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garretble garretble
Posts 18
Comments 832
How does a car cigarette lighter work?
  • Me, being old, thinking about the kids who might see this and not understand it at all.

  • How did you feel about Dawntrail? (Spoiler thread)
  • Moment to moment, I wasn't too upset about many of the story beats, but you raise some good points as I think back on it.

    I was disappointed that Krile's story was just kind of there and then wrapped up so quick. I thought for sure we'd spend a few hours with her parents or something, or even get more info about Galuf (though I wouldn't be surprised if that's coming on later).

    I really assumed the contest would be MOST of the expansion.

  • What you need to know about America’s shockingly good economic report
  • Poor dude in the photo with the butt sweat.

  • School districts, lawmakers question what role the Bible should play in Oklahoma education
  • As a thing that exists, it's fine to mention the bible. Just like the Koran and Torah or anything else. It's fine to say that some renaissance artist looked to the bible for inspiration on why that painted the thing. Or that wars were fought because some idiots on one side interpreted this book differently than some idiots on the other.

    But to tell kids they need to follow things in the book and force each classroom to have one and erroneously say the founding fathers all believed in god and based everything on the bible? Nah dawg.

  • How did you feel about Dawntrail? (Spoiler thread)
  • I agree with you that there are some pacing issues for sure. I won't be too spoilery for your sake, but I did feel like a couple bits do resolve rather quickly.

    However, I'm still digging the vibe and enjoying thinking about where the future of the story may go from here. I'm also really easy to please, ha.

  • Charles Barkley Releases Statement
  • Headline in the next couple of years:

    "NBA wonders why literally no one watches the halftime commentary any more"

  • Olympic athlete amputates finger to play in 2024 Paris Games
  • Yeah that's a bad choice. Like real bad.

    Edit: I keep coming back to this in my mind - thinking about this guy who will think this is a GREAT IDEA for two weeks. And then get home sans a finger.

    Not even to mention the possible outcomes of the games. Anything could happen. Their team could be out in the first round (maybe because everyone didn't have all their fingers at it hurt their play more than they expected!). There was also a fire on the trains earlier today in an arson attempt. I hate to think about it, but the Olympics have had bombs go off before, and what if the games are postponed for some reason. I really hope that doesn't happen, but I'm just thinking about all these possibilities that could come up to make amputation even more dumb than it is right now.

    I get that competitive spirit makes you do crazy things sometimes. But I will 100% predict - no matter what this guy says in the future - that when he's 50, 60, 70...30 years + one month old he's going to have the biggest regrets. It doesn't even matter which finger - you use that finger more that you think. And there's going to be something that is now worse. Shit, I'm typing this message and I'm using ALL my fingers. I can't even imagine not having one.

    I feel bad for him.

  • How did you feel about Dawntrail? (Spoiler thread)

    It’s now been about a month (somehow) since Dawntrail launched, so I assume most of us have finished the MSQ, and I’m curious about your thoughts!

    For me, I actually really enjoyed not being the center of attention the whole time. It was a nice palette cleanser from the last ten years. It was fun to tag along see this whole new continent. Of course, things do end up getting more serious than that, and I was impressed they were able to get me to care about all these new people so quickly.

    The new dungeons and group content all felt good. I liked that none of it seemed to be pushovers, and myself and my friends died several times figuring out the various boss battles — which is a good thing!

    I just finished the story last night so I’m now at the point where there are some new quests which I assume will open up some new content. So I have no opinion there yet.

    But what about you all?

    Donald Trump may drop JD Vance for Nikki Haley, ex-Clinton adviser says
  • Another vp who hates him and flipped their position to get some power.

  • Oklahoma one of the worst states for road rage, rude gestures in the US, says Forbes study
  • Does it count being in Oklahoma and having someone with Texas plates driving erratically forcing you to honk?

  • Jenks joins list of districts refusing to follow Bible mandate
  • What are they gonna do? Sue the school?

    Bring it on. The law is wholly and outright incongruent with our constitution.

    Now, does the Supreme Court think that? We’ll have to find out. But any rational citizen understands that it’s wrong.

  • Elon Musk denies reported $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn't 'subscribe to cult of personality’
  • “Sir if you go full MAGA the liberals won’t buy your cars any more.”

    (Though he can still donate all this money to PACs I’m sure and no one will know so by saying this he’s probably just trying to save face and stuff give money to the shit heads.)

  • People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account
  • This reminds me that someone set up a donation link via actblue where donations via that link come with the message that she and her campaign should set up their own mastodon server.

    They are up to $40,000 as I type this.

    So if you were thinking of donating anyway, you can go through here to point that money to a “cause” you want her to consider. May not happen, but at least we might get it on their radar.

    The originator of this started with this Masto post:

  • People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account
  • Sounds impossible! Does this technology even exist?????

  • Harris Raised $81 Million in First 24 Hours as Candidate
  • NYT Soon: “Dems in Disarray!”

  • Bethesda Game Studios developers form 'wall to wall' union that includes artists, designers, and programmers
  • Nah man, I want the same tired design as we’ve had for the better part of twenty years!

  • Google’s shortened links will stop working next year
  • Remember: never trust google

  • No school districts have announced following Bible mandate, OSDE responds
  • I mean, we’d hope it doesn’t pass constitutional muster since it flies right in the face of the constitution.

  • Dawntrail has some great landscapes

    I’m about halfway through the story at this point, but I’ve really been enjoying these new starting zones.

    Something that I never really did with the previous expansions is try and do a lot of side quests as I go. It’s been fun to learn more about these new characters and their cultures.

    OKC Thunder garretble

    Shai End of Season Interview 2023-2024

    OKC Thunder garretble

    The OKC Thunder Are Putting The NBA on NOTICE

    Inject it into my veins.

    OKC Thunder garretble Aleksej Pokuševski Waived by Thunder; Was 2020 1st-Round NBA Draft Pick

    Four years removed from being a first-round draft pick, Aleksej Pokuševski's tenure with the Oklahoma City Thunder has come to an end. The Thunder announced…

    Aleksej Pokuševski Waived by Thunder; Was 2020 1st-Round NBA Draft Pick


    > Four years removed from being a first-round draft pick, Aleksej Pokuševski's tenure with the Oklahoma City Thunder has come to an end.

    > The Thunder announced on Friday they have waived the 22-year-old forward.

    > Pokuševski was originally selected with the 17th overall pick in the 2020 draft by the Minnesota Timberwolves, who traded his rights to Oklahoma City in a three-team deal that also involved the New York Knicks. He was the youngest player in that draft class The trade has turned out to be very notable for all three teams involved. Minnesota acquired the draft rights to Jaden McDaniels, while the Knicks got the rights to Immanuel Quickley.

    1 NBA All-Star Game 2024 Rosters: Captains, Starters Revealed for East vs. West Format

    Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James and Milwaukee Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo will once again serve as captains for the NBA All-Star Game. The…

    NBA All-Star Game 2024 Rosters: Captains, Starters Revealed for East vs. West Format

    From an iPad user: Thanks!

    I just started using this app today after wading through bug after bug with Voyager. Like many, Apollo was my go-to app for years and years, so it’s natural to gravitate to the one that looks exactly like it.

    However, I consume this type of content mostly on my iPad, and often I’m using Stage Manager with an external KB and trackpad. Voyager in this mode barely works, so I’m just making a post here to say thanks for making this app feel great in this mode. 😎

    OKC Thunder garretble

    Celtics defensive mistakes vs Thunder | Jan 2, 2024

    This came up in my YouTube recommendations, and it’s pretty fun to watch as a Thunder fan.

    OKC Thunder garretble

    GG Refs who had money on GS

    I really try to not complain about the refs, but that was one of the worst calls of all time.

    OKC Thunder garretble

    Chet > Wemby

    I was at the game tonight, and based off of the fact that Chet got more points and he’s on our team and I’m biased, I officially declare Chet the better player.

    This long boi rivalry has officially begun.

    (Realtalk: it was very fun to watch both of them play. This is going to be a good season.)


    Really Strange Messages bug (iPadOS only it seems)

    So I have a weird one for you guys, and I’d like to see if anyone has ever come up across this one.

    This is a Messages bug, and as far as I can tell it’s only on iPad since I’ve never seen this on my phone that has the same chats in it.

    Basically it goes like this: I have a group chat with a few friends, and on iPad every so often when I open Messages and it’s on that chat (since that was the last place I left off) it’ll show me not the current state of the chat, but three messages (and only those three messages) from somewhere back in 2022.

    I can only scroll up and down as far as those three messages will allow. It’s as if those are the only messages available to me.

    However, if I tap the group chat again in the list, it goes back to normal. Loads everything and is fine.

    I’ve never seen this happen on my phone, just my iPad. I was hoping the new update would fix it, but alas.

    Has anyone ever run into this? I’m about to just tell them we need a new group chat.


    Foundation Opening Credits

    This might be kind of a weird post, but I want to see if anyone experiences the same thing as I do.

    First of all, I think the Foundation opening credits are awesome. Maybe some of my favorites ever, really. Really visually stunning and the score is excellent.

    But it’s the mix of the score that I want to talk about. Does anyone else feel like the opening music is…”flat?” At no point in this epic audio does my sub kick in to fill out the brass or percussion. When the final logo slams onto the screen, there is technically a big hit in the score, but, just, nothing from the low end of the spectrum. I feel like I should feel that hit in my bones, and there’s nothing.

    The show itself sounds great. Full sound stage; the ships rumble my room and explosions or gunfire are punchy.

    But, yeah, just curious if anyone else has ever thought about this. It just makes me sad because the credits are SO COOL only to feel like the music is kept in this narrow band of sound.


    Help With Some Mods

    So in my quest to finish all the main Final Fantasy games, I’m down to FF3, FF5, and FF11. This week I’ve been playing the trial some to get my bearings, and while I’ve installed a few quality of life mods, I have maybe a couple of questions.

    The first is that I was watching this video, and in it they mention a mod to allow the game to utilize more ram. A 4GB patch by someone named Thorny. For the life of me I can’t seem to find it. Does anyone out there know of a place it still exists?

    Also, what are some of you guys’ favorites? I’m using Windower and have an alright set up now with some of, what I assume, are the staples (the map one, the one that makes you party window like FF14). But I’d like to know what the community thinks are pretty essential.


    EDIT: Oof, I didn’t realize that the link that was mentioned in the video included the 4GB patch! I now have it all fixed up.

    OKC Thunder garretble

    So is this the year?

    • Chet is back and healthy, looking good in summer league.
    • Wallace looks like he’ll be a good addition.
    • We were one bad game away from the playoffs last year

    So…is this the year we start really trying? Not saying were weren’t trying before, but you know what I mean.

    If not, what other pieces do we actually need? We can’t just keep waiting on new draft picks and waiting on them to get their NBA legs year after year.

    OKC Thunder garretble

    Add Thunder schedule to sidebar

    This could simply be the link to the official schedule, but it might be nice to have that listed for easy clickin’:


    Highlight your own comments

    While browsing posts, it may be nice to have either a different background color or some sort of identifier on your own comments to easily pick them out of the crowd as you scroll.


    How Long Have You Played This Game?

    I recently was thinking about how long I've been playing the game, and I'm curious about you lot.

    I haven't done an official /playtime in a while, but this year being the 10th anniversary of A Realm Reborn, I recall my days and nights early in 2013 playing the beta tests on my PS3. At the time, I was living with a friend of mine, and we had two TVs in the living room going as we got our temporary characters up to level 20 over a weekend only for those characters to be wiped out.

    But it was fun running through that early game, learning the systems, getting reminded why leaving WoW was a good idea (not a single person asked about my DPS! maybe my whole time in this game, actually.).

    So after ten years of playing my favorite little Lala, I look forward to seeing where this story goes from here.

    How about you all? What's your story?


    Rate My Lily 58

    I had some wrist issues a couple of years ago and that pushed me to go to the split keyboard route.

    I really love this keyboard. I’m someone who actually quite likes the low profile, laptop style keys, so I didn’t know if I’d enjoy this set up. But I quickly grew to love it.

    Bright lights and flashing stuff isn’t really my thing, so I’m really glad I was able to find these keycaps that’s just look nice and clean. Underneath are the most silent cherry reds I could find (I’m also not a big fan out loud keyboards. Blasphemy, I know! 😃).

    And for my biggest nerd cred: I’m so glad I can save my precious Dvorak layout straight to the keyboard. No longer have to deal with Windows’ layout switching.
