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aceshigh aceshigh

I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together

Posts 17
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Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • I agree. At the root of it, people want to feel safe. This is a fundamental need. Religion does this for them because they don’t need to make decisions and they’re promised that if they follow it they will indeed be kept safe. Also spiritual bypass is awesome.

  • Joe Biden suddenly leads convicted felon Donald Trump in multiple battleground states
  • Heh let’s see who people actually vote for. Polls don’t mean shit.

  • Farmboy's lament
  • What can’t ai do these days? It gives laymen people the chance to be creative. I can synthesize ideas but I can’t write or play.

  • For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I Can.
  • What difference does this make now? Racism isn’t a republican secret, neither is supporting white supremacy. The few bipoc supporters will minimize it.

  • A year after Titan sub implosion, an Ohio billionaire says he wants to make his own voyage to Titanic wreckage
  • Fuck helping humanity. They should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. This guy wants to be mentioned in the paper.

  • PayPal plans an ad network built off your purchase history
  • Get a credit card that allows you to generate a temp number.

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • They have been really good at it over the last few months.

  • Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
  • It’s a good thing I save a doc version of things/articles I find interesting online.

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • At the root of it beliefs aren’t based on logic they’re based on your value system. So why dance around the actual topic?

  • People want 'dumbphones'. Will companies make them?
  • Yes. Make the phone look and be as boring as possible. No more doom scrolling.

  • FBI Arrests Man For Generating AI Child Sexual Abuse Imagery
  • The topic that you’re choosing to focus on really interesting. what are your values?

  • The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.
  • It’s a lack of strategy, and not being able to overcome the obstacle. It stinks.

  • The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.
  • I’m one of those people… I get overwhelmed with information and freeze. ChatGPT moves me out of the freeze stress response. I’m excellent at qa and following instruction, but awful at organization. My progress has drastically improved because I delegate my weaknesses. I do hope that I can continue using this tool to help me.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • That’s awesome. Mine just criticizes me over and over and over and over and over again. I’m working on our relationship.

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • On the flipside it’s forcing people to make healthier choices.

  • Boy Scouts of America rebranding to more inclusive Scouting America
  • that's awful. yes, unfortunately it's a big problem. there were/are a bunch of lawsuits re

  • Thinking of starting a new community

    But i have no idea what the actual moderation process is - how much time will it take up? what common issues exist? do i advertise? what am i in for?

    RIP r/ over 30 people subs.

    e: I created one -
