THC brain aging reversal: New study reveals how low-dose THC can enhance cognitive function and reverse aging in the elderly. Read now!
Initially, THC boosted brain metabolism and synaptic protein levels, indicative of heightened cognitive processes. Subsequently, it shifted towards reducing metabolic activities in the body akin to the effects seen with caloric restriction or intensive exercise, known for their anti-aging benefits.
Haven't had a chance to read all of it, but it isn't badly executed by a quick scan.
Edit: I've had a chance to read it in full.
About half of it is over my head. Just don't have the biochemical background to be able to interpret much of the metabolites they were measuring.
That being said, that stuff isn't actually important for casual interest.
Here's the key points I found:
First, the study was mice only. While mice are excellent for this kind of work, you can't guarantee things will be a 1:1 result in Holland p.
Second, the study was for low dose levels, and only delta-9 thc, with no other cannabinoids being used at all.
Third, the study was relatively short, with 42 days being the longer end.
Fourth, and this is the cool part, changes in the relevant metabolites and brain samples had benefit at the 14 day mark. So, if this does translate to human effects, short term, low dose use of delta-9 may be a valuable option. That's years away before this could be confirmed as valid for humans, but the effects were significant.
All of that means that just smoking weed, you aren't going to duplicate the conditions of the study. If you're taking in enough to get high, you're at a higher dose than the study, and that may cause an opposite effect long term.
This is a very focused experiment, with well defined limits and goals. The information gained can not be used as an indicator that smoking herb as an adult human will give any benefit, much less what is in the title of the article.
Think of this study as step one in maybe ten steps you get to the point where it would be useful for indicating benefits in humans, assuming everything went right along the way.
Maybe I’m misreading the only plot that mentions dosing numbers anywhere. It looks like the largest dosing group is getting 3mg/kg/day. That’s a lot scaled up to a 100kg person (like 10x a normal gummy for example).
It was three different doses, 0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg per day
It was also delivered via subcutaneous pump, which is usually done with a mind towards a gradual dosing rather than a single push of the total amount all at once.
The kind of pump listed in the article previously linked was an osmotic pump.
Here's an excerpt from a different paper describing the various methods for substance delivery:
Osmotic pumps are internally implanted devices that use an osmotic displacement system to infuse a preloaded substance into an animal. Use of these pumps permits constant dosing without the need to handle an animal after the initial implant surgery. Extracellular fluid is absorbed at a constant rate by an osmotic salt layer immediately beneath the permeable outer membrane. As the osmotic layer absorbs fluid, it swells and puts pressure on an impermeable reservoir in the center of the pump. The reservoir then expels the loaded substance from the pump at a constant rate through a flow moderator. The outflow can pass directly into the tissue surrounding the pump, or a cannula can be attached to the pump to direct the flow into a blood vessel or specific tissue.
Osmotic pumps are cylindrical in shape and come in sizes small enough for mice. These devices are surgically implanted either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The flow rate is fixed, and the duration of action varies from 3 d to 6 wk, depending on the size of the pump and the delivery rate selected. Pumps cannot be refilled but can be implanted sequentially to prolong dosing.
I'm not up on the dosing levels in humans, So I I don't have the ability to know offhand if 3mg/kg spread over the day is unusually high (pun partially intended) or not. There's a section I can't find easily (I'm actually dyslexic so it takes me a while to get through this kind of dense and complicated writing) where they mentioned having a higher dose as a point of comparison.
As in everything, moderation is good. Relax a little, but don't make it your whole thing. Work a little, but don't make it your whole thing. Dose a little, drink a little, dance a little, fart a little, enjoy cats and dogs a little, but my god man, change it up a little.
I've been stoned consistently since covid started. The only "sober" time is when I sleep. I don't think younger, but most things don't bother me.
Want to improve your brain? Find consistent ways to reduce stress and perform them daily(like an hour walk outside). That will make you feel and think like a younger you.
Well, I don't know if we'll be able to reverse brain aging anytime soon, but we at least know some ways of slowing it down, like by language learning or some other mental tasks.
I personally recommend at least giving a try for learning a new foreign language, it's fascinating journey and even it might be hard at first it's very satisfying in the end. And some people might say that it's not worth it because of AI, but come on, you can still do it for fun, and bigger cultural understanding.
It would explain the poor memory I get when I smoke. You can't remember something that hasn't happened yet, so it naturally increases your ability to remember more. (Taps forehead...)
I wonder if micro dosing can give the same effects? I am a control freak and don't like to be high but worry about cognitive decline. Especially since I got long covid and fucked up my olfactory system. Brain damage sucks.
It would be better to microdose lithium if you really don't want to be high imo. 5-20mg range, can be intermittent (doses for bipolar are in the 100mg range and up). There's already lithium in some water supplies and in foods like potatoes, so a small amount in a microdose normally doesn't affect anyone negatively.
I will say over time your body will adjust to cannabis so if you microdose at night consistently before bed, you'll just sleep it off anyway and eventually it won't even get you high anymore.
I'm not convinced. Unless the idiot stoners in my area are so fucking stupid that even when you work some science magic to make them smarter, they are still about as intelligent as a sack of dirt.
Another drug that increases metabolism, protein, etc is cocaine. I have hunch these researchers already know what answer they want and are making crappy arguments to confirm themselves