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Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
  • I keep thinking back to years ago when someone at work tried to tell me this guy was good and I could just tell on vibes alone to stay clear.

  • What could Apple force app developers to do that would improve your iOS / macOS experience?
  • It’s still there, although there’s a loophole of course.


    Push Notifications should not be used for promotions or direct marketing purposes unless customers have explicitly opted in to receive them via consent language displayed in your app’s UI, and you provide a method in your app for a user to opt out from receiving such messages.

    The “explicit opt-in” could easily be language hidden in a massive ToS that nobody reads. So I guess I wish Apple would do away with that entirely and start enforcing it.

  • What could Apple force app developers to do that would improve your iOS / macOS experience?
  • Since the question is specifically about what Apple could make developers do, I’ll say this: enforce the App Store guideline rule about not using push notifications for advertising.

    I very rarely enable push notifications on apps anymore because so many use them for spammy advertisements. This makes apps less useful than they could be if notifications were used responsibly.

  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer
  • In retrospect yeah. I was very excited just to see a trailer at all. After sitting with it for a while I’m kinda like, that’s it? To me it looks exactly like the recent Metroid Prime remaster (which to be fair I did really like).

    I wonder if the reveal of the big baddie was intended to carry more weight than it ultimately did.

    Still amped for this game anyway.

  • UNBEATABLE - Trailer
  • I love the aesthetic of this. I played the white label version back when it came out and then kinda forgot it existed till now. I’m not always big on rhythm games so I’m not yet sure if this will be for me. But I can already tell the OST is gonna rip.

  • The Star Fox-style roguelite whose dev refused to use AI voices to cut costs is adding an entire "anti-capitalist revenge" campaign about a cat-girl destroying AI
  • Nice. I had this on my list already, this just makes me want it more. I’ll probably wait for a full release though.

  • Hades II - Early Access Patch 2 Notes
  • Haven’t had a chance to play this patch yet, but I’ll say I’m impressed at how much they are reworking already. Even going so far as to throw out certain hammers for example.

    I attempted Trial of Haste pre-patch and quickly realized I stood no chance, neat to see that being adjusted.

    Vow of Forsaking got the nerf treatment. Probably for the best.

  • Apple's AI plans involves 'black box' for cloud data
  • Same. “Plots” feels like a weirdly nefarious choice of phrasing!

  • What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for?
  • There was a time in my life when my friends and I played a whole lot of Halo, particularly Halo 2 and 3. I never played online but we would have essentially LAN parties where multiple people lugged over their TVs and consoles and play for hours. It was a blast. In college Halo was the de facto way to spend Friday night if nothing else was going on.

    Strangely enough though I feel no desire to go back to that.

  • If you've done the Final Fantasy marathon did you include FF XI? Was it worth it?
  • Oh hi! I played XI from release until recently (with some breaks). IMHO the original story (basically up to Rank 6 where you defeat the Shadow Lord) is fine, but it’s really more of a prelude and setting up the stakes. If you stop there it’s not really worth your time.

    Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia (+ optionally Apocalypse Nigh) are pretty good from a story perspective. These can be completed solo. This is what I’d recommend playing through to anyone interested in the real story.

    From there it’s somewhat diminishing returns. Treasures and Wings add some interesting bits to the lore. Rhapsody is actually great but will take a lot of time and effort and is probably only worth it to a die hard fan.

  • Hi Lemmy, what are you drinking this weekend?
  • Two drinks we have been making lately are the Paper Plane and Aviation. I’m enjoying them both quite a bit, but would probably choose the first more often. It’s delicious and I love that beautiful orange color!

  • Hades II is now available in Steam Early Access!
  • Played about 5 hours tonight and I’m loving it. I wasn’t sure how much content to expect for early access but this is more than I would have guessed. The combat feels really really good. Charging your abilities with mana starts to feel better once you build up some regen on it and you can use it more freely. It took me a minute to nail how to aim the long charged special but now it’s one of my faves to spam.

    A few little surprises have happened that made me grin really big as a big Hades 1 fan as well. I did not play EA last time around but I decided this time I want to be a part of that experience and see how the game evolves.

  • What are y'all watching this season?
  • Agreed! I’ve been picking dungeon up from my local library and reading along with the show and it’s been fun comparing the two.

  • What are y'all watching this season?
  • Only Dungeon Meshi so far but I’d like to change that. Just not sure what to start. Maybe pick another Gundam to watch.

    I started Kaiju no 8 and wasn’t feeling it, curious if it gets markedly better.

  • Half Life 3
  • I think it’s 100% that steam makes so much money on its own. Valve stopped being a game developer once steam really took off and became the behemoth it is. Valve is in the e-commerce business, period.

    I loved Alyx too for what it’s worth but my expectations for the future are dim.

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  • Interesting! Certainly there are swift web frameworks out there. The trouble is I’d either have to work for a company crazy enough to let me take a big risk on using it, or else it’d have to be a personal project I do just for the hell of it.

  • ...
  • I know you described it as “young” but I almost can’t believe swift is 10 years old now, oof. I remember watching wwdc when it was announced, surely that was recent… right?? 💀

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  • Same! I love using swift but I don’t get to do a lot of iOS development these days. I wish it had more of a life outside of apple platforms.

  • 7 Days to Die is leaving Early Access
  • Oh wow. I remember a friend being into this forever ago. Had no idea it was still in early access. That’s nuts!