This new bill, signed into law by President Joe Biden, includes a provision that limits access to gender-affirming care services for the children of people serving in the military.
This new bill, signed into law by President Joe Biden, includes a provision that limits access to gender-affirming care services for the children of people serving in the military.
The bill just "includes" the provision? Nobody put it there, it's just that new language often spontaneously erupts in a piece of legislation?
And why the vague language of "limits access to gender-affirming care services". What's actually in the bill is no more complex and a lot more clear. Are psychological gender-affirming services still available? Yep. Are puberty blocking drugs still covered? Yep. All that's blocked is coverage for procedures that might result in sterilization - procedures that are already not generally done on minors who arguably aren't yet capable of giving proper consent.
Tell the whole story or GTFO. Debating Biden's complicity is fine, but don't skip the Republican's role with the passive voice like you're CNN describing how more violence just "erupted" in Gaza. Don't hide what's actually in the bill and potentially cause trans kids to not bother seeking medical services because they were misled by your hack politics.
This is not legitimate outrage at the legislation. If it were, you wouldn't have left out the main protagonists, what's actually in the legislation, and the entire story. It's just mastebetory outrage bait meant to divide the left which is (surprise) the entire reason Republicans forced the issue to begin with.
If you're not already a right wing troll, you should go find the people who pay money for posting this kind of garbage.
All that's blocked is coverage for procedures that might result in sterilization - procedures that are already not generally done on minors who arguably aren't yet capable of giving proper consent.
I've been upset about restricting care. But if what you're saying is true, then it's VERY different from how it's been portrayed.
That's because IT'S NOT TRUE. Procedures "that could result in sterilization" could apply to anything the controlling administration wants it to apply to. It's rare and is influenced by long-term usage, but at least some scientists believe HRT can result in sterilization. And the UK just banned new prescriptions for puberty blockers for trans kids only because they have a shitty report that says the science isn't settled about side effects and it could (they claim) result in sterilization. And we can point out that's not true and it's extremely safe and 99 out of 100 doctors agree, but they'll give the 1 doctor a megaphone and say as long as it's not clear we need to ban them.
These fucking minimizers always more worried about outrage being faked than the harms being caused. "Hey, black people, stop with this 'masturbatory outrage' they're just going to give you your own separate but equal facilities."
The reporting has been mixed on the language around sterilization, but the more detailed coverage describes the restrictions that way. Other coverage just says things like "coverage restrictions on some gender affirming care". In any case, I expect Republicans to make the deal worse over time if they can.
Trans people and LGBTQ magazines aren't drumming up "illegitimate outrage" for Democratic complicity in passing anti-trans legislation. They had veto power in both the Senate and the White House and let it sail right through because it was easier for them.
And I've definitely edited out the personal attacks for posting such an offensive comment. But you certainly goddamned deserve them.
My comments were mostly directed at the summary, although a couple criticisms apply to the article as well. As I said, it's legitimate to discuss how complicit Biden is, and you can add the Senate to that as well. The problem is doing it in the context of incomplete and misleading information about what was actually in the bill, who put it there, and why. Such a discussion does more harm than good in the ways that I explained.
The bit at the end was perhaps over the top, but it's not wrong that this kind of reaction against the Democrats is exactly why the Republicans put it in the bill.
You weren't privy to the negotiations, so your commentary that Democrats just passed it because it was "easier" is entirely speculation. Stating that as fact is something I consider offensive. It also didn't just "sail right through". The negotiations took months, and the negotiations on such a bill don't end until the votes are known. The actual process of calling the vote is irrelevant. I criticize Democrats myself, but not for things I just make up in my head.
All that’s blocked is coverage for procedures that might result in sterilization - procedures that are already not generally done on minors who arguably aren’t yet capable of giving proper consent.
Not true. HRT is prescribed to trans minors frequently. Otherwise their bones would be fucked, as you can't safely live on just blockers for many years. And HRT can cause sterilization.
they just deny its even there. They think as long as you're a dem you're fighting the good fight, and doing the wrong things for a few years (like making a far right wing genocide happen) is all just temporary and for good reasons. And if you call them on it the fault is on you.
I don't like Biden at all but this one is finicky.
You may not like to hear it but but placing limits on funding for it they make it harder for the next administration to act against them since most political power is in the purse. No dei? No dei firings. No "misappropriation" of health funding, no health funding cuts or firings for having trans kids. Moreover it means if they do transition privately the government would have to create a novel argument to prevent private and or criminalize actions that amount to speech which would be difficult.
I don't think this is Biden trying to hurt trans kids, I think this represents the democratic party being too tired to fight for everyone's rights - shrugging their shoulders with a sigh and saying 'whatever'.
This whole thread is fucking disappointing. Yes it's super shitty that tricare isn't going to cover trans kids. We just had a budget showdown where Elon fucking Musk tried to tank the entire nation. Biden signed this shit and said he hated that he had to do it because it excluded trans kids.
I'm no Biden fan but holy shit get your course corrected and get ready friends because this ain't shit compared to what's to come.
Agreed. The political ignorance of the common American is why it is so easy able to drive these wedges.
Anyone pissed at Biden about this is not a politically smart person and are easily manipulated becuase they not only lack political intelligence but lack the ability to gauge their lack of political intelligence.
Democrats say the American public doesn't need the 2nd amendment anymore, but here they are proving to your face that when push comes to shove, no one will be coming to help you when your lawn has a mob of 61 MAGA coming to lynch you for whatever delusional reason they manufacture.
You're gonna die of old age soon biden, but your garbage legacy will linger forever in the history books like shitting on the pages and slamming the book shut.
A cowardly empty shell of a man to the bitter end.
Biden's legcy will be bringing a bit of the Israelis geniocidal hatreds home to rot the core of the US. Enshitifying the western world order and democracy itself with the same pathetic "bipartisanship" centrism and selling out that has defined his entire career and been a plague on all of us. An old white bigot with no relevance, intent on sitting in a chair that was always too big for him. At best he was not Trump. And thats about all he will be remembered for.
I dunno man, rhetoric like that. Doesn't sound like you'll be the most easy person to share this earth with either. Better to figure out another way forward them encouraging civil war, no?
Sure would be nice if every single citizen of the united states gets to personally bitch slap every member of congress, presidential cabinet, vp, pres, etc... When a completely unrelated thing gets shoved into a bill.
There is 0 reason an (hypothetical) infrastructure bill for new sprinklers in hospitals needs to include a provision that Wisconsin dairy farms get a new milking machine. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. So why are they in the same bill.
If you want it to be a bill, put it in its own separate proposal.
With allies like these on Lemmy who the fuck needs enemies. So anytime we want to throw trans people under the bus just add it to a funding bill? Would y'all be singing the same tune if these provisions targeted gay people? Black? Jewish? At what point does an anti trans law cross the line for y'all? How many rights do we have to lose before you'll speak up?
I don't know what it's going to take for people to truly acknowledge that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were never progressives to begin with. So much time and energy has been spent trying to convince trans people that they're good and they would protect our rights and they care about our well-being and want to protect us.
But here he is signing a literal anti-lgbt rights bill as one of his final actions in office. Why isn't he making a last ditch concerted push to safeguard trans rights? He could do that you know he's the president he could be trying to do something right now to help us. But even so he isn't. He truly never did care about trans rights.
None of you read the article or the white house quote. This is a purposefully misleading headline. Bill was poisoned by gop, if he doesn't sign it a shit load of other things are fucked, by design from conservatives.
None of you are adults, man. Gop is a cancer. You have to amputate your leg. Yes, you stop cancer spreading, but you lose your leg. Designed so that you're fucked either way, but the other way, you die. Grow up.
As a detail that's missing from the article and kinda sorta lied about in the headline, it seems like this gender-affirming care was introduced in 2016 by the Obama administration as part of other additions of transition-related care.
If you are a trans person in Cascadia, consider fighting for Cascadian indepence, or if you live somewhere else, fight for any indepenence movement you can find. Do not let your fear prevent you from dealing a blow to the United States, because it's a worthless nation.
Democrats lost because a big chunk of their base was so disgusted at Democrats' behavior that they stayed home. Do Republican politicians start capitulating to Democrats en masse every time they lose an election? No. They look at their base and ask what they can do to get their votes back. Democrats in response to losing just try even harder to get Republican to vote for them.
Which party is that again? Because I can't think of a political party that is working to remove landlords, empower worker's unions, and break up massive corporations.
Those are some random goal posts you're tossing down but they only indicate you aren't an well informed voter.
I'm sure Trump who runs several corporations, is a well known landlord and has well established anti-union views will do some amazing things to all those causes.
That would have lead to a government shutdown since is lame duck he has nothing to negotiate on a compromise.
Many republicans voted against this bill because they prefer waiting for Trump to take office so they can pass something worse. They don't care about a shutdown.
"the only legitimate party" my arse. You still act like you are deciding if the youth and progressives have a spot on the floor next to the mighty democratic party table in case you want to throw us some scraps when actually you cant win any election without us, and have no power at all -- at any level of government. You now also have a terrible reputation for being genociders, corrupt, our of touch with the working class, and lacking any sense of strategy. And lacking any dignity either. Even when trump drums up his own resistence against him (because god knows you're not up to that task) you still cant win without your left flank. You arent even aware of what your numbers are. Pathetic.
So shut it. You centrists have gotten enough attention and you've done nothing with the opportunities you've been given, besides consistenly blowing it. You wont be in the drivers seat for a long time, and I think the general population is sick of losing because of your incompetence and unprincipled shenanigans.
Are we talking about the Republicans or Democrats?
Because both are owned by the rich and fight against actual populism and the socialist policies that the vast majority of Americans support across the political spectrum?