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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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F*ck the Media. Vote Blue
  • Then name who else you want? Why do you never have any other option?

    Who do you want to vote for? Who should everyone vote for? Why can’t you ever present an option instead of just taking shit?

  • Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career
  • This was a lawyer for a huge corporation… of anyone on the planet are you implying she just lacked access to an abortion? This woman is the most socially able example you could imagine…

    I am extremely pro-choice. That implies a choice of a woman over her body. Not a choice to murder a born and living person, just cause of the situation or someone’s thought processes.

    It may be hard to understand for people who think a mass of cells that would die without the mother living is an independent person who deserves to live regardless of if it kills the mother…

    But I got to say you are doing a disservice to what pro-choice means.

    Feels weird attaching pro-choice positions to a rich woman who threw a baby out the window instead of giving it up for adoption. That’s a disservice to the argument that poor people should have a choice in the first place.

  • Jimmy Carrr gives BRUTALLY truthful answer on cancel culture
  • Exactly who benefits from the tolerance paradox bullshit. This cancel culture shit is just people whining about being on the wrong side of critical thinking.

    It used to be if you were burning crosses, that was considered an unpopular thing and condemned by society. These are the people arguing against that, saying let the crosses burn.

    The same people who would call anything less as “cancelling” since apparently they can’t understand anything even slightly more complex. Or maybe they consciously don’t want to…

  • Jimmy Carrr gives BRUTALLY truthful answer on cancel culture
  • Should have also had every moron in that movie repeating the term “cancel culture” with the same ignorance as “brawndo has what plants crave”…

    Both just obviously demonstrate the extreme ignorance and idiocy present in whoever says it. Anyone lamenting “cancel culture” is about as educated on the matter as the “doctor” in the film:

  • Biden: Call to put Trump in ‘bullseye’ was a ‘mistake’
  • You’re a total moron if, out of all the rhetoric offered these past few years, you think that idiom is stochastic terrorism. You just told everyone how limited you are with critical thinking skills.

    We had 50 million examples of trump and his followers not just using stochastic terrorism, but also “stand down and stand by” “good people on both sides” while trump supporters drive cars through groups of people. Trump supporters literally killed people in Jan 6 and chanted “hang Mike pence”. All while “second amendment solutions” or “second amendment folks” have been exclusively right-wing language.

    This is a gaff… you clearly don’t have the ability or memory to discern this from say Sarah Palin putting literal crosshairs on people while advocating for “second amendment solutions”….

    That’s stochastic terrorism not your ridiculously ignorant “anticolonialist” take on things.

  • Increasingly Isolated US Leans on Anglophone Countries Instead of Policy Changes
  • You’re right, it’s pretty idiotic to wrestle with a pig, you get covered in shit and they enjoy it.

    Your prior comment implied I was taking the position of “enlightened centrist.” That was after your other post which was just a stupid t-shirt slogan.

    I mean we could talk about the bigger issue of what your dumb ass comments imply… but fair… the issue right now is giving anything this fucking ignorant the time of day.

  • Increasingly Isolated US Leans on Anglophone Countries Instead of Policy Changes
  • Repeating tankie nonsense only shows us who are the morons and shills on the internet that think things boil down to one man, compared to damn near a century of US foreign policy, most every lawmaker in congress and a majority of voters… who are uninformed.

    Blaming Joe Biden for that just shows how useless you are in understanding the world around you or coming up with any real solution to that very real problem. You might as well blame 3 years of Biden for all the shit reagan, bush1, bush2/cheney, and trump did…

    Aka you gotta be just as dumb as this article…

    “Genocide Joe” = I’m ignorant of history and like catch phrases. So now, not the past 100 years, is the time for a tantrum! Not workable solutions, more like a T-shirt slogan cause I’m so smart”

  • Increasingly Isolated US Leans on Anglophone Countries Instead of Policy Changes
  • I’m sure 4 years of republicans calling those same countries “shit holes” has nothing to do with it.

    This whole article comes off as incredibly disingenuous and pure uninformed opinion BS.

    It entirely omits 4 years of trump/bannon burning down the state department and driving out career workers there. It ignores 4 years of trump siding with putin and attacking NATO members, weakening those relationships.

    It ignores 8 years of bush/cheney burning down the Middle East and showing the world how unreliable the US can be on the world stage. It ignores the gop lying their way into invading Iraq and it ignores how bush ignored the mission and how trump sold out our presence in Afghanistan, both for personal gain.

    The article does say in one sentence: “the White House has worked tirelessly to bolster its existing alliances, while trying to establish new ones wherever possible.”

    But then turns around and writes a whole article saying basically that despite these counties having a favorable view when Biden was VP, clearly as Pres, he has ruined everything and his support for our allies must be wrong!

  • Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
  • “Let’s go” what? What will you go do?
    I hear that phrase from the most worthless folks. Then Deadpool…

    “Let’s go” means Jack shit… so those who say it are saying what?

    You can go. No one cares.

  • Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • I’m so censored! So genocide! So what do you mean? Supporting genocide is just a by-product of language? Genocide is what we do? Do you understand the word or are you just desperate to repeat it? The Biden administration has FORCED me so much… so who can say?