What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen?
I just got finished with beating Riven for the first time. I adored the way the game seeped into my real life with pages of notes about the world I was discovering. Are there any other games that can match this feeling? That really work best when you have a journal in hand?
I left my computer to go out with friends to have wings. I was thinking about the puzzle I left behind on the trip there. I was trying to draw the patterns on my phone while we waited. This game gets into your head.
Myst was my answer even before reading your post, so I would say the rest of the series. Also Quern, in the same genre. Maybe The Talos Principle if you like puzzles, though I don't remember reaching for my notepad while playing.
I hear Lorelei and The Laser Eyes was specifically designed around the idea of the player using a physical notepad to help solve the puzzles. Recently released and reviewed strongly, you should check it out if not already on your radar.
It definitely does, and I'll second the recommendation, but at least one set of puzzles only really requires the the notepad because they didn't give you sufficient software tools in game, not because it couldn't be done well in game.
Her Story is a detective game that starts with you sitting at a computer, not even knowing what mystery you're supposed to investigate. You have to search through the computer's database for police interview footage to figure that out. Then you have to figure out the answer to the mystery you think you need to solve. The interview clips have a lot of details for you to track and link together. I had to make a big chunky note for this game and even had to implement a system to keep track of the likelihood of the statements.
If you want more point and click adventures, try the Submachine series, which was originally in Flash but now remastered as a ten-game compilation called Submachine: Legacy. The developer trained as an architect, so you get to admire intricate, hand-drawn architecture porn. It starts off as a typical 00s Flash room escape, until you realize it was all a… hallucination. You realize that you're actually going to explore a vast, utterly lonely underground world as you try to track down the only person who seems to know how to get out. Teleportation and parallel universe travel come up a lot in the series, so keeping notes will be useful. Incredible dark ambient soundtrack, too.
I'm not familiar with the games you mentioned, so I went to check them out. And look what we have on the Steam store page!
“It shares some of the feeling of Her Story, albeit featuring today’s technology and with less of a focus on the crime angle. But it has the same small moments of revelation, all of which come together to form a story in its own neat yet meandering way.”
Rock Paper Shotgun
I kept some paper logs of what was needed where. Mostly for building things, but also for deliveries. I was trying to be relatively efficient in hauling stuff around.
I use paper because the game tends to crash when I tab out to figure out where I was supposed to go. And then it won't launch again until I restart my computer.
Honestly it was really handy to have a pen and paper around for Elden Ring for me. There was just so much I wanted to keep track of so that I could come back or to make connections. But it’s also a very acquired taste kind of game to go through!
Riven is one of my favorite games and IMO the best of the Myst series of games. My recommendation is Outer Wilds, which doesn't necessarily require real life note taking although you could. However it is a fantastic puzzle/exploration game that is easily on par with Riven, and will hit that same vibe of learning more and more about the world and using that knowledge to progress. Trust me, its very worth it. Also get the DLC too!
Elite: Dangerous, because every time I tab out of the game to check INARA for the closest outfitting or something there's about a 30% chance of it crashing and becoming unlaunchable until I restart my computer. Hence writing system names down on paper before launching the game.
For the hardest dungeon you have to solve a crossword puzzle. In the game you can read a long story that contains all the answers but the puzzle is in a huge labyrinth far away from that story and it would be too tedious to change back and forth between the two.
The manuals of the games (it's actually two games combined into one even larger game) have dedicated blank pages for notes at the end. I also had the way to the boss of the second game written down there.
Back then it was quite common for RPGs to have space for notes in the manuals.
I played that long ago (I had a MM1-5 collection on a CD-ROM).
I finished the Clouds of Xeen side without much trouble, I was even surprised when I realized I had found that part's ending (I think, anyway). But I never could do any progress on Darkside... Not sure what I was missing.
Darkside is considerably harder. It's easier when you finish Clouds first but you quickly reach a point where it also gets harder. I think a balanced party composition is also even more important.
When I was a child I didn't understand that it was turn based. So whenever there was a monster I rapidly clicked the fight button without much regard to strategy. Made it even harder. Don't think I managed to beat either game back then.
Three very different games I actually took notes for :
La Mulana. In the "modern" version you have limited memory space to save some of the many texts you find, but you'll need more than that to solve the puzzles anyway. Good luck trying to scribble the weird pixelated symbols on your notes, too.
I play Shin Megami Tensei games with notes to optimize fusions, when I have a particular demon in mind and I want them to inherit the right skills. Later games let you see fusion results, but only one step ahead.
And then there's spacechem. I love Zachtronics games in general, and all the following ones tend to be progressive in difficulty and let you experiment from a good enough solution to better solutions. As the first, less refined one, spacechem is special. Before long it needs planning and calculations to even get something that works.
For Submachine, I was mainly writing down coordinates of locations where I figured I could come back to use an item later, or information from signs that might be useful in a later puzzle.
For Fairune, I had to make multiple maps on graph paper to keep track of all of the things I wasn't sure how to solve or needed to come back to with new items.
I have also been writing down some numbers for System Shock, but I haven't finished that one yet, and I'm not sure if the note taking will need to be any more extensive.
Love that your example was riven. Was my first thought on the title.
The myst games, their newer game Obduction, the Talos Principle. Those puzzle games all are awesome and take some pen and paper.
Escape from mystwood mansion, the house of da Vinci are a couple others that feel the same way.
Less adventure, more “must optimize!” games like Satisfactory, Factorio are other games that require me to bust out pen and paper or at least a website, spreadsheet or calculator.
For me with this ADD, a lot, honestly. But, if you've ever tried your hand at breeding in Ark, you kinda understand what is like to be a CPA in tax season.
Void Stranger is a relatively recent one. It's a Sokoban style puzzle game with layers of puzzles and a ton of hidden depth.
It took me 50 hours to feel like I beat the base game and I haven't even touched the post-game content they added after release. I have a folder full of text files with notes and clues and puzzle attempts and one of the best puzzles involved taking several screenshots and stitching them together in an image editor.
La Mulana is another one to check out. It's a metroidvania heavy on puzzles and exploration that's actively hostile toward the player. It's an exercise in frustration and every inch of progress is measured in blood. Every bit of information is important, and there's a lot of information to untangle. I haven't come close to beating it yet and my notes from just the first few floors are extensive.
Return of the Obra Dinn. Indie darling puzzle game where you are an insurance adjuster working on a recovered ghost ship. Very thematic and satisfying to take notes by hand
EverQuest - especially in the classic era (99-02) fit this for me. The quests were delivered through unsaved text interactions with no quest log type feature - epic weapon quests were notorious for requiring detailed notes, notably prior to any walkthrough websites being available. There were also no maps and players were compelled to draw their own for zones and dungeons. I filled multiple Franklin-Covey (sp?) leather journals during my adventures and look at them with much nostalgia.
Honorable mention fir Outer Wilds, cause taking notes and keeping track of things you learn is critical to the gameplay, but the game actually provides an excellent UI already it already.
Also, Elden Ring and other FromSoft games are a contender, cause when you meet a random NPC that says like 3 lines of dialog and doesn't repeat them, you're gonna have trouble remembering any of that 20 hours later when yoy meet them again.
In-person tabletop RPGs. My group have been playing 1st Edition AD&D and a compact, modernized version of D&D Basic/Expert called Old School Essentials.