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stinerman stinerman [Ohio]

I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. @[email protected] on Mastodon.

Posts 4
Comments 414
Electoral College and The Numbers | USA question
  • This will help you a bit to answer your own question: You can play with scenarios there.

    how much does she have to win by to flip the electoral college to her side?

    This misunderstands how our elections work. If you win a state by one vote (offer not valid in Nebraska and Maine), you get all that state's electoral votes. If you flip several thousand votes in a few states, Trump wins the 2020 election even though Biden had around 7,000,000 more in the popular vote total. Also, if you're from the UK, Americans are a little idiosyncratic in their voting. A good deal of people do the equivalent of voting for a Tory even if they wanted Labour in power. It's called vote splitting, and it's generally a terrible idea.

  • Sovcit wants to get started.
  • To be completely fair, in some US states you can deposit a bond (usually surety or treasury) with the government and that counts as your insurance. No one would ever want to do that if they are remotely insurable because it's rather expensive compared to paying insurance premiums.

  • What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
  • I admitted that they're shallow and pedantic.

  • What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
  • I hate when people say "rezourceful" instead of "resourceful." Also I don't care if it's spelled "pronunciation", I will spell it "pronounciation" and say it the same way. You don't "pronunce" words, you "pronounce" them.

    I don't like that in UK English, they say people are "at hospital" and "he went to ground." No, he's at "a/the hospital" and he went to "the ground." Pace is not something you have, it's something you set. Collective singular nouns take a singular verb. Manchester City is, not Manchester City are.

  • F-droid builds of 0.0.70 and 0.0.71 seem to be failing [Seems fixed now]
  • I find that the F-Droid "system" is pretty opaque. There doesn't seem to be any way that you can track a bug somewhere that a build is failing or who is working on it. Just the build fails and...hopefully someone realizes it and they'll fix it at...some date in the future.

  • Sovcit went to the bank.
  • True. But things like the UCC are real laws. Sovcits just hilariously misinterpret them. There is no such law in other countries. Plus sovcit stuff is based on common law. It makes even less sense in civil law jurisdictions.

  • Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio)
  • Vote for who you think is the best option. Ohio is a pretty safe Republican state for Trump. I will probably be voting for the Democrat, but you should read up on everyone who is on the ballot and make an informed decision.

  • Virginia is shrinking!
  • I wonder what the source is because in 1784, Connecticut made claims on the northeast part of Ohio (the Western Reserve). Virginia did have a claim on some part of central/southwest Ohio called the Virginia Military District, but that's all I'm aware of.

  • An Internet Explorer gravestone in South Korea
  • Came here to say this. Glad you beat me.

  • What's going on in the other timelines today?
  • I am absolutely drunk as shit and have called off work tomorrow.

  • Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM
  • Microsoft's most important customers are businesses, who generally don't deal with this (they have corporate images). Home users also generally don't deal with this given they buy a computer that has already been configured.

    Linux-based systems have always needed to be better because almost no one buys a computer with $DISTRO already installed and configured.

  • Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM
  • I had forgotten about that and now I am sad that I've been reminded.

  • Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM
  • If Back to the Future was made today, Marty would have traveled back to 1994.

  • What do you believe the role of government to be?
  • Outside of the standard "create laws and enforce them equally", it's on my profile.

    Afflict the comfortable. Comfort the afflicted.

  • Gunman who was killed by Yellowstone rangers had planned a July 4 mass shooting, park reveals
  • he planned to carry out a mass shooting — a random attack common in the U.S. these days

    Well they're not wrong, but it's kind of surreal to see it plainly said like that.

  • Could this be the end of the GOP supermajority in Ohio's legislature?
  • The end of veto-proof majorities? Probably. The end of one party rule? Not likely.

  • U.S. Military Doing All It Can to Save Civilians in Gaza From Weapons It Sent to Israel

    After five months of Israel carrying out heightened attacks against Gaza, the U.S. military has expressed they are doing everything in their power to save Gazan civilians from the current humanitarian crisis caused by the weapons sent by the U.S. military. During his State of the Union addre

    U.S. Military Doing All It Can to Save Civilians in Gaza From Weapons It Sent to Israel

    Not the Onion, but still great satire.


    Ohio transgender candidate disqualified for only including legal name, not former name, on petitions Ohio transgender candidate disqualified for only including legal name, not former name, on petitions - Ohio Capital Journal

    A transgender candidate for the Ohio House has been disqualified because she only circulated petitions with her legal name, instead of her former name — and it has put multiple other LGBTQ+ candidates in flux.

    Ohio transgender candidate disqualified for only including legal name, not former name, on petitions - Ohio Capital Journal

    Ohio actually has a law that says if you legally change your name within the last 5 years, it has to be on the petition. In the article it mentions that there is no place for a previous name (dead name in this instance) on the petition, and the Secretary of State’s candidate guide doesn’t mention this requirement at all.

    Apparently other trans candidates had their petitions accepted with no problem.


    Pretty Accurate

    Found here:

    4 Ohio Senate votes to approve changes to the marijuana law. DeWine urges bill's passage - Ohio Capital Journal

    The Ohio Senate passed a bill Wednesday with various modifications to the state’s marijuana law.

    Ohio Senate votes to approve changes to the marijuana law. DeWine urges bill's passage - Ohio Capital Journal

    Looks like the Senate bill has gotten better. There is some good and some bad. They're cutting back on home grow and max potency for extracts. They're expunging all convictions on possession of 2.5oz or less, and I think most importantly, allowing people to buy from medical dispensaries for recreational use. Right now, it's legal to possess, but illegal to sell. This should fix that loophole.
