Why is everyone surprised .... this what the police have always done against striking workers.
By design they are meant to maintain law and order ... not to serve and protect people ... the whole 'serve and protect' phrase was marketing campaign by the LAPD created by police propaganda in the 1960s and it didn't have any actual obligation for the police to serve or to protect people ... it was just a catchy phrase that made the police sound good when they in fact could do the opposite or nothing at all. But no matter how they treated people, they always throughout history have always consistently protected wealth, property and those with power.
If they truly were meant to uphold the law, they would be held to the highest standards of said law and prosecuted for the slightest deviation from it.
Nice to have a bit of physical imagery to wave around when you're dealing with a liberal who insists police are these neutral non-partisan agents.
Not that it'll necessarily work, of course. I can already hear some pensioner with a Harris sticker insisting that "um, aktuly, its the union that's being violent and the police who are being civil and restrained". But for the younger and more clear-eyed, its a damning current indictment of a system you mostly just read about in history books.
It's not about working for a class, it's about being part of that class.
Police, whether we like them or not, are also part of the working class. They are class traitors in that respect. They serve the ownership class and fight "their own."
There are a class of people that own capital to make capital, and there are a class that labor to acquire capital.
The cops labor to acquire capital on behalf of the class that owns capital to make capital that does no labor.
My favorite passages about how to win against the cops in a worker movement come from Farrell Dobbs Teamster Rebellion:
Under capitalism the main police function is to break strikes and to repress other forms of protest against the policies of the ruling class. Any civic usefulness other forms of police activity may have, like controlling traffic and summoning ambulances, is strictly incidental to the primary repressive function. Personal inclinations of individual cops do not alter this basic role of the police. All must comply with ruling-class dictates. As a result, police repression becomes one of the most naked forms through which capitalism subordinates human rights to the demands of private property. If the cops sometimes falter in their antisocial tasks, it is simply because they – like the guns they use – are subject to rust when not engaged in the deadly function for which they are primarily trained.
No police organization is exactly the same day in and day out. Two essential factors determine its character at a given moment: the social climate in which the cops have been operating and the turnover of personnel within the force. An unseasoned cop may tend to be somewhat considerate of others in the performance of duty, especially while class relations are relatively peaceful. Even in such calm times, however, the necessary accommodation must be made to capitalist demands, including readiness to shoot anyone who tampers with private property. Otherwise the aspiring cop, if he is not kicked out of the force, will have little chance of rising beyond a beat in the sticks. By gradually weeding out misfits along these general lines, a police department can keep itself abreast of requirements during a more or less stable period in class relations.
A shorter phrase allowing for exceptions, e.g. a sheriff in town of thirty people who works one year and retires (without covering for dirty colleagues or breaking strikes etc.)
Police are class traitors. They have abandoned their working class communities in favor of being given a privileged position in society and being the one who pulls the trigger on working class people themselves. They are scum, all of them. There is no exception. Being a police officer is being scum. Once you've chosen to be a police officer you are no longer a member of the working class. You are now an agent of state violence dedicated to protecting the ruling class. It's the whole reason police exist at all.
We cannot have a tiny number of very rich elite without a very large number of working class serving the interests of those rich elite rather than their own.
Severity varies. Some are class traitors, some just need that paycheck.
I don't think that's logically a possibility? Not unless the police also have a group of thugs that can assault them without consequence.
Being a lapdog of the capital class has its benefits. The police have some of the strongest unions in the nation and are way way overcompensated for their level of training and education.
Looks like they're making a corridor so that scabs can get in and warehouse supplies can get out. Cops put themselves in between the business and the strikers so that they can treat any conflict with the business as an attack on the "neutral" police.
Israeli settlers employ similar tactics in Gaza. You'll have civilians go into Palestinian homes and onto Palestinian worksites, set up makeshift structures, and declare the property there's. Then the IDF hover over their shoulders, ready to open fire on any Palestinian who confronts the settler.
In this case, the cops on the line aren't the ones you need to worry about. It's the cops waiting at the APC ready to charge in, crack heads, grab picketers, and drag them to jail if any of the first group cries foul that you have to worry about.
It "looks" like the police are protecting delivery trucks, and blocking strikers from the drive. They're preventing the strikers from walking across the drive and hindering deliveries.