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b3an bean

He/Him (CIS Male) 🏳️‍🌈|🌍| ♻️

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What are some good TV series crime/drama/thriller?
  • As a fan of all those shows (except the last which I haven’t seen yet, thanks for the tip!) this guy nails it. Those are all great picks! I will add I really liked season 1 of ‘The Sinner’ was excellent. I can’t say I loved the rest of the series as much as season 1.

  • FTC Says Middlemen Appear to Be Driving Up Drug Prices
  • An investigation by The New York Times published last month found that the benefit managers often act in their own interests, at the expense of patients, employers and taxpayers.

    So shocked. 🙄 Why it takes so many years for them to notice or do anything.

  • Biden stung by student loan legal loss days before taking effect
  • Don't worry, just vote Dem 🙈

  • UN tells Israel it will suspend aid operations across Gaza without improved safety, UN officials say
  • I use Voyager also. Which app are they referring to? I like Voyager but haven't used many apps for lemmy.

  • Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness
  • Or that whole Sleepy Biden bullshit, as Trump napped during his fucking trials.

  • Biden stung by student loan legal loss days before taking effect
  • They did start to clean some of that up actually.

  • Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter
  • It reminds me of like a modern day version of phrenology. Like where they thought the shape of your skull determined your mental traits.

    Instead of feeling the lumps on the skull for ADHD this quack use suspect brain scans.

  • Oral ketamine tablets effective for treating depression, new study finds
  • I wish they'd be used to help people with agonizing depression and help them to feel like a person again. Not so people can just abuse them to get high.

  • Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • Come on be fair though. HE JUST got back from medical leave:

    On the day Teixeira returned to his job, it's claimed, he was instructed to lead a company-wide layoff of 50 people, 40 of whom were in his MozProd organization.

    Pulling this shit on him the second he gets back reeks of retaliation or a desire to throw him under the bus.

  • Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • A three month period for cancer treatment isnt gonna cause the company to fail. We've had people get hired in positions and then take their first like month off on approved leave.

  • Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • Did you read the article? It seems like they had a plan to make him CEO, he got sick, they quickly found an interim CEO, and the moment he got back:

    On the day Teixeira returned to his job, it's claimed, he was instructed to lead a company-wide layoff of 50 people, 40 of whom were in his MozProd organization.

    Followed by:

    "Mr Teixeira had ethical concerns regarding the layoffs because they were primarily motivated by a desire to increase profit margins at Mozilla, which was already operating at a profit," the complaint claims. "Mr Teixeira viewed this as antithetical to Mozilla’s values as espoused on their website: 'We're backed by a non-profit, which means we prioritize the interests of people first, not corporate profits.'"

    They continue to retaliate against him by denying him bonus, and trying to maneuver him into a demotion. They even had the shitty audacity to say like "well this frees up time for your cancer treatments" which at that point he wasn’t getting anymore.

    The complaint claims that Teixeira, appointed in August 2022, helped reverse the decade-long decline of Firefox, which generates about 90 percent of Mozilla's revenue and is the company's only profitable product. He's further credited with growing Mozilla's advertising business, and AI capabilities, and with reducing investment in the money-losing Pocket service.

    Sounds to me like they’re just being really shitty to this guy who has done a lot for the company in general and was on his way to CEO before the poor behavior of these two (Chambers and Chehak).

  • Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • 3 months. End of October to start of February. It shouldn't matter though. How long should he have worked there before he's allowed to? Like if he was CPO for five years and then got cancer, would that have been OK? At what point does it become not ok?

    Also he's got history there and this promotion was due to that. I think they just expected from him to take the reigns on some stuff and then wasn't there because of the cancer treatment which is 100% understandable. Mozilla isn't going to collapse in 3 months.

    On the day Teixeira returned to his job, it's claimed, he was instructed to lead a company-wide layoff of 50 people, 40 of whom were in his MozProd organization.

    That's just shit management from above. That is pure retaliation.

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?
  • I love this post. Thanks for sharing all that!

  • Ukraine destroyed columns of waiting Russian troops as soon as it was allowed to strike across the border, commander says
  • Can't make salami without grinding meat I guess. As dark as that sounds. I thank every soul who's been fighting against that thugtatorship.

  • EU charges Microsoft with 'abusive' bundling of Teams and Office, breaching antitrust rules
  • Now do one for One Drive downloading files from your desktop by default on Windows 11. It's default opt-out now. So until you notice it's uploading everything to the cloud and stop it... You're getting no notification about the behavior or a choice to enable it in the first place. Just gobbles your data to the cloud without asking.

  • For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st
  • Prevent them from leaving by offering better... How does this not further the idea of 'well eff this place, bye!'

  • Style + Ease
  • Toupeeus Donaldis Submarinus

  • Student Debt Has Reached $1.3 Trillion, compared to just $243 billion in 2003
  • I've been saying this too. Even praised Biden for what he has done. There is so much more to do though. Simply removing the debt (still should be done) won't address the deeper issue of colleges and loan providers gouging students every possible way they can. Year after year tuition and book prices go up, value and quality goes down.

  • Reddit Opens Up 38%, as Shares Begin Trading

    The social media company’s debut on the New York Stock Exchange was one of the first major tech initial public offerings of the year.

    Reddit Opens Up 38%, as Shares Begin Trading

    > Reddit shares opened up about 38 percent on Thursday in their first day of trading, in a sign of investor eagerness that set the stage for more tech companies to reach the stock market this year.

    Archive link: Reddit Opens Up 38%, as Shares Begin Trading


    Saturn stars in this near-infrared image taken June 25 by the James Webb Space Telescope.

    Webb’s near-infrared camera took the picture of Saturn on June 25. Scientists added orange color to the monochrome picture to produce the image released Friday.

    The picture shows Saturn’s iconic icy rings shining around the disk of the gas giant, which appears much darker in near-infrared due to the absorption of sunlight by methane particles suspended high in the planet’s atmosphere.

    Webb pointed its 21.3-foot (6.5-meter) gold-coated mirror toward Saturn as part of an observing program to test the telescope’s ability to detect faint moons. The observations included several deep exposures of Saturn that astronomers are still analyzing to probe the planet’s fainter rings and search for undiscovered moons.

    There are 146 known moons in orbit around Saturn, ranging in size from larger than the planet Mercury to the size of a sports arena, more than any other planet in the solar system, according to NASA.

    via: ArsTechnica
