Ski Patrol, Police Academy 2, and Airplane the list goes on for 80s movies with a single brief topless shot.
I'd argue the self-aware humor of Airplane was really calling out stereotypes like the one pictured, and defusing tensions with humor. Now Revenge of the Nerds, there's a problematic movie.
Airplane was released in 1980, before the PG-13 rating existed. I’m not sure how the film would be rated today, but I’d wager it would not hit PG standards without significant edits.
Jokes involving racial stereotypes can be funny and inoffensive if what you're making fun of IS the stereotypes, not the race. The writers of Airplane! being Jewish themselves, I reckon they knew exactly what they were doing. At least the bearded plane is clearly an example of making fun of the stereotype, not the people.
Soul Plane was the first movie with John Witherspoon I ever saw (somehow), it will always have a special place in my heart. Man was an absolute comedy legend.
I wish it was so simple. Really it should be. A word can mean any number of things based on context or inflection but now i have to really be careful as to not offend. I feel like that's a created thing.
Obviously i say things in a friendly way or in a mean way and I feel like we are just going the "you can't say that word" route. When it's not the word, it's the context.
As such, yes anyone who finds that picture offensive falls into that group. It was also a great movie. Let's dissect Spaceballs for racism next!
if what you're making fun of IS the stereotypes, not the race.
Tell that to my American friends if the N word comes up. Yeah, some things for some people are so wired in as associated with offence or trauma it's better to steer clear. At least in real life. Public media is weird because it's kind of to everyone and no one at the same time. I'm glad some films/etc can make fun in ways some find offensive, but I'm glad I'm not the judge of it!
As a German, this is one of the few movies where the dubbed version is just as good as the original, in parts even better.
Especially the part where they're speaking Jive, which is "translated" into a thick Bavarian dialect, including subtitles saying something completely different:
And for some reason, they translated the movie's title to "Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug" (The Incredible Journey on a Crazy Airplane).
It really is. 44 year old movie and all of the jokes still land. Gen Z kids will especially appreciate the white flight attendant speaking in Jive to the black passengers.
God I love this movie. True irreverent humor that I don't want to know if people contained about. Nude breasts that perfectly fit the MPAA PG nudity guidelines of "brief and non-sexual". So many quotable one-liners. The sight gags were on point and perfectly timed. I WISH movies like this could be made. Scary Movie, Not Another Teen Movie, and all the other parody movies are great, but do not hold a candle to the Airplane! movies.
I don't (and I'm not Jewish), but I can see how it might.
The way I see it, if it was a joke to poke fun and it was good-natured, it shouldn't be offensive. I mean the Zucker brothers who were writers on the movie are themselves Jewish, so they thought it was hilarious. All that being said, I don't get to speak for Jews as to what they find offensive.
I’m just curious because I’m Jewish and I don’t know of any Jews who would find this offensive.
If the plane was rubbing its hands together and yelling “oy vey shut it down” I’d probably hear a dog whistle somewhere. Still wouldn’t get offended tho. I’d just know they’re a special type of moron.
The directors (Zucker brothers) are themselves Jewish. Any cancel culture reaction would as silly as the fake-controversy over Speedy Gonzalez, everyone in Mexico who heard about it were scratching their heads in puzzlement, how some white people who got hold of a bullhorn puffed themselves up like a peacock in heat virtuous "white savior who knows better than us" gatekeeping.
It's interesting because they switched share URLs to a short domain (, but now that they have a tracking identifier, the URLs are longer than the regular video URLs (
Blazing Saddles openly called out racism and made it the butt of almost all of its jokes. I think both it and Airplane could be made today, and would be received well. Why do you think differently?
No they wouldn't. That logic has not stopped one single, shitty remake and almost all of them have been worse than the originals. So bad we forget they even exist. Robocop, Mummy, Red Dawn, Total Recall come to mind... garbage. I think Road House, Twister, and Mr & Mrs Smith are getting remakes this year, and they don't look good either.
Hate to tell you this but in case you thought cancel culture was a recent phenomenon: Richard Pryor (the co-star of Blazing Saddles) was arrested for foul-language during his stand-up routine the same year Blazing Saddles came out.
Blazing Saddles would be called dated and "done before."
It was originally made as a way to laugh at Westerns, which, up to that point, had dominated the market. A lot of the tropes and plot lines the movie rips on are explicitly there because they were usually in these "safe" Westerns.
Mel Brooks sort of put the fork in Westerns. They were maybe dying anyway, but after Blazing Saddles they had to change pretty significantly.
He also got everyone to laugh at all the little polite racist themes that were super common in Westerns. He hung a pretty big lamp on that stuff. You couldn't do it again, because we'd all just laughed at how stupid it was.
As for people who say it's too offensive for today's audience, idk that they ever realized they were being laughed at, not with.
They absolutely could. If Dave Chappelle can do 5 hours of shitting on trans people, a Jewish writer can write a scene where a plane is wearing a tallit with a beard.
They made a CGI Blazing Saddles for kids not that long ago, Mel Brooks was involved too. Paws of Fury (2022) starring Michael Cera and Ricky Gervais. I watched it out of curiosity, it was pretty mid but for a kids movie it wasn't that bad.