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Okami_No_Rei Okami
Posts 1
Comments 131
Average Lemmy Day
  • That's bad.

  • Elden Ring - Patch Notes Version 1.14
  • Where do I apply for my "I beat Radahn before he was nerfed" badge?

  • We will watch your career with great interest.
  • This game will always have a special place in my heart. It was my first Visual Novel. I didn't see the appeal and picked it up to see what the memes were about.

    Rin's story broke me, and taught me to really appreciate art for the first time.

  • Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • Wildermyth is an awesome indie RPG that I've had a lot of fun with as a two-player coop game. It's a turn-based dungeon crawler with a strong focus on role play and party dynamics.

    I hear great praise for Across the Obelisk as a coop game from my friends, although I personally bounced off of it. It's a roguelite deck builder like Slay the Spire, but with multi-player, lots of meta progression, and a heftier time commitment for each run.

    Gunfire Reborn is a roguelite looter shooter that's a blast in coop. I think it's still in Early Access, but what's already there is enough for me to be happy with it as a full game. To me it's a spiritual successor to Borderlands in combat and gamefeel, but without the grinding.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lots of little things, but the straw that broke the camel's back was the constant pop-ups asking me to try out Copilot in Win10, harassing me daily on both on my personal PC and my work laptop.

    Windows has been on thin ice since the trash fire that was Win8, and I'd only stuck with it for Nvidia driver support for gaming. I've been watching Proton development for years now, and putting it through its paces on my older PCs every few months, so I knew I was ready to make the switch for about a year before I finally pulled the trigger. I justified putting it off with the thought that "I can build my next PC around an AMD graphics card amd make the switch then."

    Then Win11 and all its garbage was announced, AI took off, and Microsoft started pushing their slop on my machine harder than ever. It was too much. I switched to Mint DE on my current machine and haven't looked back.

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • I did end up picking up Satisfactory before they raised the price for 1.0.

    Tried it out and it is fun but I do find it lacking.

    The first person perspective is awkward and makes actually building the factories frustrating. The simplicity of the actual factory mechanics and limited resource availability (static nodes with no way to scale production) are a bit boring.

    The emphasis seems to be less on making a productive or efficient factory and more on making an aesthetically pleasing factory while lacking any tools to make building the factory pleasant. No bots. Limited, feature incomplete blueprints. No way to unlock the camera and get a good perspective on what I'm building.

    The snapping feature is unreliable and I have to constantly jump through hoops to get buildings and conveyors to line up correctly, only to go back over it and find some parts are clipping or it lied to me about where it was snapping.

    It's a very pretty game and I love that it exists, but it doesn't emphasize the parts of factory games I enjoy. I want to work my way up the tech tree to macro-manage the factory construction. Satisfactory never gets out of the micro-management of construction. It's way more personal, and that's a beautiful concept that doesn't work for me.

    Still going to play it on 1.0 release. The factory must grow. I need my fix.

  • What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • Thank you. That's a flawless description.

  • What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • This. They were indeed called Skill Points, and Insomniac loved to tie cheats and bonus material to completing them. I played the shit out of Spyro and Ratchet and Clank back in the day.

  • What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • Rogue was the originator, but NetHack and ADOM did more to popularize Roguelikes than Rogue itself ever managed. NetHack was the first one I ever heard of, and it's the only reason I know Rogue existed in the first place.

  • What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • Hades, yes. That's a premier Roguelite with meaningful meta progression.

    Slay the Spire is fuzzy on that point. I would not recommend it to someone looking for a Roguelite. It straddles the line in that it has very limited meta progression which is quickly exhausted and basically works as a tutorial. Once you've maxed out the card unlocks for each character it plays with the same feel as a Roguelike game. It's still not a pure a Roguelike since the starting boon choice and the card swap event allow some minor meta-influence between runs, but there's no more meta-progression.

  • For the taste sensitive
  • It took me a long time to appreciate eggs growing up, too. Used to only be able to eat them scrambled. Fried eggs and boiled eggs would make me nauseous. I hated the taste and texture of a runny yolk.

    It wasn't until my mid 20s that someone finally made me eggs over easy and taught me that you're not supposed to just eat the yolk straight, but treat it as a sauce to complement the flavor of the other food on your plate. It was a revelation.

    I still don't like sunny side up or boiled eggs, and I still don't like the texture of runny yolk on its own, but I love me some over-easy or over-medium eggs on a burger or over bacon, sausage, hash browns, waffles, or pancakes. Let that shit spread everywhere to mask the texture and maximize the flavor.

    Never would have thought of that on my own. I wouldn't mix foods growing up, and I still don't when left to my own devices.

  • For the taste sensitive
  • I'm not a super picky eater, but there are some foods I won't touch.

    Pickles, kimchi, and beets taste awful. Cottage cheese is a sensory nightmare. I don't think I'll ever attempt oysters again.

    I hate how prevalent pickles are in American restaurants. Seems like I have to ask for no pickles in every new place, and half the time they'll have pickles anyway, or they'll include pickles in dishes that have no business including pickles and I wouldn't think to ask for them to be excluded. If I pick them off I can still taste the pickle juices, and it ruins the food. The sandwich and burger places think they're so fancy for including a pickle spear in the plating, and it's a crapshoot whether they keep it isolated off to the side or drape it across the food where it can contaminate everything. Miserable.

    Pickled jalapeños, lettuce, and mustard are on thin ice.

    I don't like ranch dressing or ketchup, but I'll only grumble a bit if I find them in my food.

    I'll try anything once, and I do go back to foods I hate every now and then to see if my tastes change. I used to have a hard aversion to seltzer water, sour cream, and hoppy beers like IPAs, but I've come around on them. I have a much better appreciation now for bitter and sour flavors than I did as a kid.

    Still. Fuck pickles.

  • Anybody has experience with GW2 on Linux?
  • GW2 runs fine but with occasional crashes on my system. I had trouble running instanced content with friends because I'd crash out and have trouble re-joining. It's fine for dailies and general fucking about.

    Mint DE running through Steam with Proton on a 3080 with updated drivers. Issue is not limited to GW2, so I blame NVidia.

  • Making Lemmy usable - filtering out unwanted political / memes / controversial content
  • I default to my subscribed feed, which only shows the communities I'm interested in, and when I finish browsing that for the day I switch over to the All feed so I can find new communities to subscribe to and block communities to filter out the ones I'll never be interested in.

  • I hear David Hume could outconsume him...
  • And Rene Descarte was a drunken fart, "I drink, therefore I am."

  • I thought I was the only one that ever had hands this itchy
  • Yeah. Every few years in the Winter or whenever I get particularly stressed my hands and feet break out in red bumps with absolutely maddening subdermal itching. Biting and chewing is absolutely the only way to get proper (albeit temporary) relief.

    Two weeks later all that skin is dead and I'm peeling like a lizard for a month straight. It's awful.

  • Do you still play couch coop nowadays? Which games do you recommend?
  • Super Smash Bro's Ultimate is still the premier Couch Co-Op game for my circle of friends. We also play the JackBox party games and occasionally Mario Party.

    I genuinely don't know what options are even available outside of Nintendo's fence anymore.

    Edit: My reading comprehension is in the garbage today. Baldurs Gate 3 and It Takes Two.

  • Anyone know any games that can be played one handed?
  • It just released late last year, and it is one of the finest puzzle games I've ever played. It took me around fifty hours to get the ending, and I've got a folder full of notes and screenshots from putting together puzzles.

    Go in blind if you can, and do your best to avoid spoilers if you need to look up any puzzle solutions. This game has more depth than Outer Wilds.

  • Anyone know any games that can be played one handed?
  • Throw Void Stranger on that list. It's a fantastic Sokoban.

  • Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure
  • I specifically mentioned both Spyro and Ty because both series have remasters available on Steam. The Spyro: Reignited Trilogy in particular is phenomenal. They did a really good job making the updated graphics look just like my nostalgic memories of the game.

  • Back on Linux - It's Always DNS

    Hello friends!

    I made the switch from Windows back to Linux over the weekend, and so far almost everything is going swimmingly. Distro of choice is LMDE, and Steam and Proton are running like a dream.

    I am having one minor issue which I've resolved in an unsatisfactory manner. Online games keep disconnecting frequently on loading new areas. This is occurring most noticeably on Guild Wars 2, Last Epoch, and Path of Exile.

    I've resolved the issue by switching my DNS from my ISP default to Google's and service. No issues since the change.

    So, this is not ideal since I'd like to break away from Google services for improved privacy. Are there any ethical DNS providers I can point to for reliable gaming, or are there any alternative solutions I should look into?
