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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 335
Trump ground game faces new fraud claims as video shows door-knock hack
  • Excuse my ignorance here, but what is the data that they're collecting being used for? We see polls every day suggesting that Trump and Kamala are closer in votes than anyone on Lemmy would like, but now I wonder who exactly is being grifted. Is this Trump being lied to and paying for a service he isn't receiving, or is this data being falsified to make Trump look more popular than he is, lending weight and legitimacy to his claims of widespread voter fraud?

    I'd love, for once, for Trump's own philosophies to be biting him, but based on the past, I'm worried this is just another tool in the misinformation arsenal.

  • Donald Trump McDonald's hit with bad reviews: "Bronzer on my fries"
  • If he's going to lie about working a McDonald's, I don't blame people for lying about the (non-existant) service.

    A photo-op in a closed McDonald's isn't a "job," Donny. Though, since you've never had one, I can understand how you failed to make the distinction.

  • Playbook: Trump’s media backout
  • What the fuck is Politico's article formatting? Random-ass capitalization, bolding the first few words of each paragraph, but never the whole statement, paragraphs that are two sentences long... I feel like I am trying to read the thought processes of someone who is actively having a stroke. It's all there, just coming out jumbled, with awkward delays and strange emphasis.

    I honestly gave up reading fairly early in. I get that most people want "fast" media nowadays, but this is barely legible.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • You responded to him not only to get his praise, but so I'd miss it and wouldn't challenge your opinion.

    Seek help. The fact that you need to create such insane delusions is a problem. The real answer is I ignored my phone, went about my day, and enjoyed my time with my hobbies and loved ones. When I found the conversation later, I stepped into the most recent comment. And I had much more to add to their comment than your inane ramblings, so it worked out.

    Yes, I have been rude to you. As you have been to the imaginary "bootlickers" you have created, and defined everyone who disagrees with you as. I think you are so busy creating enemies out of everyone who is on the other side of something from you, that you fail to differentiate between the problem and the symptoms. And I don't think I can convince you of that, so this is honestly a waste of time.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • I respond to people when they say something worth responding to. You think my post makes Gaben sound like a victim. Either your reading comprehension has completely failed and you aren't capable of having a real conversation, or my first comment about being far more interested in saying controversial shit than thinking things through was spot on, and you're arguing in bad faith and/or to pleasure your ego. Since it's not my job to educate you, nor satisfy you, even giving you this much recognition is a compliment. Have a good one.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • And, to be clear, Capitalism is bad. I'm on board. But riding Gaben's dick, or the dick of any boring dystopian billionaire instead of the people actively fighting to maintain the system is just grossly missing the point

    Not all evils are equal, and any perceived slight by Steam is honestly smoke for the thousands of disgustingly rich venture capitalists constantly abusing the system that exists and lobbying the shit out of any attempt to fix it. I don't blame Gaben for owning more yacht's than anyone needs, because, at the end of the day, he's providing a quality service through an unfair system. He's not the one fighting to provide shittier and shittier systems, demanding fatter and fatter paychecks and encouraging us to blame each other for the state of the world while he runs off with the largest slice of the cake.

    Should he have the wealth he has access to? Fuck no. But, again, the dishonest and disgustingly simplified argument that homie is making is only idiofying the cause. Target the problems, not the lucky guys who are providing halfway reasonable services through our broken-ass system.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • No one thinks Gaben is the second coming. His platform just, actually doesn't suck, and genuinely functions as a service to its users. It's a low bar, sure, but it's a good one. Comparing it to Microsoft axeing any studio that produces something worth talking about while they force more datascraping malware and adware into Windows is just dishonest.

    Your comment reads more like you get off on being controversial than having actual insightful thoughts and the comparisons in what these three companies you listed are actually doing.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • A lot of Steam games are also DRM free. It's up to the individual developers whether they enforce DRM checks or not.

    I've copied files from Steam folders directly to a flash drive, plugged them into an offline, Steam-less computer that I don't have rights to install anything on, and ran them perfectly. But it is a game-by-game thing.

  • Is it okay to fake Vitiligo makeup for a cosplay??
  • Right. People fail to recognize that blackface is a practice created by white people to entertain other white people by making fun of black people, portraying them as stupid and uncultured. While I think asking questions about what is and isn't okay is good practice, there's no cultural history connected to what OP is asking if he should do. That said, I am not someone with the skin conditions in question, so I'm not the one to decide whether it is "fine".

    I do want to offer the argument that you should do your best not to give people opportunities to miscontrue your intent. You are correct that, in some cases, black burn victims can have lighter patches of skin where they were burned, but this is both not universal and not an experience everyone will have had. If you're making a cosplay that requires a bit of mental work on the viewers behalf, you probably don't also want it to be a cosplay which could be perceived as insensitive if people fail to make those connections or put in that work.

  • Rule Studis.
  • Let's be 100% clear here, the order of operations were:

    No, racism is not a problem in our state.

    I'm so tired of you Democrats and your woke ideology about racism!

    You should go back to where you came from!!!

    Specifically speaking to a NATIVE woman.

    It's often said that if you don't think racism is a problem, it's because you've spent your life on the benefiting end of that equation. I'll never begrudge someone for being lucky enough to not have to suffer from racism. That's a problem to be solved with education. But the difference between being an ignorant, lucky beneficiary, and an active oppressor fighting to maintain this terrible status quo is stark.

  • What's the trick to Menopause?
  • Why the hate?

    Gosh people... Shutdown your brain

    You can't seriously be shocked that people are downvoting you when your only defense is "stop using that silly little brain to think".

    Human life expectancy has doubled in those couple hundred years. Believing that something is good just because it is old is absurd.

  • How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse
  • Currently still using the G502 Hero, and all it's customization is on-board, edited using a portable .exe. I'm using some Rosewill mechanical keyboard which I believe has all its customization tied to inputs while holding the FN key.

    Fuck, I hate always-online apps just to use the God damn peripherials I've paid for. I go far out of my way to avoid them.

  • U.S. ranks last in health care compared with nine other high-income countries, report finds
  • Canada posting higher on this report than the US, meanwhile the US constantly talks down on the quality of care in Canada, and conservatives use the Canada-US comparison to try and sell Canadians on privatized health care.

    Don't worry US, at this rate you won't be in last place for much longer.

  • GOP senator rages at CNN host because she correctly said his party blocked the IVF protection bill
  • “The legislature acted promptly to change what was an old law to ensure access to I[VF] —,” he tries to say, only for Collins to interject and ask him, “Why did they have to act if it wasn’t in peril, senator?”

    “Because of the Supreme Court decision,” Cotton responds, referring to Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the case that overturned Roe.

    Very "States rights to do what?" energy. Love to see it.

  • Is there a difference in meaning between the words *people* and *persons*?
  • Listen, man, I can get stuff wrong sometimes. I'm still not convinced I am in this case, but, even if I am off on one very specific niche use of a word that rarely, if ever, comes up, attacking my entire livelihood over it, as though it defines every facet of teaching English, is an insane overstep.

    I am not so arrogant as to assume words can only ever have one meaning, nor to attack a stranger on the internet over a disagreement on that meaning. I have also made no such logical fallacy. You asked if I was "sure", and followed up with a suggestion that I had never spoken with a native English speaker. I said yes, I am confident, and then offered up my background as evidence that, at the very least, your assessment on my experiences is incorrect. I can see how you could conflate that as a call to authority, and perhaps should have phrased things in such a way that doesn't leave room for such assumptions. That said, I'd advise against jumping down people's throats based on assumptions, else you'll end up doing things like building a strawman argument, while simultaneously accusing others of logical fallicies.

    I'm done with this. The level of vitriol this discussion has been laced with is unwarrented and suggests that any further conversation is a waste of time. This entire disagreement should have been:

    "Hey, I think X is right."

    "Well, this says Y is right, so you must be wrong."

    "I mean language is funky and weird, a lot of words mean different things in different spaces, so whatever."

    "Yeah, sure, whatever."

    Everything beyond that was grossly unnessecary, terminally online, internet arrogance that we'd both be better off without.

  • Looking for insight - Games on a school managed Chromebook

    So the situation is this: I am a junior high ELA teacher and I want to bring some videogames into the classroom. What I have to work with are the students Chromebooks. At first glance, I figured I'd throw some short, playable without install games on some flash drives and we could play through whatever game it is, and then talk about it like any other short story. Bring in the relevant terms, connect it to the course outcomes, easy. Then I began to learn the limitations of Chromebooks and how challenging it can be to run Windows .exe's on them, or find games that run natively on a Chromebook without installing.

    Getting the rights to install anything on these devices is functionally out of the question. The request would have to go through the school board. Even if they agree that it's a good idea, the practicality of giving me the rights to install things without opening it up so the students can install things and without consuming an inordinate amount of class time in just setting up is unlikely. Ideally, I need games that can run on a Chromebook without running an install, or games that run in browser.

    I'm googling around and considering emulator options. If anyone has experience in playing games in these circumstances, I'd love some options and insights. Additionally if people have recommendations for games that would be particularly good (narrative focused), I'd love to hear them. It's 2023; these kids don't need to learn what conflict is through short stories written by white men in the 1920s. With all the push towards student-focused learning and differentiated education, I want to start giving them choice and breadth in how they take in these concepts.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who gives me their time and expertise on this.
