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RebekahWSD RebekahWSD
Posts 27
Comments 290
What's your go to drink when you go to the bar and why?
  • Lemon drop martini! Love lemons, love sugar, tolerate vodka!

  • Energy reserves
  • My father was extremely good for throwing me up into the air and spinning me around in circles.

    It was great, miss his stupid ass.

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week?
  • I made and froze 92 three cheese ravioli, which is tiring, but will be nice for dinner!

    Did some writing for a mud I play in, and will probably write more terrible foods into the game!

  • Three Cheese Ravioli!
  • I haven't found them to get too gummy from the pasta flour, but maybe I should try out rice flour!

  • Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • Enjoy! I've loved it, with only a few things that make me annoyed.

    Really love running the shop the most!

  • Three Cheese Ravioli!
  • There was a second tray of them! Those were already in the freezer to freeze for storing!

    Oh! A joke about the three in the title. I am oblivious, haha, sorry!

  • Three Cheese Ravioli!

    Made 46 total, and I'll make more tomorrow! I did break the ravioli cutter though, so tomorrow's batch will be heart shaped!

    What food can or has given you the ick.
  • It's the easiest thing to use, as it clings to the snap traps. Other items can fall out.

    Sometimes they manage to lick the traps clean without them going off. One day, a better mouse trap...

  • What does a world without Airbnb look like?
  • I use to travel a lot before airbnb existed, and most of it was to uhh, old school bnbs.

    Lovely! Amazing! But maybe that was just the areas we were going to were amazing. I wonder how well they'd work in cities and such? All my experiences were in much more rural areas, so you got a lot more room and such.

  • Homemade Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  • I haven't made ice cream for a bit, and I do so love mint chocolate chip... maybe I'll make some this weekend!

  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • I don't look very Jewish, or so the girl at the table said, so guess I'm lucky there?

    Later on (years later) had a fundamentalist Christian at work tell me it was good I'm Jewish because we need to go to Israel to finish the book. (This was awhile ago and exact wording didn't stick as I was busy working)

    She didn't like it when I said I'm never moving there. Guess it fucks with gods plans if my stupid ass stays in America my entire life.

    Maybe They should have planned around that lmao

  • What's your favorite games to play while high?
  • Stardew Valley with my sibling. I am not allowed to be too high, because then I go into the skull mines, alt tab out to eat something, die in game, restart the day, and that makes sibling sad.

  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • When I was in high school, I sat down at the lunch table with entirely new people. We get to taking and learning about one another. Topic turns to religion. I'm Jewish. I say as such.

    One of the girls looks at me, thoughtfully.

    "You don't have horns like they said you would"

    I'm baffled. I'm almost 14 and had only read about people thinking jews had horns in like, old storybooks.

    The test of the lunch table fucking goes off on her.

    She's still thinking. "Guess they lied about jews drinking babies blood then?"

    I'm stunned. Blood libel? In 2001??????

    She was a good kid though. Realized it was lies and changed her world view right then. But still. It's just. Still happening? It sucks.

  • What food can or has given you the ick.
  • Peanut butter smells bad. Peanut butter smells like mouse traps.

    No one else could set them (disabled, or cried about it) so it was all on me

    Can't stand the smell of peanut butter now

  • What's the best "fuck you world" song of all time?
  • "Hand in unlovable hand" really hits sometimes!

  • Taters at Dawn
  • So lovely! I wish you a great harvest!

  • just found a flea on our cat, do we go full nuclear?
  • Fleas are annoying. When my cats got them bad or was weeks of cleaning all the "soft fabricy things", vacuuming, and flea baths.

    Now is down to just a dose of advantage flea medicine on the back of her neck once a month (and still washing a lot, but she's much better now)

    I can only recommend advantage for the flea medicine in the back of neck. We tried a cheaper off brand and she was very sick. Vet said it can happen, so I went back to the only one that she tolerates well.

  • Texas Cheese Fries
  • I've cut up a lot of jalapeños and I've never seen them do this, it's upsetting.

    I simply must believe it's cheese somehow. Somehow!

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • .26 is very high in American units when .08 is legal limit in a lot of places! So whatever the higher option is, most likely for non American units.

  • Unexpected Visit - Sasha Sokolova 🇷🇺
  • The cat is more upset by the intrusion than the lady is!

  • Basically abuse
  • Kitties must stay inside to be safe, also to make it easier for me personally to find them and give them kissies on their little soft heads.

  • Strawberry Honey Butter!

    Strawberry honey butter! My first attempt at this recipe from the Ball canning website. It's delicious, think it'll go great on waffles and ice cream! It's a bit runny, but that's fine!


    Candied Jalapeños!

    Made the yearly candied jalapeños! Well, half of them as the place I get the jalapeños from only barely had 4lbs, let alone 8lbs.




    Homemade Rocky Road Ice Cream!

    Been making ice cream at home. After banana, it was rocky road ice cream. No tree nuts though, family member is allergic, so peanuts, mini marshmallows, and mini m&ms instead!


    Taskmaster Series 17, Episode 4 - 'Apropos of Apoppo.'

    I really enjoy their continued efforts to make sure Nick's reflection is gone during tasks!


    Laser Eyes!

    How dare I wake him up with cuddles and pets and flash cameras! Don't worry though, he went back to sleep in about three seconds


    Surrounded by Toys

    He has more than this! These are just the draggable toys. He also has tower ball toys and the like!


    A Rude Awakening

    My lumbering woke him up, although he went back to sleep soon after!


    Sleepy sleepy kitten

    Tired himself out running around earlier, too tired to even show off his pretty coat to trick-or-treaters!


    What was that??

    Any noise and he immediately either goes very still or runs away then pretends he's fine
