

  • Title
  • Oh, I've already seen it on lemmy. Pretty soon you'll see Cop Kamala posts all over the plac

  • Political Memes OneWomanCreamTeam


    "Mental Illness" are not just "Mental"
  • I mean, it sounds like you're making a great argument for treating addiction like a symptom, rather than an illness, which sounds pretty reasonable to me.

  • Devastating
  • Go fuck yourself The '90s will forever be 10 years ago.

  • Political Memes OneWomanCreamTeam

    Political violence


    The illusion of free choice


    Long time


    Happy Sunday!



    USpolitics OneWomanCreamTeam

    Ohio Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care
    0 Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care
    2 Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care







    Tell me rule




    How do you usually handle paying for dates?

    I'm bisexual, and trans. I've been on dates with men, and women, presenting as both a man and a woman. I usually just pay for myself, or awkwardly fail to turn them down when the other person offers to pay.


    Has life gotten better as you've gotten older?

    Mine certainly hasn't. I feel like I've had 27 years of downward spiral.

    I've been slowly, but steadily collecting more and more people to miss, Watching my finances get worse and worse. My body is starting to fall apart. My life is boring, lonely and grueling. Every time I take a step forward in one area I take a step back in all the others. Therapy has been worse than useless, loved ones stop caring eventually, casual friends just disappear into the ether without a trace.

    I wish I hadn't gotten "lucky" during my previous suicide attempts, because I definitely can't try that anymore. I wish someone could just do it for me, without me ever expecting it.

    But your 30s are supposed to be easier. More stable. It's hard to believe that'll be the case for me, going into them with no connection to my past, no money, no marketable skills.




    i can't a trans timelimes community, so I'm posting this here instead
