The president’s new executive order would give him control over independent agencies, testing a once-fringe legal theory. Lawsuits are sure to follow.
Donald Trump signed an executive order expanding presidential control over independent agencies, including the FTC, FCC, and SEC.
The order enforces the “unitary executive theory,” which argues the president has sole authority over the executive branch. It grants Trump’s budget chief, Russell Vought, oversight of these agencies’ performance and budgets.
The move is expected to face legal challenges, as past presidents have largely respected agency independence.
Trump defended the order, stating, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”
America, when are you going to stop this? You finally have a chance to exercise the second amendment, to defend your freedom and to show the world you aren't the bad guys; And you do nothing...
Trump/Musk are literally following the steps laid out by Hitler and they aren't even hiding it.
I see this sentiment a lot. "Why aren't Americans doing anything? Why aren't leftist militias rising up to take back the capital? Etc. Etc. Etc."
First of all, asking "why aren't Americans doing anything" is a highly unaware question. We are doing things, but they aren't going to give any airtime to the protests, marches, boycotts, and legal efforts taking place, because the media is now firmly on the side of those with power, not the common people.
Second of all, it's pretty heartless of you to just casually ask us to "exercise the second amendment", because when you ask that, you're asking for at least some of us to die. Put yourselves in our shoes, and be honest - if you were in our position, would it be so easy and casual to just pick up a gun and join a violent revolution? Would you be willing to risk death in that situation? Personally, I'm not a soldier, I've never had an interest in guns, I'd be less than useless in that capacity. So I'm looking at other things we can do before escalating to that.
I get that everyone's scared because the nation with the most powerful military on earth is falling into fascism. That's terrifying to most Americans as well, and I think a lot of us are still frozen with that fear. I understand and agree that this problem is on Americans to fix. But I hope the rest of the world will be willing to help when we call on them, instead of just sitting idly by wondering when that magical second amendment is gonna kick in.
Yeah the people making 2A arguments are seemingly asking people to murder people on their behalf with zero regards to how that plays out. Not surprisingly most gun owners are in fact not looking to murder people.
I think the second amendment is pointed out so readily, because most of the world has watched America and their guns and ridiculous gun problems, and that is usually what is pointed at in some kind of gotcha defence. Second, we do see the protests and legal efforts, and honestly looking in, seems like that's pissing into the wind.
As for myself committing violence in an situation similar to America's? Can't honestly answer one way or the other until I am in the situation myself, but don't think it would be a hard no, I'm not opposed to violence in the correct situation, and boy you guys are, if not there already, very very close to that correct situation.
There's also the fact that people with consumer grade weapons aren't going to be doing shit against the military, which is what would be brought out against them. If I knew there was even a good chance that I could do something leading to my death that would do a damn bit of good, I'd do it. But there isn't.
America, when are you going to stop this? You finally have a chance to exercise the second amendment, to defend your freedom and to show the world you aren’t the bad guys; And you do nothing…
Most of the people who are so in favor of the 2nd amendment are actively supporting this.
And people ask why we aren't doing anything about it as if people can just pick up a gun willy nilly and go join a violent revolution as easily as joining your local church group. What are people supposed to do? Walk up to the Capitol with an AK-47 and start firing while shouting "DOWN WITH TRUMP?". That's a great way to end up dead, in a psych ward, or in ADX-Florence. Trying to organize armed resistance of any size that matters in an era where everybody is carrying around a tracking device in their pockets is a great way to have the whole group rounded up and sent to Gitmo on treason charges.
On top of this. It isn't just Dump. It's the entire GOP. Plus the douche crew and his nazi youth that have been ransacking shit that they don't understand. Yeah, going in armedmay get you 1 person. It won't do any good. You're cutting a small scale off of a large shit snake.
The best we can do is arm ourselves (and I fucking hate that I have to resort to this option) and prep for when shit goes south. I suspect that will be mid terms. We'll see armed yokels "guarding" vote drop off locations and polling locations. If there is any sign of a dem win anywhere, all hell will break loose with diaperdon claiming fraud. He'll probably pull some shit like his attempted coup and we'll see the polling station yokels going nuts.
Everyone's quality of life would have to drastically decline and a significant number of citizens would have to start openly expressing the desire for rebellion, then leaders would materialize, and it would go from there.
But we aren't even close to having enough people's quality of life declining enough for that to happen. If our oligarchs are smart, they'll keep us near that red line, without allowing us to go over it. But I'm starting to think their greed outweighs their intelligence.
We're too complacent with our TV and Doritos. We need to start losing some material things before we wake up. Here's hoping it happens.
I also feel like a lot of people have a lot of barriers to plotting an assassination, besides the obvious "it's illegal" and "they'll kill you for trying" and "who has the time and money to plan an assassination." To give people some ideas of these barriers, I personally:
Am trans, so if I tried anything it would immediately be used as a Reichstag fire moment to start rounding up and killing trans people (I suspect the social minorities who will be most affected by the Administration will suffer the worst consequences for even trying to resist)
Am too young to own a gun in my state (you need to be 21, I suspect some people have the opposite reasoning as well, 'I'm too old to be an assassin bc I have kids to look after' or 'because I'm entrenched and needed at my job')
Since I have PTSD I don't trust myself to own a gun
I think I can contribute more to the world alive than throwing my life away to be a political assassin. Specifically, I'm very passionate about healthcare reform (obviously universal healthcare, also focusing more on preventative medicine instead of waiting for people to get so chronically sick the pharmaceutical industry can harvest money from them for the rest of their lives, also giving people diet & lifestyle recommendations to treat the underlying cause of their issues instead of just drugging them up to combat their symptoms of disease), and think I have a greater chance of making an impactful change by devoting myself to that
In conclusion, the most convenient person to plot a political assassination is a 25-35 yo straight white man well trained in firearms with tons of money, mentally healthy enough to get a firearm yet crazy enough to throw their life away, ideally recently unemployed so they have nothing to lose.
So... a security guard affected by the mass government downsizing?
There were 2 confirmed assassination attempts on Donald Trump last year and potentially one more where an armed and suspicious individual was trying to get into a location where Trump was but the individual claims he wasn't planning anything malicious.
Wikipedia reports ~8 more incidents during the years where he was involved in his first presidential term.
I think Biden only had the one with the box truck.
Move to West Virginia, we need more people like you. I just got a beautiful Serbian made AK, all I had to do was wait for it to be shipped over and pick it up at my local gun shop. 15 minutes for the background check which is essentially no felonies, because I have an extensive misdemeanor record from when I was young and wild. All I had to do was listen to the workers and customers spout bullshit conspiracy theories and talk about the latest Joe Rogan episode. Small price to pay.
Even my wife, who was previously anti-gun, bought a 9mm. Interesting times.
I'm rewatching handmaid's tale in absolute despair and I'm not even american. You people need to fight, not only for yourselves and your country but for the rest of us who are living in America's shadow. You set yourself up as the land of the free - you can't fall. There's too much riding on you. We'll all follow, if America goes. If Hitler was American...
And when you get rid of these assholes, don't allow the same shitty systemic injustices. You need to institute a libertarian socialist society and start being a true leader for the rest of the world, no more robbing poor countries.
See, the thing is, America's been propped up by toothpicks and Santa Claus-esque belief for most of our lifetimes. There were clearly no guardrails, no real systems in place, and no people with the willpower or actual dedication to the country to hold it against any level of dedicated attack. Hell, many of its people are so broken and systematically idiotic that they welcomed the attack as long as the got to guffaw and clap like seals at the people brought down to their god awful level.
It had to fall. It likely won't rise again in any healthy, phoenix sort of way, but if it manages to do so, maybe it won't only have the untested veneer of strength. But for now, it's a corpse. Europe needs to save itself and not add their bodies to the cemetery, because what took down America is actively coming for the world.
The US Constitution gives Congress sole control of "the purse" meaning all funding of the federal government. They allocate it and the executive branch spends it. If they weren't trump's puppets, they could stop allocating funds for him to misuse.
Do it! Exercise that right before they try and take that away too. Go to a gun show, super cheap! Talk to the guys there about personal defense, they will give you such good advice. Head to a shooting range and fire off a few to get a good idea on how they handle. What’s the worst that can happen? They sit around and collect dust because you don’t need to overthrow a tyrannical dictator?
What is the legal argument against this? The article was paywalled, but the summay only says that past presidents have respected agency independence. That sounds like just a gentlemans agreement. Nothing legally binding. So do the challenges have a leg to stand on?
Musk's and his actions are illegal, or were illegal mostly before the Supreme Court decided there's some sleezy presidential immunity. The problem is they are so firm and quick at changing the rules of the game that no institution can catch up and, most importantly, generally afraid they would be directly attacked by these fuckers. Some commenters preciously said that it's stupid that most of people who could've challenged or straight up dismissed his executive orders are pussies for resigning or being complicit, but, in their defence, all of their personal data was leaked by Muskrat and he and Trump have a pardoned terrorist cell to carbomb them or whatever. And it's snowballing from department to department, and every new one looks at those who already kneed to the maggot.
All these famous checks and balances were DDOSed and frightened into submission. i don't think they were exceptionally and inherently fragile. it's just the rightwing strategists just got the right guy, the right coverage and the right plan to make it all as easy as break-and-enter with absent homeowners.
What was illegal about what musk did? Be specific. On paper he is "working" for the president, and my understanding is that the cabinet members in charge of the various agencies gave him the go ahead to do what he is doing. Both of those are directly or indirectly elected officials charged with running the executive branch of the government.
My take is that congress has depended on gentleman's agreements rather than passing laws to ensure the agencies aren't tampered with like is happening now.
Think of it like a whole bunch of people standing around a $100 bill left on the ground. Everybody's standing around waiting for the legitimate owner to come by and pick it up. Trump doesn't give a shit about that. He's gonna walk by, shove everyone aside, and grab it. When everyone else tries to stop him and say the money isn't his, he's just going to look at you and say "Who's is it, and why haven't they picked it up yet?" And while everybody else is standing around trying to figure out the answer to that, Trump is walking away with the money and saying "Finders keepers, asshole. It's mine now". Even if the original owner shows up later and tries to lay claim to the money, he'd have to prove that that specific $100 bill was his to begin with or the judge is just going to say that it's Trump's money now.
Think that, except with the power of the US government instead of a c-note. And Trump is hoping that the courts will use the same logic: since nobody else tried to claim the power before, and there's nothing explicitly granting those powers to someone else, Trump is hoping that the courts will just let him keep those powers in a twisted form of finders-keepers. And given this court system, he very well might win.
This is the truth of it. Picking up $100 bill off the ground in public that isn't yours isn't actually illegal. And what trump is doing is attempting to stretch the powers of his office. This isn't anything new really. Just how he is doing it, how much and how fast is new.
Which laws. Cause I haven't seen any quoted anywhere. And, they only gave him immunity for official acts. Then said they (the courts) get to decide what an official act is. Lastly, they did not take away congress's ability to prosecute him in the form of impeachment.
I don't think there is a good one. It sounds like this is another one of those things where the rules were mostly relying on the idea that the people wouldn't elect someone who was expected to try to do something like this.
Well the boards are appointed by the President with Senate approval. The President can also remove a board member at any time. The board members are generally in pretty good control of the agency.
This seems like it is at most an attempt to end run the Senate but likely just an order to establish a liaison office once you parse everything. He's passing all these sweeping language orders but also putting in that they should follow all applicable laws.
Good thing we spent the 4 years between trump terms with a young, motivated go-getter who checks notes his in a closet for four years and was less seen/heard than any other president.
Moderates are not equipped to fight fascism, we can't keep rotating between the two because the fascists will break more than a Neoliberal would ever want to fix.
Neither actually wants to fix shit, just keep their wealthy donors happy
Also, this time we have fascists with a plan at hand. They even say beforehand what they will do and no one bats an eye, until "wait, they were serious?"
They did their homework and are swiftly taking over.
Trump's abhorrent smug face of late tells everything we need to know if they are succeeding or not.
Biden was an opportunity for the old Republican party to prevail. Instead they rolled out the carpet for MAGA, and now they are rolling it for an authoritarian dictatorship. Frankly, had the democratic stoked more attention, the more bullshit that would have been spun up about them. The root of the problem is that MAGA was getting propped up with control of social networks personality cults and the sort of modern day profile targeting a shitload of money can provide.
Wait, this was ACTUALLY a quote from a famous dictator? I thought I was just being snarky and connecting this comment to the kind of rhetoric famously used by dictators. I didn't realize this is specific rhetoric used by a specific dictator.
You don't even need to read between the lines anymore. Insane.
The ammosexuals voted for this shit. They only stroke their guns over the idea of helping put down any uppity {DEI}s that are nearby. All their talk about guns this, guns that, is and always has been a threat meant for others.
They don't give a fuck about democracy and want to be the vanguard of tyranny.
They had already started with that under the guise of DEI hiring nonsense at the stations. Comcast was already being threatened that its DEI hiring practices were cause for the FCC to pull their license somehow. He broadcast (pun intended) his plan to have state run media and to diminish or ban the rest during his campaign, just nobody pays attention.
Unitary Executive Theory is a throwback to the Bush Jr Era (and if you dig deep enough you'll find it back to Truman/Eisenhower/Nixon). Its a relic of the Cold War, when Americans were poisoned to the idea of popular government by the horrifying threat of Soviet infiltration.
You consolidate power in the executive branch - under guys like Hoover and Dulles and McNamara - so they can do the grisly work of squashing the Tankies at home and abroad without squeamish liberals in Congress or the courts getting in the way. Then we can have our liberty back, right after we have guaranteed our domestic security and our international sovereignty. Right after we're confident our people will make the Right Choices at the ballot box.
This isn't something that will end in 4 years because its something that has been ongoing for the last 80.
That's why they call these oversite positions "quasi-judicial". Congress has explicit power to create judicial bodies not specified in the Constitution. Of course, who knows what this Supreme Court will do with the plain text.
You're basically saying both parties are the same. Clearly you want us to stay home and are a Vance supporter. I assume you don't organize locally, so you should go do that instead of impotently criticizing your allies in the DNC. /s
I can’t either. Seriously, if anyone has ideas I would like to hear them. The courts will smack him down but the Supreme Court probably will not, which just cements the dictatorship legally.
Trump voters in my area of the country are still extremely happy with what Trump and Musk are doing. When Trump eventually invests all of social security in his meme coin they will probably be thrilled with that too.
Once they get what they want and there's no more gay, brown, women, or other religions, it will devolve into a contest of who is MAGA enough.
You're not blonde enough. You need more flag flair pins. You don't have the mandatory 5 trump posters, only 4. It never ends, there always needs to be an out group no matter what.
I had a guy accuse me of racism at work, even tho we're both white, because I wasn't "anglo Saxon enough" to be the same kind of white as him....
Like, I'm English/German ancestry, literally what the term Anglo-Saxon describes...
He was French ancestry which would make him Norman, the ones fighting Anglo Saxons...
There's no logic to what they say or do, they hear a label is "us" and another label is "them" and they just go with it, never actually asking themselves what the terms mean and who actually fits under each label.