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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 18
Comments 750
Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?
  • I can see why you have that position, and it is absolutely valid. What I reacted to is the idea of it being faith vs religion - but if you have faith/believe in a deity or something divine, that would by definition be a religious belief, no? But this doesn't necessarily mean it's an organized religion like Christianity. This is what I was getting at with my poorly worded comment.

    The underlying issue for this kind of conversation is that when people say "religion", most people think highly organized religions like Christianity or Islam and such. But what if a person has their own or (for lack of a better term) a "non-traditional" belief system that includes some sort of deity/deities? Is that not religion? Maybe i see the word with a wider definition that is wrong, idk,

    Anyway, as other commenter said - religion can be absolutely used as a tool for power, or to have excuses for terrible behavior. Thing is, the people that do would just use another tool if no religion existed.

    As for the scientific argument - we don't know (or at least I don't) but Greek philosophers and scientists didn't live or work in non-religious environment. There was religion present and yet they built important foundations for science today. Same with people in Arabic world, afaik. Hell, there were scientists that were Christians as well. It boils down to one thing - if there is organized religion with people at top who use it as a tool for power.

    So to summarize - no, I don't think religion in general is inherently bad. It's about what people do with it. And the problem starts at a point where you want and need other people to conform to your religious beliefs.

  • Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?
  • You really nailed it. I'll take it one step further though - religion as a concept is not the problem. Having gods, holidays rites and rituals - that's all good.

    It's religion as an organization, when it gives people power which they can misuse when we start having problems.

    Your way of saying it is way clearer though.

  • Using OsmAnd~ navigation from Google Maps Web search
  • I tried MagicEarth for navigation and quite happy with it. It is not open source, but should be privacy respecting (not seen anything as of now that would suggest they don't mean it). Even has trafic info (though not as reliable as Waze/Google). A middle road for when you want to degoogle but also have some convinience in places where OSM is not as up to date.

    Though I don't think it has additional details for the businesses and such like Google Maps, it's purely for navigation.

  • What is your niche knowledge?
  • I assume you mean greatswords and such? Those are cool for sure, but I can see people having reservations due to safety for sparring nd such - though correct me if I'm wrong, those were not much used in duel scenarios and such - how do you generally use them, outside of solo drills?

    Also, in terms of safety - I just saw a review of a zweihander trainer by Regenyei, looked interesting. Basically an upscaled longsword feder by the looks of it - unfortunately the guy only talked about it with sword in hand, and it was a close-up so it was not very well done review, but it might interest you these exist now. I at least didn't see any up until now.

  • What product have you purchased based on advertisment from modern podcasts and youtube channels that have worked out well?
  • One is all you need, really. It worked and held up really well - I just indulged myself because I loved the design and it was super discounted.

    I also had the first one with both money clip and strap, but liked the clip more so went with dual money clip for mu current one.

  • What is your niche knowledge?
  • The one I'm most familiar with is longsword, as that's what our group trains with predominantly. I also really love one handed sword&buckler - I'm not necessarily good with it but it's super fun.

  • Albion Online | The Journal


    Ralph Koster's studio announces a new scifi-fantasy MMORPG, Stars Reach, focused on simulation, world interaction and horizontal progression

    More details in a MOP article here

    2 Blue Protocol developers talk about what went wrong with the MMORPG

    The core developer team of Bandai Namco Online's MMORPG Blue Protocol talk about the game's issues and what they're doing about them.

    Blue Protocol developers talk about what went wrong with the MMORPG

    Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announced!


    Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announced!


    How to ease up the return to GW2

    I thought I'd try GW2 after years of not playing (last I played was PoE era, bounced off fully before Icebrood saga) and finally managed to get into it!

    I used to live and breath this game and while I was not what you'd call "hardcore" player, I knew about everything going on. Now I'm totally in the black which is weird. I try not to get it to me, I just play through the Icebrood saga story now and try my best not to open inventory and achievement tabs etc to not get discouraged. GW2 was always a bit convoluted, but with so much added in the meantime, it's much.

    How do you deal with this? What would be your recommendations for me to "ease into it"? What should I engage after getting my groove back in the story? How to dip my toes slowly into buildcrafting? What new systems should I check out?

    Bonus question: would you expect the xpacs to go on sale anytime soon? Next one should be around the corner by now, no?


    Albion Online European Servers announced

    I know many people were waiying for this so thought I'd share.

    I don't play Albion much, fresh start might be interesting but not keen on regrinding stuff... How about you?

    Paganism illi

    Any good recommendations for books (or other sources) on pagan traditions and beliefs?

    I'd br interested in what you'd consider a good book (or other sources) on various pagan beliefs and traditions that you would recommend.

    I'm personally interested in European pagan traditions - be it Norse, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic (bonus points for Slavic!) - but would love to leave the topic open to others as well, just to make it interesting for people with different intrests.


    Can someone ELI5 for me how Piped works?

    So I mostly transitioned to Piped and ever since I was wondering how it works. I read up on it and while I get what it says, I still don't feel like I really understand...


    Does watching on Piped count views and such?

    So I considering switching to Piped, but I'm wondering if the views (or other metrics) are counted on Youtube itself. I don't like the idea I'm kinda "robbing" the content creators I enjoy...

    I think I know the answer but would like to know for sure.


    Anyone has the famous reddit story with the immortal snail?

    There was this legendary comment on reddit to a thread asking people what would their plan be if they were immortal and got milion dollars, but there was a superintelligent immortal snail also with milion dollars who would want to kill them. I was trying to find it but as far as I can tell OP removed it. Does anyone here have it and could post it here by any chance?


    Wayfinder Early Acces launch delayed to 17th August


    Any alternatives to Google Photos?

    I'm starting my degoogling journey (mostly looking into the various options at hand) and I was wondering what hood alternatives to Goohle Photos is there? I'm specifically wondering about a service that would double both as a cloud storage and a gallery with a timeline and such. But currently it's only cloud storage backup (or Instagtam-likes, which is bot something I want) as far as I can tell?


    Elder Scrolls Online free on Epic until 27.7.


    Wayfinder Early Access Showcase Twitch

    Twitch is an interactive livestreaming service for content spanning gaming, entertainment, sports, music, and more. There’s something for everyone on Twitch.


    Anybody else unreasonably excited for this one?

    Looks like a really fun MMO-lite with potential and plans to lean more heavily into MMO elements. Pretty much looks like fantasy Warframe with cream on top. Monetization looks fair as it is published by the same guys that did Warframe and I think they have a good reputation for how they do their monetization.

    No wipe after EA ends so this is pretty much early launch, though it will eventually be F2P after official launch.

    Actual showcase starts at around 00:30 mark.


    Palia Gameplay First Look Palia | Official Gameplay First Look

    Join us for a first look at Palia gameplay featuring host Trisha Hershberger, Game Director Aidan Karabaich, Lead Narrative Designer Olivia Frias, Lead Produ...

    Palia | Official Gameplay First Look

    Didn't watch it all yet, but looks like Fantasy Sims MMO. Thoughts? Anybody excited? Doesn't seem like my cup of tea, butlooks interesting enough for me to at least try it.


    How safe is open source software? What are the general benefits?

    So with open source software more on my mind lately I was wondering - while I get the benefits of transparency and such, how safe is it? If the source code is available to all, isn't it easier to breach for people (like the recent cookies hack)? If I'd have an open source password manager, would it be easier for people to get my passwords somehow than if I use something not open source? Do I just not understand how software works in general?

    And what are other benefits that may be not so obvious to someone not so knowledgable about this?

    Edit: thank you all for really insightful answers! Among other things I also learned just how much I don't know :)


    Issue with subscriptions

    I'm having some issues with subscription list view when it wouldn't load for me at all moat of the time, I got "null check operator used on null check value" message with a reload option that doesn't do anything? Anybody else having this issue? Any way to fix? I have two accounts logged in if that makes any difference.
