"Why do you dislike us? Our last major victory was a watered down bill by conservative think tanks 15 years ago! We can do more! ...We just never wanna."
...and when they do, it becomes because they don't have a large enough majority. If they had a filibuster -peoof majority, it would be because they don't have a veto-proof majority even if they also held the executive.
To put it another way, Biden had the power to fully legalize marijuana at any time because drug scheduled can be changed by process from either the legislative or executive branches. Instead he had it rescheduled. Because Dems only operate in half measures federally, because they are controlled opposition.
Oh absolutely, if the conservatives want to play dirty I say we play just as dirty. Hell lets go lower, we the workers should do absolutely everything in our power to destroy tyranny.
Most people vote Conservative because they are afraid, and are drawn to leaders that seem strong, powerful, and promise to destroy or protect them from the things they fear.
They might've been dumb enough to be tricked. Now they're too afraid to admit they were. They're in too deep, and they'd have to sacrifice standing, community, stability, and their understanding of their place in the world if they were to admit they were wrong.
That's too scary. Most of them aren't too dumb to understand, they're convincing themselves because the alternative is too horrible for them to admit.
Milton Mayer. They thought they were free. I would recommend this book. It documented everyday Germans who joined the Nazis. I see pretty much every single parallel to America today. We’re all the same people. Nothing exceptional about the US. We’re all susceptible.
That’s genuinely the most sanity-destroying part of this for me.
They made a playbook years ago. They said they made it. The posted it openly on the internet years ago. They said they’d follow the playbook. They’re now following the playbook. They’re continuing to follow the playbook. They are completing entire sections of the playbook, according to what was written in the playbook. They will continue to follow the playbook.
This is not a surprise. You are not allowed to be surprised by this. Fucking stop it.
And yet: all the Democratic leadership and rank-and-file - save for a very small handful of progressives - are all in a constant state of shock and surprise. What the absolute fuck. How. HOW.
this is what they ran on to stop, at least in part.
more over, I didn't sign up for this shit either. If they don't start doing their job, we will be going to a civil war- a civil war that will make the last one look like a block party.
What will it take to supplant them and take control of the party or delegitimize them as a viable 2nd party in the awful two party system and replace the party with something progressive that represents workers other than more of the same?
What plan? Democrats and Republicans are just two different interfaces for a single government cast of the USA owners. They don't care. They won't be fired or something. Democrats will continue to get high position roles. All is good for them.
But it will definitely harm millions of non-americans, and empower far-right groups globally, and likely ignite WWIII, perhaps before or after an internal civil war.
How am I supposed to organize a mobilization of people in a country that is 2,800 miles (4506km) east to west and 1660 miles (2671km) north to south?
How do I communicate where to meet up?
How do I ensure our targets don't get wind of it?
How do I ensure everyone is there?
How do I make sure we get every leader that is going to need to be ousted?
How do I ensure they're even going to be there?
How do we find all of the money backers that want this crap?
How do we decide who should lead this new leadership chain without starting another fight?
How do we ensure that the military doesn't just mow us down when we try?
If I can't lead this charge, who does? How do I find someone willing, and is actually capable of leading this charge?
How do I ensure I don't just have some trigger happy yahoos that will shoot anything remotely a target before anything starts?
How do I ensure we don't have bad actor there to tank it all (and there are plenty)?
Look, I see what you're saying. I'm pissed off. This isn't supposed to be the country I was raised in. It had many issues. This isn't the country that I raised my hand to fuck my body up for.
I'd love to pick up my weapons, drive the 2 weeks across the country, and do something about it all. I have kids. I know, I know, what the future holds for them is much worse than homelessness. That is still a rough pill to swallow. I'm a frog on a hot plate. That hot plate is thousands of miles across to get off. It is surrounded by 100's of other hot plates that have to be dealt with to stop the heat. Some of which I wouldn't even be able to find, or would be constantly moving around with the capability I have to mobilize (jet vs driving).
Do I flee the country? Do I stay and fight back the best I can? I can't flee. I can't work due to severe medical issues (another rub in this entire thing, how do I ensure everyone is able bodied enough to help). No one is going to take me in. The best I can do is arm and stock like I should be wearing tin foil on my head. Try to be as self sustaining as we can. A garden. Some chickens that will end up having to be guarded by Brinks soon. Then vote for the shit sandwich that doesn't have glass in it and is covered in barbed wire. Try to help my kids see why this is all bad. To differentiate good sources and bad sources of information. Weed out logical fallacies. Pick out gas lighting. Try to prepare them for a better future that opens more options for them. One that allows them to leave the country if needed. How to participate and make things better, and why they should participate in voting and other such things.
Well said. It really seems that a lot of people are finding out how much easier to say things from afar, then would be to say those same things up close.
Weirdly, I’d bet that if you drew a radius with America being ground zero, you’d find that the further away you got- the easier people would think it should be to fix everything.
Dunno… brexit sucked and from here- a lot of people that probably could have stopped it seemed pretty weak. Not the same, I get it- but if you can answer one, you might understand the other.
By all means, explain to me how Americans are supposed to fight against decades of wrong-think being bought and paid for by the richest people alive.
America is in the situation we're in because money is power and those with the most of it decided to slowly take over this country. If 90% of the people here could unify, they still wouldn't have the resources of the 30 billionaires controlling their tech and media narrative.
You better have a good answer of what to do when this happens again because based on the world wide rise of this kind of disinformation, it's only a matter of time before it happens to your country too. Assuming your safe is the only short sighted thing America did in this situation.
So I wouldn't be delighting in the strength these enemies showed in defeating the US, because it's just a matter of time before they come for you next. And if the US didn't stop them, you better be learning how.
The problem is, I don’t show up to work because I’m protesting, my child loses their home. And THAT’s why countries are pushing birth rates . I’d love to be out there, doing something, like I spent summers protesting shit George Bush was doing, or during trumps first term. But I don’t know how to do it now without losing everything.
I do empathise, but if you guys don't stop this, your kids are going to be in a worse situation than homelessness. Everyone there is, and us outside the US are also going to be fucked because america is so powerful globally and everything so intertwined. Nazi Germany was a hard enough fight, but military technology was less advanced then, to say nothing of nukes...
The problem is that this shit gets entrenched, normalised and harder to fight, as time goes on. Think how much unimaginably awful stuff has already happened - you think they're done? By the time it's bad enough you're ready to fight no matter what, any kind of resistance will be illegal and very difficult. Will you be on the streets protesting when they threaten you with putting you in a labour camp for life with no trial? Then what's gonna happen to your kids? Fight while you can.
Your kids will grow up not remembering a different world, propagandised at school/ mandatory youth activities and probably fighting for the system you despise. This has all happened before in countries which became authoritarian/fascist, and you can also read/watch 1984.
I think that if the Good Guys replace Nazi America with something new, they should engineer a new economic system where everybody's survival is guaranteed. If you have basic but genuine shelter, food, utilities, and so forth to rely upon, you can go out to protest or strike without worrying much about your wellbeing.
The current economy might as well be willfully designed to keep an economic boot on our necks. We can't afford the time, risk, or afford travel to do what is right. We should make money not used for survival, instead making it solely for buying luxury goods - a fancy car that isn't government issue, meals that aren't Generic Corn Flakes #1, and so forth.
Capitalism is good for supplying the demand for things that align with a person's hobbies and interests, but is utterly worthless when it comes to survival. We should fix that, by ensuring that billionaires cannot exist, and use their freed capital to fund a genuine UBI for all.
Why are the American people so …weak?
In another month, Americans will have non ability to mobilize and fight the Dictatorship that is almost fully installed.
The exact same thing happened in Germany in 1933. This is the exact same playbook: way too many people are willing to accept a little fascism because the fascist promises to drop the price of groceries and target groups of people they don't belong to. Then the fascist doesn't drop the price of groceries and turns against those who supported him - by which point, it's too late.
What you've just discovered is that today's Americans as just as dumb as the Germans of 92 years ago - dumber in fact, because they knew what happened in Nazi Germany, an advantage the Germans who trusted Hitler didn't have.
The Americans should've known better, and yet they voted the orange fascist in. Plus ca change...
Honestly... Education and social engineering.
The majority of the folks here read at a 6th grade level. Their comprehension of complex social situations is nill. They can't fathom the difference between a million and a billion. Those numbers get tossed around so easily and commonly that it just washes over them like they mean nothing.
Our information flow is controlled. All sources of common easily found news comes from 4 or 5 oligarchs.
The boomer generation is the "soft men" generation. They hit the sweet spot for money generation, freak sex with no consequences, drug use with out worry of dying, housing that cost a lot, but was obtainable on a single salary and an education system that was paid for by the 90% tax in the Ulta wealthy and corporations.
The shining beacon on the hill, the USA that the WW1 and WW2 generations built was slowly destroyed by elected officials who were being paid by the wealthy and corporations.
All of that manipulation accelerated when citizens United was passed.
So now we have a generation of folks that have never had to fight in a war on their own soil. A belief system that we are better than everyone else and that our checks and balances will hold against a coordinated effort to dismantle the government.
And a population that only cares if their teams win...
So it'll probably take 15 years before we get our heads out of our asses unless something drastic happens to collectively wake us all up. :/
Hopefully all that makes sense... I'm on mobile and I don't have my glasses. Haha
A belief system that we are better than everyone else
I agree with much of what you've said, but I honestly think this is one point that is behind the downfall. America is basically apathy and hubris - no need to do anything because "we're #1".
Even though personally people are suffering, Americans still don't do anything in a large scale to fix the situation and actively vote against their interests.
I think the only thing that will save the US is what is happening now, things get REALLY bad, and hopefully a rebellion that rises up and cuts out the rot.
I've been checking this site on and off from Europe for about a month. Can someone who knows more than me explain the expected timeline for what remains?
I feel like it jumped up into the mid 30%s after only a month or so and then stagnated for weeks.
Now it seems to have jumped again. But I guess I’m wondering at what sort of percentage does everything go to shit (not that it isn't already!). Are there points where there is a no turning back or civil war becomes inevitable, etc.? Or does it hit a certain percentage where it will jump to 100% overnight due to certain protections being removed.
I guess I’m struggling to wrap my head around what I’m seeing, what it looks like between 40% and 100% and how quickly this might happen?
Even a guide somewhere on the net that breaks it down would be great.
Fucked but still naively going about day to day life. Most people aren't being actively harmed so they are sticking their head in the sand. Vague rumours of atrocities being committed on vulnerable people. Not us though. Vague unease. Some people can see something should be done but they're looking around, waiting for someone to come and tell them what they should do. More in the line of 'what organisation can I donate $50 to, so that this unpleasantness will go away? That's all they've known all their lives, so they're desperately clinging onto their naivety.
Some people see the writing on the wall and target tesla, since apparently most americans in 2025 won't get out onto the streets and protest, won't stick their necks out even that far. Others go to the 'politics of hope' meetings and trust in the law and what is now really just tradition of law to save them. Oh and the democrats, who've been stripped of almost all political power but are still expected to swoop in and spank trump's ass, restore a facade of decency.
It happens by increments so that each addition or subtraction doesn't seem much worse than the last. Noone can tell you exactly when you're going to lose the right to protest... To do anything to fight the loss of democracy, to fight the loss of your rights. It will happen, unless it's stopped. Trump and the creators of project 2025 aren't going to stop unless they're stopped.
It's early 1933 right now. The nazis were elected, they've set the dismantling of the state into motion, and most of their opponents still think that the rule of law is technically still valid. It'll just take time for the courts to do their thing.
The next step will be the Reichstag fire. So it might look like not a lot is getting worse for a few months, then one morning you might wake up, the news are talking about a terror attack allegedly done by an illegal immigrant, and any remaining pretense of democracy is simply wiped away by another "Executive Order" declaring an emergency, giving ICE authority to deal with "citizens aiding criminal aliens", deputizing thousands into ICE, ...
Just making the point that the fact that is lost to people on the left is why Trump won. Like how you all come up with insults like Vichy. There are many reasons why Trump lost and a lot of it comes to the left will not adapt or learn why they failed.
So glad you realized what I was getting at. That's the point. The right shit posted trump into the white house while the left couldn't bother to download a single photo Editor. The most baffling thing to me was how people the left would get into a car, drive 8 hours up a protest to stand in the rain and get beat up by police but they couldn't learn to generate content beyond saying "he's racist" " he's a Vichy" "that's stupid' like real effective use of time and energy a digital world guys.
This is not serious. There are many more objectives in project 2025 that are not listed there and have not been anccomplished; therefore artificially increase the completion percentage.