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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 10
Comments 507
Every company should be owned by its employees
  • Don't take this the wrong way, but this made me bust out laughing...

    When you hold stock, don't you need to sell it/liquidate it in order to make money?

    Boy, if that isn't just a perfect example of the perversion of our economic system. "You can't make ACTUAL money with it, you can only make money by participating the meta gambling game."

    No, stock entitles you to dividends, which is just a fancy way of saying "a share of the profits". Like, a company brings in A amount of money (gross income) in a year, spends B of that on payroll and whatnot (expenses), maybe puts away C of that into a savings or spending account, and everything that's left, D, gets given to the owners. If you have stock in the company, that's you.

    Of course, dividends are generally very small (like, think savings interest) compared to what you can make trading and speculating, so it's never good enough for the rich.

    It's also rather common for companies to pay no dividends, because they just put all the leftover money into C. Which isn't even necessarily bad, it's generally built on the idea that keeping the money in the company will give the company more room for growth, I.E. raising the stock price, with the assumption that that will be worth more than the dividends may have been. But for so many companies, that just never ends. Sooner or later, the growth won't be sustainable, and many companies just collapse under their own weight, leaving the stock worthless.

  • What happens if I open an audio file MP4 in a text (word processing) app?
  • All any file is is just numbers. Opening a file in a program is just interpreting those numbers. To over-simplify, in a plain text file, for example, the number 32 means "space character", and the number 10 means "move down to a new line". In an audio file, the numbers are going to have meaning related to volume and frequency of sound, at points in time.

  • I just had my first battle with Lady Maria...she's the best boss ever. But wait, isn't she the Doll? I'm so confused but also totally in love with her...but fr, did the doll really just fight me?!
  • I've not played the game myself (can't, no PS), but I've absorbed a fair bit of the lore through the rest of the fanbase.

    It was my understanding that the doll was given to him by the Moon Presence. Like, in a disturbing "Oh, you loved this person and want them back? Here, this is the same thing, right?" sort of way.

  • Satisfactory Announcement
  • "Add toilet flushing to the game" has been an inside joke in the community for a while. Before that, it was "Add golf to the game." So, yeah, it's a cheeky way to announce 1.0. Does come off as weird to those not in on the joke.

  • would I enjoy tunic?
  • It sure sounds like you would like it. I will say that for me, everything about the game is fantastic, except for the combat, which is kinda terrible. Especially the boss fights. Feels to me like they're trying to mimic a souls-like style, but really really overshot on difficulty.

    Basically, I say go for it, but don't hesitate to drop the difficulty settings, if you're like me.

    Also, get yourself a physical notepad. Yeah, I kind of agree that if note-taking and such is intended as part of the game, there should be a venue to support that in-game, but there isn't really.

    Also, also, don't feel bad about having to look up some stuff for the really late/post-game puzzles. One thing they toom WELL from Dark Souls is the idea of puzzles that are really made to be solved by the collective wisdom of the community, not just you.

    Also, also, also, don't disregard the language puzzle, completely. I did, and when I looked it up later, I wish I hadn't I wish I'd at least have given it a shot, for myself.

    Good luck!

  • House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court's immunity decision
  • That's the insidious part. People advocating for Biden to go on a crime spree are assuming that the Supreme Court is aiming to be consistent, and apply this ruling fairly to both parties. They've INTENTIONALLY left it unspecified what counts as an "official" act, so that any question that comes up just goes right back to them, and they can rule however they see fit. Also, people are assuming the Court won't just directly contradict their own rulings, the moment it's convenient. This entire thing just shows that the Court can and will give itself final say on any questions of law or policy, I.E. anything anyone in the government does. This doesn't make the President a king, it makes the Court the king.

  • Annoying marketing practices
  • Absolutely. Like you say, it just doesn't happen in large streams, and the threshold is probably a lot larger than you think, since on average maybe 10% of viewers actually participate in chat. The dynamic starts shifting at around 1,000 simultaneous viewers, in my experience, between chat being readable and interactable, and being just spam. That's still plenty big enough to qualify for partner, and even make a living off of streaming alone.

  • Hotly anticipated 'Black Myth: Wukong' is delayed on Xbox Series X|S — and now, Microsoft has responded
  • friendly reminder that the game developer himself said this game 'needed no female players'" and claimed "some things are made only for men"

    I anticipate this game dying in a hot fire.

    Article for reference. Unfortunately all the original source (twitter posts and whatnot) seem to have been deleted.

  • My 8-year-old just hit me with this: Where do teachers go on vacation?




    So, I thought Hexbear defederated from us a little while back, and we, in turn, defederated from them. Why do I keep seeing occasional (new) Hexbear posts in the "All" feed, lately? Did the defederation get reversed? Is it somehow a bug?

    8 Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

    Xenobroom Inc., a young startup fresh out of Silicon Valley started a lengthy process of upgrading their server infrastructure back in May 2020. According to the remaining fragments of CEO's daily journal and CTO's engineering notes, the company enjoyed a sharp rise in daily use in the midst of the ...

    Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

    The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.


    Is TV-MA really accurate?

    After watching the first couple of episodes, my wife and I were considering having our 8-year-old watch it with us. Then I noticed the TV-MA rating.

    Not looking for spoilers, but like, is the show gonna take a bit of a turn, eventually? There hasn't been anything CLOSE to TV-M-worth thus far, in my mind.


    Am I too late? I hope I'm not too late.

    Home Improvement JakenVeina

    Dishwasher Recommendations

    So the "fails to complete a cycle without erroring out" rate finally seems to have reached 100%, on the Samsung dishwasher that came with the house.

    What do I need to know when picking a new one, and/or what models do y'all recommend?

    I'll take recommendations about how to fix the current one too, I guess, but I already got advice from an appliance repair man, who basically said "it would need a new control board, I.E. ditch it." The error code it's giving is supposedly about insufficient water or water flow, but the water feed is completely fine, as far as I can tell.


    "Show Read Posts" appears to be applied to viewing my own profile.

    I.E. the list of my own posts in my profile is always empty, by definition, unless I go manually change the setting before viewing it, and then change it back when I'm done.

    Would this be a Jerboa issue, or a general Lemmy issue?


    Where did all the Twitter users go? to shreds you say

    An image tagged to shreds you say

    to shreds you say

    Side note: apparently I can't change or get rid of the alt text inside the image?

    10 bug? Or am I an idiot?

    My son asked me how to castle on the other day, and I found that I couldn't do it the way I normally do. Picking up the king and trying to move it to c1 just caused it to move to d1 instead, every time. I tried walking backwards and redoing a few different moves before this, and that all worked, but it just refused to let me castle by moving the king. Neither the king nor the rook had moved yet, and there was no potential or existing check involved, so what gives? Is there some other rule I'm just not aware of?

    Sorry I didn't get a shot of the board as well, I thought I had but I can't find it on my phone now.

    Edit: Missed the bishop. Option 2 it is, then.


    Who says it can't swim? Wraff - Who says it can't swim?

    Watch Wraff's clip titled "Who says it can't swim?"

    Wraff - Who says it can't swim?

    I dunno if this is QUITE the content y'all are looking for, but if nothing else, I'm kinda astounded it worked.

    Yes, she did eventually get there.
