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poVoq poVoq

Admin on the Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.

XMPP: [email protected]

Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

Posts 1.2K
Comments 3.2K
[HELP NEEDED] Unable to figure out directory permissions
  • Make sure the user "bind" and whatever the owner of that folder outside of the container is, have the same user number.

  • What the Ju/’hoansi can tell us about group decision-making What the Ju/’hoansi can tell us about group decision-making | Aeon Essays

    Hunter-gatherer societies are highly expert in group deliberation and decision-making which respects both difference and unity

    What the Ju/’hoansi can tell us about group decision-making | Aeon Essays
    0 Portugal sees market appetite to privatise TAP, preparations underway

    Portugal's government wants to privatise flag carrier TAP sooner rather than later to take advantage of market interest in the airline and is moving forward with preparatory work, Infrastructure Minister Miguel Pinto Luz said on Wednesday (24 July).

    Portugal sees market appetite to privatise TAP, preparations underway
    Trying to figure out the best way to set up a self hosted matrix server.
  • If the postgres container doesn't start properly, then something's wrong with the config. Most likely you are trying to expose port 5432 to the host network, but you have postgres already installed there, so the ports conflict.

    You can check for those errors with journalctl.

  • Kinetic Energy 👟⚡️
  • I remember there being some club that installed something like this under the dancefloor. Was in the news some years ago 🤔

  • NeoDB is a Review System for Culture
  • Seems pretty neat. Does it also support location based reviews?

  • What do you think of this theme becoming the default dark theme?
  • I think it would be nice if Photon instance admins could set their own default themes.

  • Chinese takeover of European seaports: EU turned a blind eye on security risks for years, experts say
  • While I agree that the OP is very selective in what they post, I don't quite agree that this institute is a misinformation source.

    After researching them a bit now, they seem to be a relatively independent source funded by a German billionaire family that got rich with a grocery chain.

    They seems to be relatively progressive and have an explicit pro Muslim integration stance which seems to have resulted in this institute publishing about the discrimination of Uyghurs in China, which drew the negative attention of the Chinese government.

  • Chinese takeover of European seaports: EU turned a blind eye on security risks for years, experts say
  • Happy to hear if you can substantiate that claim in regards to rule 3 of this community. No sarcasm, I am currently unaware about the background of this "Merics" think tank.


  • Scarcity-in-the-small
  • They backtracked a bit in their later replies, but the original question is exactly the type of contrived theoretical scenario that when you try to also answer it theoretically there is an endless amounts of "gotchas".

    Discussing anarchy theoretically online is IMHO a bit pointless anyways, as there is no agreed canon and every scenario will be always highly context specific.

    People will either come to agree with anarchism because they agree with the basic principles (which do not need convincing in arguments) or because they see it working in praxis...

  • There’s too much tourism
  • Na, but tourists are concentrated on too few spots.

  • Especifismo Before its Critics
  • I think an especifically anarchist organisation can be a good cross-generational and cross-movement learning tool for tactics and other practical tools.

    Way too often people are forced to relearn all this and thus repeat preventable mistakes.

  • Self-hosting your location history with OwnTracks

    Looking to find an alternative to Google Maps Timeline? OwnTracks is a self-hosted location history tracker and might be a decent alternative to Google Maps Timeline.

  • the only people that traditionally uproot themselves to leave and intentionally join a community would be monastics.

    This is not supported by the historical record, people in the past have been much more mobile than you think.

    Living somewhere just because you grew up there is not some byproduct of capitalism, it’s what humans do.

    And it is secondary to the economic conditions. If you live all your life under alienating economic conditions then you have little shared purpose left and there is no such thing as communities where you live.

  • Scarcity-in-the-small
  • And? Look at the economic structures on these islands. They are in no way sustainable and largely depend on outside inputs like tourism or agri-industrial projects that only survive because of EU regulatory protection and outside investors that prey on that. There is very little shared purpose left there.

  • Scarcity-in-the-small
  • This seems to be more of a case of:

  • Scarcity-in-the-small
  • It is true that children don't necessarily take on the convictions of their parents, but communities are build around structures of common purpose (and not primarily family bonds). What you seem to have in mind is a typical modern suburb with no shared purpose, which is pretty much the opposite of what anarchists think of as communities.

  • Compressor Repair

    I tried to make a phone case.
  • Seems functional. Good work 👍

  • why does chlorine make my water taste warm
  • Probably the taste of dissolved gasses differs. Normally that is the main difference in taste between water of different temperatures thus we take it as a taste proxy for temperature.

  • Hot Spring Power
  • explains the temperatures needed. Basically it needs to be >68°C for some time to fully coagulate.

  • Specific Websites are loading weirdly?
  • Yeah and I wish it was easier to disable. I nearly ditched LibreWolf again because it breaks so many websites and there is no clear explanation why and you can't turn it off in the normal settings menu.

  • What's the cutest animal that you'd be terrified to get close to?
  • The realest answer: baby bear. Because the mother is right around the corner.

  • ich🍳🔥iel
  • Geht noch besser mit Nudeln die nicht überkochen sollen 😑

  • Two Cheers for Anarchism

    James C. Scott Two Cheers for Anarchism Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play 2012

    Two Cheers for Anarchism

    RIP James C. Scott 😞


    Review of AgroSense LoRaWAN Smart Agriculture sensors with the SenseCAP M2 LoRaWAN gateway Review of AgroSense LoRaWAN Smart Agriculture sensors with the SenseCAP M2 LoRaWAN gateway - CNX Software

    Today, I will be reviewing the AgroSense LoRaWAN sensors from Makerfabs designed for high-precision agriculture. This time, I received four sets of

    Review of AgroSense LoRaWAN Smart Agriculture sensors with the SenseCAP M2 LoRaWAN gateway - CNX Software

    Installation tutorial of Movim as frontend and PROSODY as backend on Debian 12

    0 Mangrove Trees Are on the Move, Taking the Tropics with Them

    As the climate warms, mangroves are migrating farther poleward, transforming the coast as they go

    Mangrove Trees Are on the Move, Taking the Tropics with Them
    1 Solar Theremin With Arduino

    Solar Theremin With Arduino: materials: arduino uno 3 photoresistors 4 buzzers 3 10k resistor (optional) usb solar pannel or usb battery

    Solar Theremin With Arduino
    1 The First Rule of Collapse

    Why we don't talk about the elephant

    The First Rule of Collapse
    1 Von der Leyen’s re-election consolidates Europe’s shift to the right

    The German technocrat’s second term will focus on business, conservative values and security threats.

    Von der Leyen’s re-election consolidates Europe’s shift to the right

    Gajim 1.9.2 released Gajim 1.9.2

    Gajim 1.9.2 has been released


    Ejabberd 24.07 released ejabberd 24.07 / ProcessOne

    🚀 Introducing ejabberd 24.07: Bugfix Release This ejabberd 24.07 is mostly a bugfix release for the recent 24.06, and also includes a few improvements. If you upgrade ejabberd from a previous release, please check the WebAdmin Config Changes. A more detailed explanation of those topics and other fe...

    ejabberd 24.07 / ProcessOne

    Locals welcome Spain’s crackdown on holiday rentals ‘I felt unsafe’: Locals welcome Spain’s crackdown on holiday rentals

    Spain is finding innovative ways to cut down on tourist apartments, even banning them completely in some places.

    ‘I felt unsafe’: Locals welcome Spain’s crackdown on holiday rentals
    0 Far-right forces cordoned off from power roles in European Parliament

    The two new far-right groups failed to clinch any of the fourteen vice-president positions. #EuropeNews

    Far-right forces cordoned off from power roles in European Parliament

    Greenwashing in engineering: A survival guide Greenwashing in engineering: A survival guide - Engineers Without Borders UK

    In a world where not all that glitters is green, how can we not only spot greenwashing, but ensure our own work reflects our professional values?

    Greenwashing in engineering: A survival guide - Engineers Without Borders UK

    Solar PV on the roof of the Brighton Whitehawk public library Simon Jay (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Visited the #Brighton #Whitehawk public #Library From the top floor you can look out across their #GreenRoof. One day all public buildings may be kitted out like this 👇🏻

    Simon Jay (

    And yes, I know the shading isn't ideal...


    Games on Whales - Stream multiple desktops and games from a single host

    cross-posted from:

    > After 3 years in the making I'm excited to announce the launch of Games on Whales, an innovative open-source project that revolutionizes virtual desktops and gaming. Our mission is to enable multiple users to stream different content from a single machine, with full HW acceleration and low latency. > > With Games on Whales, you can: > > - Multi-user: Share a single remote host hardware with friends or colleagues, each streaming their own content (gaming, productivity, or anything else!) > - Headless: Create virtual desktops on demand, with automatic resolution and FPS matching, without the need for a monitor or dummy plug > - Advanced Input Support: Enjoy seamless control with mouse, keyboard, and joypads, including Gyro and Acceleration support (a first in Linux!) > - Low latency: Uses the Moonlight protocol to stream content to a wide variety of supported clients. > - Linux and Docker First: Our curated Docker images include popular applications like Steam, Firefox, Lutris, Retroarch, and more! > - Fully Open Source: MIT licensed, and we welcome contributions from the community. > > Interested in how this works under the hood? You can read more about it in our developer guide or deep dive into the code. >


    Miliband overrules officials with immediate North Sea oil ban

    cross-posted from:

    > > Ed Miliband has ordered an immediate ban on new drilling in the North Sea in a decision that overrules his own officials and risks triggering a wave of legal action. > In an unusual intervention into what is typically an apolitical process, the Energy Secretary has told regulators not to approve a new round of drilling that was slated for confirmation in the coming weeks. > > His decision to block the licences means that companies will have wasted millions of pounds on preparing their bids, with experts warning they are likely to take legal action as a result.
