Russian (very basic and haven't trained in years, but enough that I was able to tourist around Russia a decade ago)
I've also studied some German but I don't think it's at any level worth mentioning. I can also say the phrase "Sorry I don't speak X, do you speak English?" In:
Finnish (I can also say the weather is bad/good and obviously Perkele hahah)
Essentially every country that I've visited I can at least ask the person if they speak English, I consider it rude to ask that question in English.
It's complicated. Short version: Portuguese and Italian.
Long version:
Portuguese - native
Italian - have been learning it since a kid. It's by no means native speaker level, but I feel rather confident in the language.
Venetian - I can speak some but I can't write stuff in the language without pulling out a dic. My knowledge of the language is rusting and it pains me.
English - written only.
German - I can speak and write some. I use it mostly with my cat.
Latin - Classical pronunciation and rather decent vocab. Can read Caesar unaided without too much trouble, Cicero is another can of worms.
French - studied it a long, looooong time ago. Completely forgotten.
Russian, Ukrainian - sometimes I play a bit with both but I don't speak or write either, I just know Cyrillic. I tend to use Cyrillic a fair bit for my personal notes but it's always with Italian or Latin, it's just so people don't snoop on my notes.
Spanish - I never studied the language, my pronunciation is awful, but if I wasn't able to read it I'd seriously question my own basic literacy for Portuguese and Italian.
Back when we adopted Siegfrieda*, I was studying German; and I decided to speak with her in German for my own sake, it's good for memorisation. But then I realised that she and Kika (our other cat) would pay attention to me separately depending on the language, so it was unexpectedly useful.
*the name is also obviously related to that, but partially due to the meaning; it's fitting for a cat that, when adopted, was beaten and starving and pregnant, and now only needs to bother about cardboard boxes and cups of yoghurt. It's like she got her victory peace (Sieg Frieden).
Fluent at talking and reading, but can't write (horrible at spelling): Telugu (in two very different dialects)
Illiterate, but can understand everything spoken: Kannada
Can hold tourist level conversations and can read: German and Hindi
What is a tourist level conversation? Talk slowly, pronounce stuff weird, ask ppl to repeat some things if they go too fast or have an accent that's different than the one I learned.
I've noticed that I only know languages in the indo-European and Dravidian families. Deliberating between whether to improve my Kannada or to learn a new east or south east Asian language next to increase my language family count.
I get that you're probably joking, but note that calling C++ etc. "languages" is at most synecdoche. A really common one, but still a figure of speech.
(Language has multiple functions; referential, directive, expressive, phatic, metalinguistic, poetic, metalinguistic etc. Those instruction sets used when programming are at best directive speech only, as they're basically issuing commands to something.)
English natively, enough Spanish to make friends, enough French to stay out of trouble, and enough Italian to get into trouble. I also have some transactional German (groceries, tickets, coffee, etc). I'm American.
It would take me a few months of daily practice to prepare and get comfortable with anything but Spanish. I haven't studied the other languages formally, only independently, for travel.
English and enough Spanish to get by if I was lost in Mexico.
Though many words in many languages have a similar root word, so even signage in languages I don't speak but at least use the same alphabet are usually understandable.
French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (a bit less than fluent). Started learning Japanese at one point and quit. Can still speak and understand some, but I've given up on learning kanjis. Understand a'd speak some Haitian creole (also less than fluent).
German, English and enough French to greet someone or order a baguette. I can also understand some Dutch (both written and verbal), but I don't really speak it.
Are all those Germans really different enough to count separately?
Like, I wouldn’t know how to distinguish my fluency in American English from British English. And that’s not even getting to Canadian, Australian, Irish… the differences are far more cultural than linguistic.
English and French fluently. English is my mother tongue. French I learned in an immersion program in primary school. I didn't study french at all in highschool or postsecondary, and always hated it during primary because my parents put me in immersion to "challenge" me. I started working for the Canadian federal government after uni, and they have pretty robust training programs for getting to full french fluency from any starting skill level. Plus, there's a bit of a glass ceiling for monolingual public servants in the federal government.
Recently started dating a Chinese girl and so I'm trying to teach myself a bit of Chinese. It's not as hard as I expected it to be, but it is very hard. In many ways it's the opposite experience of learning French relative to English. Learning French, the vocabulary is pretty easy and the grammar is very hard. Learning Chinese, the grammar is dead easy but the vocabulary is really hard.
English is my native language. I have a smattering of Malay from early childhood (my mother's first language), and have limited proficiency in ASL, German, Spanish, Italian, Irish, French, and Finnish (my proudest language moment was purchasing an apple from an old farmer in Helsinki who spoke no English). I also know a tiny amount of Japanese.
I'm contemplating whether to work on my existing proficiency or add a con-lang to the mix like Esperanto or Belter Creole.
Cantonese, English and Mandarin, ordered by confidence.
I sometimes feel special for being a Hongkonger who speaks Cantonese and writes Traditional Chinese, as they are not very common.
I feel that extremely when people think that I'm an American and accuse me of thinking "dollar" is the only currency unit in the world. (Sorry for the rant)
A very tiny bit of French, I can understand more than I can speak if they talk slowly, my French education was kind of shitty and it's been well over a decade since high school since I've really used it so
I've been learning Esperanto on Duolingo, it's been going pretty well, I'm just about at the point where I can confidently read a book without having too look up too many words. I'm far from fluent, but I getting there.
Spanish as native language, and I'm proficient in catalan and English.
I'm quite confident in german, i'm cuarrently taking lessons to pass the B1 exam next course.
Beyond these languages, the ones i have enough confidence to say i can speak them, I also speak some japanese and I plan to take the japanase JPLT N5. No rushes though. It's the introductory level.
First language was Spanish, English is my daily language, self taught enough French to get by on a trip about a decade ago.
In all reality I could probably only sus out enough in Spanish or French to barely get by if really had to. I do still have all my training material and would like to continue learning. But low on my priority list
I'm fluent in Spanish and English, speak like a first grader in Japanese, and read Italian and Portuguese a little. I can even read Greek and Russian a little but that's more because I used their letters all the time in engineering and math stuff.
Nothing interesting really, I might get the opportunity to move to Finland for a year, so I've practiced Finnish through Duolingo if that becomes a reality :)