The simplest answer is probably that the CCP has its own doctrine and ideals, so westerners larping as communists online may be espousing ideals that don't align with the party's official doctrine. Why let western trolls muddy the waters when you already have efficient distribution of the exact political discourses you desire?
They had a problem a few years ago with student Marxist societies using their own readings of Marx to critique the Party’s leadership, which they of course came down on like a tonne of bricks. The CCP is about Marxism the way the Catholic Church is about the Bible: there’s only one valid interpretation, and it’s whatever the institution says it is at the time.
Are they not maoists? I don't really pay too much attention to what exactly they have going on as fascism in my own country is more important to my daily life.
It originally referred to modern day communists who believed Stalin was right to send troops and tanks into Czechoslovakia in 1968 to crush the liberal government there that had recently arisen there. Hence the word “tankie” for someone who believes that it’s right to use tanks to destroy peaceful democratic governments in order to (re)install communism.
My guess is it's specific to the domain but federation screws up a domain firewall (which I kind of hope is the case, that'd be a cool reason to use the Fediverse).
That, or it's fake, except there is a fair number of people able to check that site and confirm and the site is usually correct in my experience.