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Nintendo won't use generative AI in its first-party games
  • Honestly, if any game could make good use of generative AI it'd be wario ware.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • I don't know how anyone can hear a single sentence out of Trump's mouth and think he's cognitively in tact.

  • Huummm!
  • Damn, I'm a bottom why did no one let me in on the conspiracy?

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • None. If cared about "what's necessary for the country" he would've stepped aside for better candidates in 2020.

  • Dune rule
  • Bisexual

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • There is no realizing that you'll turn out trans, because by realizing that you are realizing that you are trans.

  • What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)?
  • There are so many more eyecatching things wrong with Trump, so his age never gets brought up. Biden mostly just has his age and the Israel situation, so those are the two things you hear about the most.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • My response, when my mom showed my first partner naked baby pictures was to nudge my partner and say "don't worry, I'll send you some more recent ones.

    My mom super didn't appreciate the joke, but she never pulled out baby pictures for future partners.

  • Anon saves his virginity
  • Or maybe he's just 17. Like, sure lots of people are fucking by then, but maybe he wants to do it with someone he's emotionally attached to, and hasn't found someone he's compatible with and mutually interested in.

    Or maybe just ace.

    Like, it's not like it's weird to not have had sex before 17. When I was 17 I was very much bisexual (still am), but I wouldn't have fucked someone that my friends just payed to fuck me.

  • whole 99
  • Your whole carpet for $99

    But the signs are out of order

  • monster rule
  • Can confirm, I hated beer until I became an alcoholic.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • The "but voting won't instantly fix all of our problems" crowd:

  • it's a big deal jack
  • It doesn't stop them, but it requires very little effort and definitely slows them down.

  • This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel
  • From the article

    Cultured skin, as they put it, can heal itself, carry biological sensors like our own to provide sensitive touch, and could also have benefits in medical or human interaction contexts.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I'm horrified to ask, but what do you mean?

  • Also "parasite".
  • I like "Robber Barrons". I just wish it didn't sound so cool.

  • Religion is sick
  • If you grew up as an edgy church kid you got a lot of opportunities, I'm sure.

  • Planetary travel guide
  • Nah. It used to be an A, but some recent updates have kicked it down to a C. If you want a real A tier planet try Cromdomulom 12.

  • Think of the children!
  • That doesn't sound like a problem with socialized medicine, so much as a problem with Canada's socialized healthcare system.

    Like I'm pretty sure their right wing has been doing everything they can to dismantle their healthcare system. That's definitely going to reduce the speed and quality of care.

  • New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • My city has one or two trans bars. Cis people are allowed of course. But most of the clientele is some flavor trans or nonbinary.

    It makes me feel so much less conspicuous when I look out at the crowd and realize I don't stick out at all. I imagine this could serve a similar function to fat people who want to go to the beach.

  • USpolitics OneWomanCreamTeam

    Ohio Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care
    0 Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care
    2 Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care

    Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice. The ACLU and the ACLU of Ohio condemned the proposal.

    Governor DeWine’s Executive Order Is A De Facto Ban on Transgender Care



    How do you usually handle paying for dates?

    I'm bisexual, and trans. I've been on dates with men, and women, presenting as both a man and a woman. I usually just pay for myself, or awkwardly fail to turn them down when the other person offers to pay.


    Has life gotten better as you've gotten older?

    Mine certainly hasn't. I feel like I've had 27 years of downward spiral.

    I've been slowly, but steadily collecting more and more people to miss, Watching my finances get worse and worse. My body is starting to fall apart. My life is boring, lonely and grueling. Every time I take a step forward in one area I take a step back in all the others. Therapy has been worse than useless, loved ones stop caring eventually, casual friends just disappear into the ether without a trace.

    I wish I hadn't gotten "lucky" during my previous suicide attempts, because I definitely can't try that anymore. I wish someone could just do it for me, without me ever expecting it.

    But your 30s are supposed to be easier. More stable. It's hard to believe that'll be the case for me, going into them with no connection to my past, no money, no marketable skills.
