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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What is your favorite dinosaur?

After a certain age people stop asking you what your favorite dinosaur is, and I think that's sad.

My current one's the Anchiornis, because it's in the same clade as birds so it's in their family tree, and it really looks like a prototype of a bird. It had 4 wings for example, but it already looked very birb-y:


(Figured I'd just turn an earlier comment into an actual post because why not)

  • After a certain age people stop asking you what your favorite dinosaur is, and I think that's sad.

    My current one's the Anchiornis, because it's in the same clade as birds so it's in their family tree, and it really looks like a prototype of a bird. It had 4 wings for example, but it already looked really birb-y:

    Everybody reading the comments needs to let us know about your favorite dinosaur.

  • MargotRobbie
  • Well, "clear" and clear; if you read their comments they very much do make it sound like they're Robbie. I mean, it's not that I believe any of it 100% and I think it's probably just a schtick, but an AMA with that particular person would probably be fun in itself anyhow regardless of who's "driving" that account. Guess we'll see if/when this thing via her agent does end up happening? 😀

  • MargotRobbie
  • Oh hah, that's amazing.

    Hmm, one question that I can think of right off the bat is "If you weren't an actress, what would you want to do?".

    Oh, and "What is your favorite dinosaur?" of course!

  • AMA requests hydroptic


    I mean @[email protected] / @[email protected].

    It's somehow wonderfully dadaistic to not know whether that's just a very dedicated schtick or if that really is Robbie, so an AMA would be fun in either case.

    … is there an AMA community, though? Like an actually moderated one?

    First bash script, is there anyway to improve the execution speed ?
  • Ah sorry lol, I happily assumed you're just a bit unfamiliar with bash and not programming in general – you're definitely doing a great job if that's the case, shell scripting isn't exactly easy in a lot of ways like you discovered with how spaces in file names can bork things sometimes. But yeah, 11min isn't terrible at all and if you don't have to run that script very often there's not much point in spending time optimizing it.

    Just for future reference in case you end up scripting again, what I was thinking of was instead of processing every filename in $folder_name/**/* one at a time, you could do it in parallel with some creative rewriting, meaning you'd possibly be able to take advantage of having a multicore CPU – but whether it'll actually be faster depends on a lot of things so it'd basically just have to be tried and timed.

    Something along these lines, totally untested, the script can be further optimized and might not even run as-is, but should give you the idea. Starting off with the script, I modified it to just take a single file name as an argument:

    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Usage: $0 <filename>"
        exit 1
    # Concatenate all arguments into one string for the filename, so calling "./ /path/with spaces.jpg" should work without quoting
    DateTimeOriginal=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename")
    CreateDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename")
    if [[ "$DateTimeOriginal" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "$CreateDate" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        if  ([ "$DateTimeOriginal" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -lt $end_range ]) || 
            ([ "$CreateDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$CreateDate" -lt $end_range ]); then
            /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
            echo "Found a value"
            echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"
            echo "FINISH YOUR SYNTAX !!"

    So it's called as ./ /some/image.jpg

    Then, assuming you have GNU parallel installed (should be easy to find on just about every distro), you could do… uh, I think just eg. find /home/user/Pictures -type f | parallel ./ to automagically run as many "copies" of that script at the same time as you have CPU cores

  • It's just a difference of opinion!



    cross-posted from:

    > Seriously, zero clue.

    me_irl hydroptic


    Seriously, zero clue.

    0 Marc Andreessen thinks comedy is basically dead. He believes AI could save it.

    Marc Andreessen, the cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz, said that AI could be the revival that comedy needs.

    Marc Andreessen thinks comedy is basically dead. He believes AI could save it.

    I'm not sure if I should be laughing or crying. Probably both.


    Average Tuesday on NCD

    me_irl hydroptic



    Ooh big yawn


    Sinimusta siirtymä

    Tämän on kyllä huomannut omista kokkaretutuista; yksi lähti jo sille linjalle, että sukupuolivähemmistöjen pelkkä olemassaolo on "kärjistävää" ja että lihaa syövää valkoinen hetero on kirjaimellisesti vainotuin "vähemmistö" – ihan epäironisesti. Toivoipa jo että kaikki vähemmistöt yksinkertaisesti katoaisivat jotenkin taianomaisesti, ei ilmeisesti kehdannut vielä julkisesti unelmoida mistään Endlösungista.

    Persututtuja on nykyään enää todella vähän, ei ole puolin eikä toisin ollut kauheasti intoa olla tekemisissä enää toviin, tämmönen sateenkaareva hörhö kun olen ja heillä mielipiteet olleet jo tovin sitä luokkaa että mulla ei tartteisi olla ihmisoikeuksia lainkaan


    I don't remember this Disney princess


    "If blaming women didn't fix your life, you just didn't blame them hard enough"


    Can't argue with that logic

    Water mountains are my new favorite concept


    This is unironically fine


    Humans didn't invent agriculture


    himbs thirsty


    Thnk of the chldren

    Political Memes hydroptic

    Unlike the image, I definitely encourage people to do this


    I fuckin' knew it!


    How can they not see this is what's coming‽

    Anybody know who the original author is?

