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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 75
Comments 2.1K
'Millions Are Using Cannabis Yet Only 18 Labs Are Studying It,' Says Johns Hopkins Scientist
  • The article tells us very little to explain the title. What labs? How many studies? How many people in those studies? What are they studying?

    A lab can have more than one scientist and be conducting more than one study. Each study could encompass hundreds of people.

    Is 18 labs a lot or a little? How many labs are qualified to do this kind of research? ... and so on.

  • Almost Every Apple Device Vulnerable To CocoaPods Supply Chain Attack
  • PacketStorm is a classic security site and it's been around for years. Many years.

    It's just a redirect, not a MITM. The link was probably copied from their News list, which does the redirect to the source site.

    Example behavior on nearly all of these links:

  • Does anyone else get anxious making sound when they move?
  • You too? My dad didn't give a shit, but my mom could hear everything in any state of sleep.

    It taught me to be super quiet as well and it's a skill that I still know to this day. The anxiety started to fade once I learned this was a super power.

  • Ukraine war briefing: Thousands of Ukrainian convicts join fight against Russian forces
  • Regardless of the side, if the convicts have proper training, supplies and aren't used as pure cannon fodder I don't have any issues with it personally.

    Honestly, I am surprised that Ukraine wasn't doing it sooner. Unfortunately, the front has been somewhat slow for the last year or so (with an exception or two) and that means both sides are dug in fairly deep.

    If Ukraine decides to push back harder and start retaking large portions of land, their losses are going to skyrocket. Regardless is you agree or not, using convicts to push the lines makes sense and doesn't risk better trained troops.

    That is just how wars of this type work and the offensive side will need to absorb more damage.

    Personally, if I had the option of fighting or rotting in prison, I would fight and would probably volunteer for some of the hardest work. The thing is, it would need to be my choice and I hope that any convicts, Russian or Ukrainian, get a choice in that.

  • Ukraine war briefing: Thousands of Ukrainian convicts join fight against Russian forces
  • Ukrainian convicts are probably going to get decent training first. It's also likely they are going to go into some of the worst spots. Ukraine is outnumbered and they can't afford to lose anyone, criminal or not, but it doesn't mean they are going to have it easy.

    Russia/Wagner hardly gave their convicts any training, maybe gave them guns and supplies and sent them to the front blind to find artillery locations. They were cannon fodder, pure and simple. Bakhmut was a slaughter.

    There are some major differences here.

  • Would celite/carbon vacuum filtration perform well enough to remove photopolymers from isopropyl alcohol?

    I am simply on a quest to find an effective non-distillation method for purifying isopropyl alcohol used for rinsing resin 3D prints.

    I have seen some elaborate systems for curing and then filtering resin that is suspended in the isopropyl by running it through standard carbon water filters. That just seems a bit over-complex and does a poor job of removing dyes. In some cases, the filters are not fine enough and the isopropyl will eventually get "sticky".

    It seems to me that a finer filtration system would work much better. Carbon and celite should catch most of the monomers and oligomers, but I am not sure about the photoinitiators and other additives.

    Distillation is obviously the best method for purity, but there may be a worse cleanup and a higher fire hazard risk.

    Are there better materials that I could use for filtering besides celite and carbon? IPA is tiny compared to the rest of the molecules I am dealing with so filtration seems viable.

    (I should note that I would bulk develop the used IPA in clear plastic containers in the sun for a day or two first.)


    [Request] Fork an open source version of Connect (suggestions and discussion welcomed)

    Before I get into my comments, I just want to ask that if you haven't bought the dev a coffee, please buy him a coffee. Personally, I have bought several with the intent of covering for those who cannot. Our dev has earned it.

    I am just going to say that Connect is awesome. Even through early development, when there were huge issues, it progressed at a good pace. And yeah, it has gotten super stable and functions great as a simple and easy to use Lemmy client.

    I would also like to make clear that I respect this app as the sole devs creation. He/She is 100% able to direct this project as they see fit. Period.

    However. One person development teams can be a serious risk to the longevity and stability of an app. People get tired and burned out. People have actual lives outside of working on a single app. People can just vanish from dev work. That is all normal.

    With the recent Lemmy instance updates and some subtle bugs that are showing, my concern is that it may become a much larger challenge to keep this app up to date. In my limited dev experience, core API changes (or API bugs) are a royal pain in the ass to deal with. A person could spend more time just keeping their app functional instead of developing new features or working on minor bugs.

    I was hoping that people in this community that have experience with the development of large open source projects, can contribute ideas for our dev that may make it palatable to open this project up to additional contributors.

    I think the biggest things I would like to call out is that if this project is opened, it may damage any revenue that is being generated by this app for the dev and I don't want to see that happen. (People gotta work and people gotta eat. )

    What open source licenses are available that would keep full control of this app in the hands of the original dev? (Is that even a viable option?)

    Quite simply, other than opening this app up fully, I don't quite know exactly what I am asking for. It would be nice to keep full control of this app in the hands of the dev, while also allowing community development.

    Just to reiterate, this post is not meant to be rude or pushy. If anything I said came off that way, it was absolutely not the intent and offer a humble apology if it did.


    [Resolved] Correct Anycubic R_E_R_F filename?

    Edit: Just copy the original filename, Chinese and all, to a custom RERF file. It tested fine with the factory tests and also custom test parts I made. I didn't test with only "R_E_R_F.px6s" as the filename as I proved the original filename works fine with custom models.

    Just got a new Anycubic Photon Mono X 6Ks and the RERF file on the included USB has Chinese characters in the name. ("R_E_R_Fchch.px6s" / ch being Chinese characters...) Does the printer require those characters for custom RERF test prints, or is it actually just "R_E_R_F.px6s"?

    The documentation is unclear and online searching is jumbled with several issues regarding this filename across different printer models.


    I would like to start a simple business related to 3D printing, reverse engineering and 3D scanning. What are common pitfalls of first time entrepreneurs?

    I am business dumb, but I have a very unique mix of skills I would like to turn into a side hustle. Needless to say, there is going to be a huge learning curve for me.

    Sure, I could just sell 3D prints on Etsy, but I would rather focus on B2B type work with a more hands on approach than the Chinese print farms/PCB manufacturers. (I'll start an Etsy shop for practice, but that particular market seems extremely saturated.)

    So, if you have started a business before, what are some basic things that you wish someone had told you before you did? Are there good books or other references I could use?


    [Bug] Strange pinning issue? A pinned post from another instance in All on .ca

    Strange. I don't see this as a pinned post on that community, but yet, there it is. Did an admin pin a post from another instance on .ca somehow or is this a bug with Connect? (Strange things are happening like this since the last Lemmy update. I can't tell if it's a Connect issue, or a Lemmy issue.)


    [Bug] /c/new is listed under other communities. NSFW tiles blurred but not hidden. ( / 0.19.4)

    That feed is not /c/cat on, it seems.

    I just logged out and logged back in with no change. I'll clear my cache to see if that helps and will update this post if successful.

    Edit: Clearing the cache did not help. Must be a Lemmy API issue?

    Edit 2: NSFW communities are not hidden in the faux community feed either. Thankfully, they are blurred, but not hidden. Posting a comment with a picture from what was supposed to be (Did I use "faux" correctly? I rarely use that word, so hopefully the intent shows.)

    Edit 3: Ok, weird. cat on is broken from my account on .ca, but other communities are not, like business on lemmy on is also broken. The issue is more random than I thought.

    Home Improvement remotelove

    Checking and charging HVAC: Plausible DIY?

    I am very much a DIY'er and doing my own HVAC repairs have never been out of the question. Actually, I have rebuilt a couple of systems, less the pressurized parts of the system.

    HVACs are great until they aren't and the need for repairs always comes up at the worst possible time. It would be nice to know more details for those reasons.

    If you ignore the direct question about charging an HVAC, there could actually be a small, slow leak in my system as it stands. That'll get troubleshot in due time. (Still, I don't think I have ever had a system that didn't need the system to be topped off after a few years, even with no detectable leaks...)

    It doesn't seem difficult: Ensure system is at correct temperature; attach a gauge; depressurize/pressurize as needed.

    There has to be some "gotchas" in there somewhere. The equipment is cheap enough and I am fairly sure I can source the correct refrigerant easy enough.

    Aside from needing to store and manage a small supply of refrigerant and that there are some annoying risks (like a system freezing over, etc..), what cost factor and equipment am I not taking into account?


    If you knew in advance about being laid off, how would you YOLO the exit interview?

    I am fairly sure that I am being laid off with other Sr. Engineers tomorrow and need some ideas. Basically, I saw a calendar mistake by HR, so oops!

    Meh. It's gonna suck for a bit, but whatevers. Life is more important than a shit job. :)


    [Identification] This is an ORSIS, but it looks like an F-17 that's been modified.

    I just stumbled across this beast that was previously owned by a Russian sniper. It's got characteristics of an F-17 but it looks like the stock as been drilled out in places (or replaced) and I am about 60% sure that those are Vortex optics. Any ideas?




    [Solved][Request] Source instance shown at top of post.

    When browsing on and I click through to a post, the local source instance and community for a post is shown as The source instance is something completely different and shown in the post info bar below the title.

    This can get awkward when I think I am commenting on a post I think is on or when it might actually be

    Highlighting the source instance a little better would be super awesome.


    My Lemmy Rule

    Edit: The above Connect filter only works for title posts. It doesn't seem to filter comments or community names.

    I mention this only because of some questions here and how people are going to the effort to censor out comments on this post.

    Radio Lemmy remotelove

    A Vibroplex Bug from the late 70's or early 80's

    Oops! I actually ment to post this in a ham radio community. RF is still RF, so it kinda fits here if you squint a little bit.


    Have we been able to reproduce the conditions to bend rocks? (Even if in a lab.)

    Tectonic activity bends rocks all the time, even hard ones like granite. That takes a ton of heat, pressure and time. It also makes sense that in the right conditions, sheets of rock simply don't have the room to shatter so they must bend.

    Have we been able to do the same in a lab and would it have any commercial use? Bending a random bit of hard rock would be an interesting novelty, for sure.


    How do different body parts (specifically shape) emerge from our genes?

    I am creating a simulation to evolve simple, multi-cell organisms. (Just for fun!)

    Neural networks are fairly easy to evolve, even more so when it's done by random mutations and not actual training. Build an ANN at random and introduce mutations with every generation. The ANNs that accomplish simple goals (by pure chance) live to duplicate with every evolutionary cycle. Fairly easy stuff.

    I am stumped when it comes to creating something that would simulate the genes that represent a body. After some reading today, there isn't much info on how cells form into specific shapes for arms, hands, organs, etc. (I am sure there is a ton of data, but I don't know what subject to Google.)

    Genes can create the patterns for specific chemicals and cells. How to cells then develop into functional body parts? What makes a heart the shape of a heart?

    I think that having a better understanding of that concept can help me develop a framework for physical evolution, even if it as a very tiny scale.

    (Putting the ANN in charge of controlling those different body parts is also easy. It's just a matter of allowing those physical traits to evolve first.)
