Yep. The only pushback is from the countries he wants to cleanse them into or the people themselves he wants cleansed. It's self preservation.
The left strongly disapprove, but that's it enough for a backlash. The leftists think Biden was just as bad and the right and diet-right voters don't care or are happily on board.
Isn't Trump's middle name James? Genocide James works. And you could Photoshop him trying to look cool, like dark Brandon. But obviously just sad like some 60 year old trying to look cool at the barbeque and failing miserably, but even worse because he's older... And trump.
There are a few stragglers around still. And just as sanctimonious with their tiresome and reckless high-flying rhetoric about how principled they are....
Or, and this is crazy, Biden could have earned more votes for the DNC by using the Leahy Law and requiring Israel to stop committing war crimes if they wanted to continue to receive military aid.
Almost like it's the responsibility of parties and politicians to earn votes in a democratic system. Not the duty of voters to vote for the "correct" party, which is what you see codified in Authoritarian governments. The writers of our Constitution specifically said the reason for having elections so often was to make sure politicians were responsible to the people, not the other way around.
So the more you try to blame the voters, the more you make them not want to vote blue.
I only started using the term after the election, I wish I was paid. It's crazy how I'm expected to shut up about it for the next 4 years. Apparently, asking the dems to change their stance on genocide of everything is too much and everyone would rather stick their head in the sand. The moment someone enables it just a bit more then them, they get none of the blame and we get to wait through 4 years of shit just for them to give us literally the same stance.
Both parties enable it and are complicit. Defending either on the subject is clear bootlicking imo.
No one is defending either on the subject. We are simply stating that one is WORSE than the other by an order of magnitude. Honestly, how can you not see that?
There are a disturbing number of people in this thread who feel that condemning Democrats is more important than worrying about what is about to happen to Palestinians.
As if you folks were using genocide as a tool. And it's pretty hard to read.
I can't believe there are actually people who are surprised about his 'proposal' at all. Like.. everyone saw this coming, right? Plenty of people have been warning other people for years that Trump would do this sort of shit.
But hey, what do I know. I'm just an alarmist fearmonger. Or whatever they used to call me.
What I meant was that it should be a surprise to no one that Trump says these things. He's been letting the world know who he is for a long time. You're right, no more dog whistles, but not exactly a surprise either.
I don't mean to defend the Democrats, but the Pro-Palestine crowd has been throwing all the blame on the Democratic Party for the Gaza genocide. Which was wrong-headed as it was pretty obvious that the Trump admin would double down on US support to Israel... where the Democrats did do something to resolve the conflict.
I don't mean to defend the Democrats, but the Pro-Palestine crowd has been throwing all the blame on the Democratic Party for the Gaza genocide.
The Pro-Palestine crowd has been throwing all the blame on the Democratic party for the Gaza genocide because the Democratic party was in power for all of the span of the genocide until Trump and Republicans took power a week ago or so.
Let me explain this to you and please listen, now the Pro-Palestine crowd will throw all the additional blame on the Republican Party and Donald Trump for being in power as the genocide worsens because we all know it tragically very likely wilI.
That is how being against this works for most. It isn't that hard to grasp.
You have to remember though, the pro-Palestinian crowd doesn't care about the rhetoric the parties deliver to the domestic American audience. Obviously the Democrats repeatedly claiming their working towards a peaceful resolution while not actually doing so, rather than Trump just coming out and taking the mask off matters a hell of a lot more than the actual damage and death happening in Gaza, but good luck convincing the loony pro-Palestinians of that.
where the Democrats did do something to resolve the conflict.
What are you referring to? Biden claimed to be "working toward" a ceasefire for 15 months then Trump's ambassador went over there for 3 days and the ceasefire immediately happened.
Trump is pro-genocide and has no problem wiping out all Palestinian life but him and Biden are equally as bad on this issue
And once again the media is creating apologetic headlines. I guess they want people to only realize the leopards ate their faces when they only have their Lying Eyes left.
“Does no one in the media know what it’s called when you ‘clean out’ an ethnic group and expel them from their land?” one commenter asked, adding: "Trump Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians From Gaza," that is your headline.”
Of course it is ethnic cleansing. But in his opinion, it is the good kind of ethnic cleansing. Just like deporting immigrants, or sometimes even Native Americans...
Trump's administration should really just come up with some sort of, 'last answer'. Something cheaper than deportation, doesn't let those undesirables the opportunity to come back in, and sends a message to any other undesirables. I just can't think of what that could be. /S
Of course, if USA really wants the Gaza population to be displaced, it would be consistent for them to take on a significant proportion of them as immigrants.
An awful lot of those people are russian bots. But it's not like you can say that on pro Palestinian spaces, because any comments pointing out how delusional protest voting is or how much worse things are getting because of trump will get removed for racism.
Hell, it only matters if anyone cares, and based on the Dems and GOP in the US, neither of them really, honestly care. And most Harris supporters don't care either, as well as, well, I can safely say no Trump voters care.
Fewer Palestinians die today murdered by the apartheid state of Israel than they did one month ago. There is literally no difference, both the democrats and the republicans are more than willing to sacrifice the entire Palestine to their interests in the middle east
The LGBTQ+ and all free-thinking women in America would probably disagree.
No one voted thinking genocide would end. So I’m not sure what you thought would happen. There is a shit ton of nuance and complexity to that situation and it’s not going ways anytime soon.
But for the other damage trump has promised to cause- tell me…
Did you see Kamala Harris rounding up and deporting American’s born from immigrants? Did you see her restricting trans-rights to serve in the military? Did you see her dismantling our education system? Did you see her pulling us out of climate acts?
It must be nice to be so entitled that you can sacrifice the freedoms of other people because you decided to take on a brand new single issue protest.
Especially when that single issue has been going on for decades before you ever even knew about it.
This too shall pass and once it has, we shall remember the names of those that pushed genocides, those that pushed anti science that will inevitably cause the next pandemic.
I mean this is a pretty weak ass take and it's not even really right. Like after this "passes" we will be fully locked in to rocketing off the edge of the climate abyss and there is nothing anyone could possibly do to prevent it. They will try with Geo engineering but that's a toss up at best.
Climate change has a relatively cheap and easy solution.
Aresol sprays can buy a few decades of time if things get too hot.
We already have cheap solar and cheap batteries are becoming a reality. We only need a cheap, non-intermittent energy source to provide baseload energy.
Cheap nuclear power is possible and can fill that niche - we had the tech in the past and China has it today.
For about $1T a fleet of reactors could be built to extract all the excess carbon from the atmosphere in 50 years, working in tandem with cheap solar energy and cheap batteries to power human civilization.
I’m sure Kamala was going to be exactly the same. /s
Pretty much the only difference is she wouldn't say it out loud, frankly. She clearly stated she had Israel's back, regardless of what anyone said. I mean, look at how she reacted to people stating, to her face, that they could not vote for her, due to that.
And what did she do? She doubled down on her support for the genocide.
Fuck off with this nonsense. Kamala would literally push the same policies, just like Joe did. The only difference would be that she’d use vague and hollow language to keep a pretense of humanity up so people could continue pretending that they themselves are not contributing to this atrocity. Your naive picture of mainstream Democrats is why that party continues to be as ineffective as it’s been for 50 years. I welcome all the neoliberal Lemmy downvotes. Assholes.
Interesting how you're more interested in condemning Biden and Harris for this thing they didn't do than Trump for doing it. In fact, you seem very unbothered by the actual plan here because the Democrats weren't involved.
US President Donald Trump is facing widespread criticism and accusations of proposing ethnic cleansing after stating that he would like to “just clean out” Gaza and relocate its Palestinian population to neighbouring countries.
Speaking aboard Air Force One during a flight from Las Vegas to Miami on Saturday, Trump described Gaza as a “demolition site” and suggested moving its residents to Jordan and Egypt.
“I’d like Egypt to take people. I’d like Jordan to take people,” Trump said. “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing.”
He added that the move could be either temporary or long-term, saying, “something has to happen”
To everybody who voted against Kamala Harris because she didn't change her stance on Gaza, how does it feel to be played harder than a tenor saxophone?
You'll often see Zionists condemn Egypt and Syria for not taking the Palestinians "oh the Palestinians are so bad that even the other Muslim countries won't take them". No, they just don't want to be complicit in ethnic cleansing.
when utilitarianism seems less burdensome than whatever twisted knot the "genocide joe" folks have to tell themselves justify their actions, you gotta wonder about the choices they made.
The carnage in Palestine is far reduced now than it was a month ago. I have no confidence that it will hold, but so far the only way that Trump has been worse than Biden on the issue is that Trump is explicit in his rhetoric as opposed to trying to sugar coat it. I realize that to Americans, who are only directly effected by the genocide in so far as hearing about it makes them sad, having their leaders tell them soothing lies means everything, but to those actually in Palestine, it doesn't make a material difference.
So "not sugarcoating it" is supplying the Israeli government with the penetrating bombs that increase civilian casualties that Biden halted?
Biden may have been largely indifferent to Gazans but Trump is actively hostile and will encourage the brutality in spite of other pressures such as the ICC, which we already see him pushing the ICC to relieve Netanyahu.
Oh I know, but one word has a much bigger social impact than the other.
Its the same difference between molested and raped. You typically see in news headers that an adult male raped a little girl, but an adult women molested a little boy. One sounds much worse than the other, yet both are the same thing
Love that all the pearl clutchers are in this thread to say that NOW the genocide is bad, as if they'll catch leftists in a whataboutism.
The truth is that Trump is giving the same carte blanche that Biden did to Bibi. It remains on the people of Israel to stop this conflict, as it always has. You can't pretend the genocide is only bad when your enemy is doing it, this was the same plan under Biden. Trump just likes bragging about the cruelty, whereas Biden was smart enough to pretend to care.
People clicked this thread for the topic of this issue. So, he's making a point about this one issue. Don't see any statements claiming Trump has a level head on anything else.
Well, one candidate was bad on their economic policies. Starting off with "The economy is doing fabulously, so you poor people just need to shut up, and vote for me because you owe me your vote" policy...
The day Trump actually tempers a decision based on the feedback the world gives him, I'll eat my hat. He doesn't give a shit about this kind of criticism. He's right. Everyone else is wrong. One of the few genuine stable geniuses in this world.
Stay on message, Democrats! Remember, it wasn't the Democrats fault for losing, it was those loony leftists for going against the approved narrative of the Democratic Party. The Dems aren't out of touch or negligent, and Bill Mahr is funny and relevant.
I think the problem is so many people trying to politically point score by whitewashing a bunch of Genociders by using the actions of a new bunch of Genociders.
"Yeah, but our guys' mass murdering of children was all fairies and unicorns shitting rainbows from their arses whilst those other guys' Genocide is all dark and shit" isn't the Grand Principled argument the tribalists seem to think it is.
It's kind of understandable that anybody with enough Principle in their bodies to trump tribalism is a "little" peeved at people excusing any group of willful and eager collaborators in the mass murder of children, be it the previous bunch or the new bunch.
Someone was telling you this shit was going to happen and there was only one way to even have a chance of preventing it. You decided compromise was for losers and are now reaping the rewards of your ill informed, short sighted decision. Why are you whining so much, you got exactly what you were told you would get.
So did you! You got exactly what we told you was going to happen, yet its our fault it happened. Look at this post! This whining is on your side my dude. I just can't believe you fools didn't stop with the brow beating after such a catastrophic loss. Couldn't do one fraction of a second of self reflection. I was not telling people not to vote for the democrat, but I didn't hide my real feelings either.
A movement to withhold votes against Democrats has been building for years. the uncommitted movement is ideologically closer to liberal democrats than so called tankies, but Dems threw them under the bus, called them Putin influenced for protesting against a genocide in the only way they knew how. I was fighting for Palestinian liberation in different ways, I don't really get too involved in electoral politics though I'm active politically. Never was I whining. God what projection.
It really demonstrates the two tendencies of liberalism: good conscientious people who are cool and hate injustice, vs. bloodless defenders of private capital who make noises like they care about justice so they can take power and broker influence.
Get a grip, do some actual criticism of your movement, do better for christs sakes. There wouldn't be nearly as many communists and anarchists becoming radicalized if democrats were even a little effective. They are the only force that has the power to oppose the fascists and criminals in charge of the republicans. and they blew it, time and time again. Stop blaming the people, the fucking lemmy posters for Christ sakes, and start looking at your party,and namely where they get their funding.
this may require you to read and process information instead of just repeating what some 68 year old millionaire said. Which may take some growth on your part, so maybe hydrate and stretch a little first.
Well you sure showed those democrats by not voting huh? Like shooting yourself but calling it a win because you got blood on the other guy.
The American left has become so toxic, and splintered into micro groups with special labels who all hate each other and reject each other's support while blaming each other and calling anyone even slightly right or even left of you an enemy.
Meanwhile the right was united while trump and Netanyahu played you all so blatantly and obviously and you all bought it.
Well I’m sure Gazans thank you American leftists for staying home and letting trump win. I’m sure your blaming democrats will make them feel better
Sadly you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you're voting you're supporting the status quo of the Dems really only listening to corporate backers, if you're not voting you're letting the opposition (Trump) have a better chance at office (which he did get). They're both terrible options, and I'm not sure blaming individuals who are tired of having to fight for the lesser evil instead of a better tomorrow is fair
I did vote, but I was also trying to tell people that the whole strategy of browbeating wasn't going to work. But that's all the dems have to offer which is why they lost.
Biden was a poor president, maybe given Harris was his vice-president we could guess she might be a poor president also. Trump on the other hand is evil. Anyone that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. If he was running against a bag of frozen brussel sprouts the bag of sprouts would make a better president than him.
It's the exact same as last time. Hilary would have been bad, but Trump is actively evil and destructive. I wanted Burnie, but I still voted for Hilary because it's a two party system and I understand how spoiler votes work. Now we're all fucked and I hope every single person who voted for the Orange Idiot suffers for it.
Because he funded and enabled a genocide, maybe? No betterment of worker rights, no betterment of welfare state, no meaningful legislation to improve healthcare and to make it universal, no push towards a public pensions system, dramatic rise in fossil gas exports...
I think their… cicadian rhythm only allows them to wake every 3½ years, make a lot of obnoxious noise, and then go back to sleep, or… “спать” as they like to call it.
Two days after he was inaugurated the UN was reporting 92% of residential buildings were damaged and destroyed. The genocide was almost done before Trump got in office and people are still out here pretending Biden was any better.